We now not only have our own CivGroup, but also our own project-specific news page! 
News items for this news page, intended for all major and minor Source Code Project related news, can be submitted by anyone who's a member of the Source Code Project CivGroup. So the news is made by YOU! When you've submitted your news, it will need to be approved by a news editor, to allow for some basic quality control, but we can appoint as many of these news editors as necessary, always ensuring that your news will be posted fast.
If anyone wants to help out by becoming a news editor, please let me know. It would be good to have at least three of them (but there's no harm in having more), preferably from different time zones (at least 1 European and 1 American). It won't involve anything more than approving (or rejecting) other people's news items, making sure they're on-topic, non-trivial and not too ridden with bad spelling/grammar/etc.

News items for this news page, intended for all major and minor Source Code Project related news, can be submitted by anyone who's a member of the Source Code Project CivGroup. So the news is made by YOU! When you've submitted your news, it will need to be approved by a news editor, to allow for some basic quality control, but we can appoint as many of these news editors as necessary, always ensuring that your news will be posted fast.
If anyone wants to help out by becoming a news editor, please let me know. It would be good to have at least three of them (but there's no harm in having more), preferably from different time zones (at least 1 European and 1 American). It won't involve anything more than approving (or rejecting) other people's news items, making sure they're on-topic, non-trivial and not too ridden with bad spelling/grammar/etc.