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PROJECT: The Translation Center

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  • #61
    As I posted it in the Playtest thread I think I can provide you rather quickly a French translation of the updated original Great Library if you can tell me what are the modified entries.
    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


    • #62
      Hi Martin,

      Adapting the unit Updater2 so that it can be used with the playtest versions reminded me there isn't a German translation of this mod.

      If you have the time to make one I will be glad to include it in the Updater2 files I will post as soon as I have tested the mod with the latest playtest version.

      ### Unit Updater2 strings

      NEXT "NEXT =>"
      BACK "<= BACK"
      NEXT_TYPE "Next type"

      ObsUnitsFirstM "Great news, Sire! Our recent discovery will allow us to re-train and re-equip some of our military units. We have already switched production to the new units but we have some old units in use. Shall I proceed?"

      ObsUnitsCostOKandOneUnitM "We have {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} unit who is pleading for more modern equipment. It will cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to provide them with it and we have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we re-train and re-equip them?"
      ObsUnitsCostOKandOneUnitButMoreTypesM "We have {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} unit who is pleading for more modern equipment. It will cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to provide them with it and we have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we retrain and re-equip all of them?
      \n I must remind you that we have {OTHER_TYPES} other type(s) of unit who are also demanding new equipment"

      ObsUnitsCostOKM "We have {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} units who are pleading for more modern equipment. It will cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to provide them with it and we have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we retrain and re-equip all of them?"
      ObsUnitsCostOKandMoreTypesM "We have {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} units who are pleading for more modern equipment. It will cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to provide them with it and we have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we retrain and re-equip all of them?
      \n I must remind you that we have {OTHER_TYPES} other type(s) of unit who are also demanding new equipment"

      SOME "Not all. Show me them."

      PartialUpdateM "Shall we modernize this unit? \n\n It will cost us {PER_UNIT_UPDATE_COST[UPDATE_TYPES_ARRAY[UPDATE_TYPES_INDEX]]} gold and it's unit number {OBS_UNIT_INDEX_PLUS} of {NUM_OBS_UNITS} of this type.\n\n Caution: Updating the last unit of this type will end this update cycle."
      ObsUnitsCostNotEnoughGoldM "We have {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} units who are pleading for more modern equipment. It would cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to modernize those units but we don't have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we retrain and re-equip some of them?"
      ObsUnitsCostNotEnoughGoldandMoreTypesM "We have {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} units who are pleading for more modern equipment. It would cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to modernize those units but we don't have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we retrain and re-equip some of them?
      \n I must remind you that we have {OTHER_TYPES} other type(s) of unit who are also demanding new equipment"

      NoMoreGoldM "Sire, I regret to inform you that the treasury is bare."

      UpdateUnitMTxt "Do you want to update this unit?"

      AutoUnitUpdateQtxt"Do you want to automate that procedure?
      \n\n Choosing 'Yes' means that whenever you press the 'Sentinel' ('Sleep') button, if it's possible to update the unit then it will be done without asking you if you want to do it."
      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


      • #63
        Well that should it be:

        ### Unit Updater2 strings

        NEXT "WEITER =>"
        BACK "<= ZURÃœCK"
        NEXT_TYPE "Nächter Typ"

        ObsUnitsFirstM "Große Neuigkeiten, Sir! Unsere kürzliche Entdeckung erlaubt uns, unsere Militäreinheiten besser zu trainieren und neu auszustatten. Wir haben bereits die Produktion auf die neuen Einheiten umgestellt aber wir haben noch einige veraltete Einheiten im Einsatz. Fortfahren?"

        ObsUnitsCostOKandOneUnitM "Wir haben {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} Einheit(en), die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen. Es wird uns ({TOTAL_COST}) Gold kosten, um sie damit zu versorgen, wir besitzen genug Gold. Sollen wir alle aufrüsten?"
        ObsUnitsCostOKandOneUnitButMoreTypesM "Wir haben {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} Einheit(en), die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen. Es wird uns ({TOTAL_COST}) Gold kosten, um sie damit zu versorgen, wir besitzen genug Gold. Sollen wir alle aufrüsten?
        \n Vergessen Sie nicht wir haben noch {OTHER_TYPES} Einheitentyp(en), die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen."

