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DESIGN: Terrain Values

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MrBaggins
    Have you played the Apolyton pack? Do you dislike the Apolyton Pack? Are the terrain effects better or worse than default?

    If so, can you explain how the changes in the Apolyton Pack adversely effect your play?
    Woe slow down sport have you been getting enough sleep lately? Anyway the apolyton pack is fine i didnt know it had tile tweaks though. I have been playing this playtest version and taking notes to try to help out the efforts of the project so i havent played a mod in a while.

    I disagree about the coast tile being made less attractive though . .
    Allways vote banana, its high in potassium!


    • #32
      If you didn't know it had tile tweaks, and its been tweaked extensively, how do you know that tweaks we'd make now couldn't be a significant improvement over default?

      The fact is, that the original values were implemented with comparitively little playtesting. Three years have elapsed since.

      Without actually playtesting different values, its very difficult to say whether something is good or bad, although there are a couple of constants...

      Production is important early. Starting positions should tend to give roughly equivalent resources. Forests shouldn't be a penalty.

      Changing the production value of a beach to make it a moderately negative terrain isn't a significantly unbalancing situation, since there is only one kind of beach... and every costal city is in the same boat.

      Given that values are merely relative, decreasing the values from ideal to less than ideal, has relatively little ultimate effect. The tile improvement effects have always been more significant in CTP2, anyway.

      Its about PW in CTP2, not whales or cows.


      • #33
        I guess i take being human for granted i adapt to whatever resources are available. Seems like civs in weak startup areas would have to concentrate on military to survive. There are numerous instances of this occuring in history. If however the AI cannot be made to achieve this then by all means tweak the tiles if it will operate as a stop gap.
        Allways vote banana, its high in potassium!


        • #34
          I disagree about the coast tile being made less attractive though . .
          Me, too. IIRC, this was something WesW did very early on and I don't think it was one of his better ideas. He wanted to get the AI to build more interior cities, but this isn't the data you should be adjusting to bring that about.


          • #35
            ...and every costal city is in the same boat.

            He wanted to get the AI to build more interior cities, but this isn't the data you should be adjusting to bring that about.
            When i made the change of beach tiles i never had that in mind, in fact im against that. My main thought was that beach tiles are too good, its as simple as that. Its takes away choices, if youre stuck in a bad place just plonk it next to as many beach tiles as possible.

            On any map more coastal cities than your opponent is almost ALWAYS better. In the case when you dont want anymore coastal cities is when youre on the same continent as your enemy (so you can still attacK) AND they clearly already have naval superiority over you anyway.

            I also increased production on forests. In the 3 test games (upto Feudalism) i saw no effect of lower production on beaches, not even early production. The map was max diverse and we all drew a scattering of forests, but i think this is more interesting than simply making beaches a safe settle location.

            ALL TI's were made 2 times more expensive, anticipating forests would increase overall production. It did increase, but not alot, maybe 5-10% (even with beaches 0 prod.). It turned out these higher TI costs were good, upto where i played anyway. Especially 400PW per road through forest. I didnt play enough to see the long term effects of these TI costs, though it could be they cripple the AI in defence... as with all these changes its hard to "test" anything with the AI.

            Im still thinking about alot of balancing issues though, such as,

            - Productive locations (forests/plains/mountains)
            - Growth locations (grassland/beaches)

            Theres nothing that can be done in terms of TI's (AFAIK) to make production less effective.

            In a maze of ideas i thought maybe we could have a "Rations Tax", like regular Tax on production, except you assign a % of food collected to go to PW OR we have a seperate pool for Rations Tax collected and each tile imp costs PW AND Rations to build. Just an idea.
            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


            • #36
              Originally posted by MrBaggins
              The fact is, that the original values were implemented with comparitively little playtesting. Three years have elapsed since.
              I find the SAP2 values far better as your TI policy is more important than in the original game.

              Production is important early. Starting positions should tend to give roughly equivalent resources. Forests shouldn't be a penalty.
              IMO the AI settlers should rather be taught how to evaluate the surrounding tiles and to explore a few tiles before building the first city if needed.
              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


              • #37
                I find the SAP2 values far better as your TI policy is more important than in the original game.
                In a way the SAP2 values make it even easier to blanket your civ with TI's, because theres more production around due to forests and TI's havent increased in cost at all. The only thing that does make "tile imping" slightly difficult is the constant state of war all game but all you need is one turn on 100% and you have a few cities covered in farms. I still think all TI's need new costs.

