Originally posted by Flinx
How do you do that?
How do you do that?
And then add the desired command line parameter, like this:
F:\Games\CTP2Src2\ctp2_code\ctp\ctp2.exe nointromovie
There are two possible problems:
1. Your CTP2 shortcut presently points at the loader in the main ctp2 directory, rather than the "real" executable, which is under ...\ctp2_code\ctp or ...\ctp2_program\ctp depending on whether you compiled it yourself or not. If so, change it - it'll save you time.
2. Your CTP2 path contains spaces (e.g. "Program Files") in which case you may need to remove them by using the 8.3 versions (e.g. "Progra~1"), because the quoting system doesn't handle command line parameters very well.
Other methods you could use:
- Open a command prompt, navigate to the CTP2 directory and run "ctp2 nointromovie" from there.
- Create a batch file in the same directory as the executable which calls CTP2 with the right command line parameters.