        ObsUnitsCostOKM "Wir haben {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} Einheiten, die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen. Es wird uns ({TOTAL_COST}) Gold kosten, um sie damit zu versorgen, wir besitzen genug Gold. Sollen wir alle aufrüsten?"
        ObsUnitsCostOKandMoreTypesM "Wir haben {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} Einheiten, die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen. Es wird uns ({TOTAL_COST}) Gold kosten, um sie damit zu versorgen, wir besitzen genug Gold. Sollen wir alle aufrüsten?
        \n Vergessen Sie nicht wir haben noch {OTHER_TYPES} Einheitentyp(en), die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen."

        SOME "Einige"

        PartialUpdateM "Soll diese Einheit modernisiert werden? \n\n Es wird {PER_UNIT_UPDATE_COST[UPDATE_TYPES_ARRAY[UPDATE_TY
        PES_INDEX]]} Gold kosten und es ist Einheit Nummer {OBS_UNIT_INDEX_PLUS} von {NUM_OBS_UNITS} dieses Types.\n\n Vorsicht: Aufrüsten dieser letzten Einheit diesen Modernisierungszyklus beenden."
        ObsUnitsCostNotEnoughGoldM "Wir haben {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} Einheiten, die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen. Es wird {TOTAL_COST} Gold kosten um alle diese Einheiten zu modernisieren aber wir haben nicht genug Gold. Sollen wir einige von ihnen aufrüsten?"
        ObsUnitsCostNotEnoughGoldandMoreTypesM "Wir haben {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} Einheiten, die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen. Es wird {TOTAL_COST} Gold kosten um alle diese Einheiten zu modernisieren aber wir haben nicht genug Gold. Sollen wir einige von ihnen aufrüsten?
        \n Vergessen Sie nicht wir haben noch {OTHER_TYPES} Einheitentyp(en), die nach neuer Ausrüstung verlangen."

        NoMoreGoldM "Herr, die Reichsgoldreserven sind erschöpft."

        UpdateUnitMTxt "Soll diese Einheit modernisiert werden?"

        AutoUnitUpdateQtxt "Soll diese Prozedur automatisiert werden?
        \n\n 'Ja' heißt, dass wenn der Schlafen/An Board gehen Befehl gegeben wird, und falls es möglich ist diese Einheit aufzurüsten, wird diese Einheit ohne Rückfrage aufgerüstet."
        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #64
          Thanks Martin, German Updater2_str.txt file now created...

          Note these strings are the same as those of the APOL Updater2, if you want to use them with the SAP2 just copy these strings into the APOL_main_str.txt located in your language folder.
          "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


          • #65
            Some corrections Martin:

            Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
            Well that should it be:

            NEXT_TYPE "Nächster Typ"

            PartialUpdateM "Soll diese Einheit modernisiert werden? \n\n Es wird {PER_UNIT_UPDATE_COST[UPDATE_TYPES_ARRAY[UPDATE_TY
            PES_INDEX]]} Gold kosten und es ist Einheit Nummer {OBS_UNIT_INDEX_PLUS} von {NUM_OBS_UNITS} dieses Types.\n\n Vorsicht: Aufrüsten dieser letzten Einheit wird diesen Modernisierungszyklus beenden."

            NoMoreGoldM "Herr, die Reichsgoldreserven sind erschöpft."

            Dont' really like this one, why not just:

            NoMoreGoldM "Herr, die Goldreserven sind erschöpft."


            • #66
              Gilgamensch once I want to give it some flaviour you remove it again. What do you dislike of Reichsgoldreserven, of the gold reserves of the empire?