                IMO the AI settlers should rather be taught how to evaluate the surrounding tiles and to explore a few tiles before building the first city if needed.
                It would be best if the AI could look up the 21 tiles of a 2 border city for finding a good city site, then look at the total resources of those 21 tiles, then look at the city square (make sure it has good growth) then make sure they wont overlap with another city, check its adequate for production and growth in the initial 9 tiles (sci comes later), then settle. Or am i dreaming?
                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Maquiladora

                  It would be best if the AI could look up the 21 tiles of a 2 border city for finding a good city site, then look at the total resources of those 21 tiles, then look at the city square (make sure it has good growth) then make sure they wont overlap with another city, check its adequate for production and growth in the initial 9 tiles (sci comes later), then settle. Or am i dreaming?
                  Isn't it just a matter of IF and THEN... ?
                  "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                  • #39
                    Not quite, but something like that.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Maquiladora
                      Im still thinking about alot of balancing issues though, such as,

                      - Productive locations (forests/plains/mountains)
                      - Growth locations (grassland/beaches)

                      Theres nothing that can be done in terms of TI's (AFAIK) to make production less effective.

                      In a maze of ideas i thought maybe we could have a "Rations Tax", like regular Tax on production, except you assign a % of food collected to go to PW OR we have a seperate pool for Rations Tax collected and each tile imp costs PW AND Rations to build. Just an idea.
                      The production issue is... the more production you have, the faster you build settlers you can build, and thus more cities... and more cities is always better... right?

                      I mentioned above about increasing the city square production value, and then balancing that by lessening the workday multiplier. If you do that it will make the extra squares less significant, in the total production.

                      The other thing to do, to make growth more important, is to make growth more NECESSARY for Settlers. Its been said before, but make Settlers cost 2 city sizes to build. You might even wish to reduce the actual production cost a tad.

                      Since we have actual population, we can call it 20000 pop (and have other units cost pop too... maybe 100-1000?.)

                      If units cost population, then growth will become more important.


                      • #41
                        Sorry Mr Baggins i missed the workday thing first time around.

                        So how do i,

                        make Settlers cost 2 city sizes to build.
                        I see the flag "BuildingRemovesAPop" in units.txt but thats all. Or were you mentioning it as something to do in the future?
                        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                        • #42
                          Something to do in the future, although its been mentioned elsewhere, in DESIGN discussions, IIRC.


                          • #43
                            what everybody think of adding some new terrains to be used by the random map generator


                            forest hills

                            underwater mountain ranges
                            "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                            The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                            Visit the big mc’s website


                            • #44
                              The final piece of the early food vs prod (and prod always being better right now) balance issue would be to have, as has been mentioned before, optional food (and gold) upkeeps for units.

                              If Settlers have a reasonably large food (20-30) upkeep, then a higher production/lower food civ can't pump settlers without regard to food... they need food to support the settlers on their journey, or their city (ies) starves, which defeats the point of building the settler.

                              Its relatively simple to have the AI keep in check (don't start or finish building a settler that you can't support,) and will increase the early importance of food, which was vital, historically.


                              • #45
                                what everybody think of adding some new terrains to be used by the random map generator
                                IMO there should be MUCH more terrain, terrain diversity and unique terrain pieces (like the natural wonders mod only with MUCH improved graphics) also remember the places of interest in Alpha Centuri

                                This game is about realism and of course fun, the more diverse terrain is and varied amounts of terrain adds both realism and fun, and who knows u might end up being the first civilization to discover the the (a) grand canyon or largest mountain in the world

                                May i also add, naming areas on the map (and already named areas possibly) +re-naming) should be an option in CTP2 now that the source code is available. Exactly like in Alpha Centuri and Civ3

                                Its something small i missed from both those games that wasnt in CTP2 its fun and does add to realism when you can name all the different provinces in your civilizations territory

                                I hope both these ideas will be done *crosses fingers*
                                Oxygen should be considered a drug
                                Tiberian Sun Retro
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