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COMPILE: Linux Port

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  • Test trunk? No, I haven't merged any changes there since you tested it last - I'm just catching up with my merges to the Linux branch so that people tracking this branch know what I've been up to as well.

    I've compile-tested and started a couple of games using the Linux branch, but if you want to do the same, well, the more eyeballs the better.

    Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


    • I'm not configured for the LInux branch and I'm not going to mess with my settings -- so let me know when you need me to test the trunk again.
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • I'm looking at bringing ctp2_code/libs up to date in my quest for low-hanging fruit. I notice that libtiff has been updated to 3.8.2 but reduced to a binary .lib file and a few headers.

        Question: I don't think that the Linux build requires this because practically every Linux OS out there will have libtiff installed anyway. Should I update the linux branch with the binary+headers from trunk, or install the libtiff 3.8.2 source in the linux branch and merge it to trunk?

        Enquiring minds want to know.
        Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


        • Revision 763 committed. Whitespace, comments and #ifdef tweakery in ctp2_code/net: trying to clear out the noise in the diff to make the significant changes easier to see.
          Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


          • It looks like You are getting going on the merge. Great!
            Well, concerning libtiff, I'd suggest, as a source code lover, to either include the source or to add a check in configure for the source and a hint in the install instructions to download and unpack it separately.
            My libtiff does not have any other dependencies than libc and co.


            • I prefer source code too, but in this case AFAICS the Linux build doesn't use the enclosed source - it is for Windows builds only.

              I think I'm going to leave it alone for the time being. There are other parts of the code which can be merged. Currently getting ctp2_code/mapgen into sync.
              Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


              • Revision 769:
                Merge ctp2_code/mapgen with trunk. svn diff of this directory is now 223 lines, half of which are property changes on the directory.

                The significant chunks of the diff comprise two categories:
                1) related to building the library:
                Messagebox(Map Generator Error): Error while trying to load library 'dll/map/': 'dll/map/ undefined symbol: _ZTV14FaultGenerator'. Using builtin map generator

                2) Conversion from ICTP2Unknown to IUnknown.

                I know that point 2 is quite pervasive and will require careful merging, but I have no idea what is going on with point 1. If anyone has an understanding of how ctp2 is handling map plugins, I'd appreciate some help.

                Files changed:
                _M ctp2_code/mapgen
                M ctp2_code/mapgen/PlasmaGen2.h
                M ctp2_code/mapgen/FaultGen.cpp
                M ctp2_code/mapgen/Geometric.cpp
                M ctp2_code/mapgen/fault.dsp
                M ctp2_code/mapgen/PlasmaGen2.cpp
                Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


                • Originally posted by RichardH
                  Question: I don't think that the Linux build requires this because practically every Linux OS out there will have libtiff installed anyway. Should I update the linux branch with the binary+headers from trunk, or install the libtiff 3.8.2 source in the linux branch and merge it to trunk?
                  I don't think you will need this for linux. Maybe the headers are useful to get the code to compile, but the libtiff.lib file is specific for the Microsoft compiler. We are just using a prebuilt Windows binary Gnu Win32 version to link with.

                  Anyway, if you want to know more, go to


                  • Yeah, that's what I've concluded too, after looking at the build scripts (now my brain is broken). Since we don't care about it for Linux, I'll sync up with trunk at some point soon. No point in having things out of sync if there isn't a good reason.
                    Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


                    • Catch up
                      Revision 770: sync libtiff and zlib with trunk - not used by the Linux build.
                      Revision 771 - 772: anet merge from trunk - should not have any effect on Linux build.
                      Revision 778: merge DirectX changes from trunk - again, should not affect Linux build.
                      Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


                      • Revision 782: *HUGE* merge from trunk. Primarily merging of the AUI_ACTION_BASIC macro, but a few other merges have slipped through the net.

                        This will require fairly extensive testing and I'm unlikely to be able to devote any time to it until next weekend. Would appreciate any regression reports between r782 and r778.

                        Changed files:
                        M ctp2_code/ctp/civapp.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/creditsscreen.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/battleviewwindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/scenarioeditor.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/messageactions.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/victorywin.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/scenariowindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/workwin.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/MessageBoxDialog.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/screenutils.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/optionwarningscreen.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/infowin.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/EditQueue.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/loadsavescreen.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/sciencewin.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/creditsscreen.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/IntroMovieWin.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/loadsavewindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/victorywin.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/infowin.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/custommapscreen.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/scorewarn.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/wondermoviewin.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/scorewarn.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/screenutils.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/victorymoviewin.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/c3dialogs.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/trademanager.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/sciencewin.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/loadsavewindow.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/diplomacywindow.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/interface/c3dialogs.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_common/aui_action.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_common/aui_header.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/ctp2_Window.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/c3_updateaction.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/buttonbank.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/c3_utilitydialogbox.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/ctp2_Menu.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/battleorderboxactions.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/c3_updateaction.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/ctp2_menubar.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/c3_utilitydialogbox.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/serverselectwindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/gameselectwindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/netshell.cpp
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/netshell.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/ns_chatbox.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/dialogboxwindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/allinonewindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/playereditwindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/lobbywindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/lobbychangewindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/playerselectwindow.h
                        M ctp2_code/ui/netshell/connectionselectwindow.h
                        Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


                        • I'll give it a test.

                          What did you do to the UI files? I modified one and just pulled out to prevent conflicts.
                          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                          See me at


                          • I thought you weren't testing on Linux?

                            Almost all the changes in r782 are conversions from
                            virtual ActionCallback Execute;
                            There were some function returns converted from sint32 to void and a few other odds and ends that were part of the collateral damage.
                            Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.


                            • no i'm not testing on linux but since the merge i'm working on some code and for the interface before you changed the UI. Anyways I just updated my svn with no problems and compiled your 782 with no complaints.
                              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                              See me at


                              • Ah. r782 is on the Linux branch. r780 is on the trunk. I'm glad that compiled, as I've got a few more trivial merges to send to trunk as well. I'm not sure what happened to trunk on r781. I think I'll wait until it gets cleaned up before I commit anything else.
                                Tea: there is nothing it cannot fix.