              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


              • #67

                it isn't to remove some flavour but:

                When you are a not longer Monarchy/Dictator and similar, you don't refer to yourself as Reich anymore. If you are a Democ./Rep/whatever you change to something else.

                If we can implement this I don't have any issue with it. But otherwise it would sound a bit funny.

                Similar if you would leave all the time like this:

                Herrscher, unsere Reichsgoldreserven sind erschöpft. That would be even more funny when under democracy.

                I just wanted to make it a bit more neutral, nothing else


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Gilgamensch
                  If we can implement this I don't have any issue with it. But otherwise it would sound a bit funny.
                  Why implementing it have yoou seen this:

                  From German version of str_loc.txt
                  ### GOVERNMENTS GRAMMAR ###

                  GOVERNMENT_ANARCHY_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Anarchie"
                  GOVERNMENT_TYRANNY_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Tyrannei"
                  GOVERNMENT_MONARCHY_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Monarchie"
                  GOVERNMENT_THEOCRACY_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Theokratie"
                  GOVERNMENT_COMMUNISM_ARTICLE_SMALL "den Kommunismus"
                  GOVERNMENT_FASCISM_ARTICLE_SMALL "den Faschismus"
                  GOVERNMENT_REPUBLIC_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Republik"
                  GOVERNMENT_DEMOCRACY_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Demokratie"
                  GOVERNMENT_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Handelsrepublik"
                  GOVERNMENT_ECOTOPIA_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Ökotopie"
                  GOVERNMENT_TECHNOCRACY_ARTICLE_SMALL "die Technokratie"
                  GOVERNMENT_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY_ARTICLE_SMALL "die virtuelle Demokratie"

                  GOVERNMENT_ANARCHY_CHANGE_TO "zur Anarchie"
                  GOVERNMENT_TYRANNY_CHANGE_TO "zur Tyrannei"
                  GOVERNMENT_MONARCHY_CHANGE_TO "zur Monarchie"
                  GOVERNMENT_THEOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "zur Theokratie"
                  GOVERNMENT_COMMUNISM_CHANGE_TO "zum Kommunismus"
                  GOVERNMENT_FASCISM_CHANGE_TO "zum Faschismus"
                  GOVERNMENT_REPUBLIC_CHANGE_TO "zur Republik"
                  GOVERNMENT_DEMOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "zur Demokratie"
                  GOVERNMENT_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC_CHANGE_TO "zur Handelsrepublik"
                  GOVERNMENT_ECOTOPIA_CHANGE_TO "zur Ökotopie"
                  GOVERNMENT_TECHNOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "zur Technokratie"
                  GOVERNMENT_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "zur virtuellen Demokratie"
                  Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                  • #69

                    Yes thats for the government, but can we have this similar for the gold?

                    Like if Monarchy, Tyranny and similar using Reich for the Gold.
                    Democ. and similar maybe using: Bundesgoldreserven. (or similar)

                    Is it possible?


                    • #70
                      And Martin, I agree with your sugestion of more flavour.

                      possible like this?

                      CURRENCY_ANARCHY_CHANGE_TO "gehortetes Gold"
                      CURRENCY_TYRANNY_CHANGE_TO "Reichsgoldreserven"
                      CURRENCY_MONARCHY_CHANGE_TO "Reichsgoldreserven"
                      CURRENCY_THEOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Absolutionsgoldreserven"
                      CURRENCY_COMMUNISM_CHANGE_TO "Allgemeingutgoldreserven"
                      CURRENCY_FASCISM_CHANGE_TO "Reichsgoldreserven"
                      CURRENCY_REPUBLIC_CHANGE_TO "Bundesgoldreserven"
                      CURRENCY_DEMOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Bundesgoldreserven"
                      CURRENCY_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC_CHANGE_TO "Hansegoldreserven"
                      CURRENCY_ECOTOPIA_CHANGE_TO "Ökoreperationsreservern"
                      CURRENCY_TECHNOCRACY_CHANGE_TO ""

                      And for the last two once no idea in the moment


                      • #71
                        I think for communism "Volksgoldreserven" is better as you can find it in "Volkseigentum", for Virtual Democracy we have "Egoldreserven", maybe also for Technocracy. Then we just need to figure out how they made CTP2 use the government specific strings and of course an translation to English, French, Italian and Spain.

                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
                          Then we just need to figure out how they made CTP2 use the government specific strings and of course an translation to English, French, Italian and Spain.

                          I can provide the French strings, whether the original French ones or a translation of my own.
                          "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                          • #73
                            A small suggestion for the English, if it is found to be needed. I only know some context from:

                            NoMoreGoldM "Herr, die Goldreserven sind erschöpft."
                            NoMoreGoldM "Sire, I regret to inform you that the treasury is bare."
                            I'm guessing the German means, "Sir, the gold reserves are exhausted." I took some liberties with the added color, I hope it's not too liberally applied.

                            CURRENCY_ANARCHY_CHANGE_TO "Treasure Chest"
                            CURRENCY_TYRANNY_CHANGE_TO "Treasure Room"
                            CURRENCY_MONARCHY_CHANGE_TO "Royal Treasury"
                            CURRENCY_THEOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Lord's Coffer"
                            CURRENCY_COMMUNISM_CHANGE_TO "Worker's Surplus"
                            CURRENCY_FASCISM_CHANGE_TO "Party's Vault"
                            CURRENCY_REPUBLIC_CHANGE_TO "People's Bank"
                            CURRENCY_DEMOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Federal Reserve"
                            CURRENCY_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC_CHANGE_TO "People's Reserve and Trust"
                            CURRENCY_ECOTOPIA_CHANGE_TO "Golden Bosom of Gaia"
                            CURRENCY_TECHNOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Liquid Capital Accumulator"
                            CURRENCY_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Virtual Capital Accumulator"

                            But is CURRENCY_ the right prefix? Shouldn't it be TREASURY_?
                            Last edited by drulius; April 17, 2004, 03:12.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by drulius
                              I took some liberties with the added color, I hope it's not too liberally applied.

                              I am afraid your quotes are a bit too liberal, at least for me, but they are fun anyway.

                              I don't think we should depart from the word gold or treasury because the first is a game term and because the second one is perhaps the only one that will be associated with gold or money by everybody.

                              IMO we have much more freedom with the titles given to the player according to the current government:


                              - "Prime Secretary" (of the party), "Father of the People" or "Enlightened Guide" would be appropriate for Communism.

                              - "General Coordinator" could apply to the Corporate Republic

                              - "Great Lemur" or "Gaia's messenger" would be OK for an Ecotopia.
                              Last edited by Tamerlin; April 17, 2004, 07:12.
                              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
                                I think for communism "Volksgoldreserven" is better as you can find it in "Volkseigentum", for Virtual Democracy we have "Egoldreserven", maybe also for Technocracy. -Martin
                                CURRENCY_ANARCHY_CHANGE_TO "gehortetes Gold"
                                CURRENCY_TYRANNY_CHANGE_TO "Reichsgoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_MONARCHY_CHANGE_TO "Reichsgoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_THEOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Absolutionsgoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_COMMUNISM_CHANGE_TO "Volksgoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_FASCISM_CHANGE_TO "Reichsgoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_REPUBLIC_CHANGE_TO "Bundesgoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_DEMOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Bundesgoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC_CHANGE_TO "Hansegoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_ECOTOPIA_CHANGE_TO "Ökoreperationsreservern"
                                CURRENCY_TECHNOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Egoldreserven"
                                CURRENCY_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY_CHANGE_TO "Egoldreserven"

                                OK agreed Volksgoldreserven sounds better

                                Then we just need to figure out how they made CTP2 use the government specific strings and of course an translation to English, French, Italian and Spain.
                                The first part I think will be the biggest problem

