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PROJECT: Altered source files

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  • Revision 345

    Added CultureOnly to CanBuildUnit


    Added Governmenttype, CultureOnly,CitystyleOnly, and PreRequisitbuilding to CanBuildBuilding, CanBuildUnit, andCAnBuildWonder (where appropriate)


    Added CultureType, GovernmentType to terrainutil_CanPlayerBuild
    Added IsRestrictedToGood to terrainutil_CanPlayerBuildAt


    Added appropriate flags for above and futureuse flags
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • Revision 346

      Started to implement the refuel order
      modified ctp2_code/ai/strategy/goals/ctpgoal.cpp
      modified ctp2_code/ai/strategy/goals/ctpgoal.h

      Moved UnitValidOrder to the Unit class so that we have the unit properties available.
      Teleeveangelist unit does not need to have the index 66 in the database to trigger the faith heal message instead of the sell indulgence message.
      GovernmentModified implemented for Units.
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.h

      Restore compilability after last revision.
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityData.cpp
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Player.cpp
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/player.h
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/terrainutil.cpp

      Devided Caravan costs by ten to move this out of Const.txt for better mod compatibility.
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/tradeutil.cpp
      modified ctp2_data/default/gamedata/Const.txt

      Added Needsrefuiling method to remove code duplication.
      Made GetFuel method const.
      Moved UnitValidForOrder method from ArmyData
      Implemented GovernmentModified for Units.
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Unit.cpp
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Unit.h
      modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/UnitData.h

      Updated for Paradrop and Refuel orders.
      modified ctp2_code/gs/newdb/goal.cdb
      modified ctp2_code/gs/newdb/order.cdb
      modified ctp2_data/default/aidata/Goals.txt
      modified ctp2_data/default/aidata/strategies.txt
      modified ctp2_data/default/gamedata/Orders.txt

      Fixed invalid syntax after last revision.
      modified ctp2_code/gs/newdb/terrain.cdb
      modified ctp2_code/gs/newdb/terrimprove.cdb

      Added a few more slots for cursors
      modified ctp2_code/gs/utility/newturncount.cpp
      modified ctp2_code/gs/utility/TurnCnt.cpp
      modified ctp2_code/ui/aui_common/aui_mouse.h
      modified ctp2_code/ui/interface/cursormanager.h
      added ctp2_data/english/uidata/layouts/civ3.ldl
      added ctp2_data/french/uidata/layouts/civ3.ldl
      modified ctp2_data/german/gamedata/gl_str.txt
      modified ctp2_data/german/uidata/layouts/civ3.ldl
      modified ctp2_data/italian/uidata/layouts/civ3.ldl
      added ctp2_data/japanese/uidata/layouts/civ3.ldl
      modified ctp2_data/spanish/uidata/layouts/civ3.ldl
      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • Revision 347

        Restored mod compatibility for the tribe selection screen.

        modified ctp2_code/ui/interface/spnewgametribescreen.cpp
        modified ctp2_code/ui/interface/spnewgametribescreen.h

        Repaired memory leaks and (virtual) crashes.

        modified ctp2_code/gfx/spritesys/Actor.cpp
        modified ctp2_code/gfx/spritesys/Actor.h
        modified ctp2_code/gfx/spritesys/spritefile.cpp
        modified ctp2_code/gfx/spritesys/SpriteFile.h
        modified ctp2_code/gfx/spritesys/SpriteGroupList.cpp
        modified ctp2_code/gfx/spritesys/UnitActor.cpp
        modified ctp2_code/gs/events/GameEventHook.cpp
        modified ctp2_code/gs/events/GameEventHook.h
        modified ctp2_code/gs/newdb/CTPDatabase.cpp
        modified ctp2_code/gs/slic/SlicArray.cpp

        Minor changes.

        modified ctp2_code/robot/pathing/A_Star_Heuristic_Cost.cpp - removed some unused imports
        modified ctp2_data/default/uidata/credits.txt - added FreeType library usage
        modified ctp2_data/english/gamedata/Great_Library.txt - corrected Leviathan prerequisite
        modified ctp2_data/english/uidata/layouts/spnewgamepopups.ldl - removed references to some non-existing files
        modified ctp2_data/default/gamedata/Colors00.txt - swapped with colors03.txt, restoring the default blue colour
        modified ctp2_data/default/gamedata/colors03.txt - swapped with colors00.txt


        • Revision 348

          Added missing files and fixed bugs:

          Added some debugging messages for logging and fixed bugs concerning population assignment.
          modified ctp2_code/ai/CityManagement/governor.cpp
          Comment modification:
          modified ctp2_code/ai/strategy/goals/ctpgoal.cpp

          Added missing cursor files:
          added ctp2_data/default/graphics/cursors
          added ctp2_data/default/graphics/cursors/UC088.tga
          added ctp2_data/default/graphics/cursors/UC089.tga

          Replaced those files with the one for the English version from the last revision:
          modified ctp2_data/french/uidata/layouts/spnewgamepopups.ldl
          modified ctp2_data/german/uidata/layouts/spnewgamepopups.ldl
          modified ctp2_data/italian/uidata/layouts/spnewgamepopups.ldl
          modified ctp2_data/japanese/uidata/layouts/spnewgamepopups.ldl
          modified ctp2_data/spanish/uidata/layouts/spnewgamepopups.ldl
          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • Revision 349
            - fixed includes for os/ subdirectories
            - Added base autoconf system
            - Added fixed version of sdl.m4 (fix: compile test-program with $CXX)
            - lowered dependencies for Map-Plugins and dbgen
            - portability fixes in mapgen
            - portability fixes in gs/dbgen
            - added makros generated by autoheader in config.h to
            - Headers added:
            - ctp2_inttypes.h (Integer types definitions <- c3types.h, auitypes.h)
            - noCOMBase.h (IUnknown interface as virtual class)
            - Makefile targets added:
            - bootstrap Create ./configure
            - purge Delete files generated by autotools et al.
            -> mapgen and gs/dbgen compile under linux

            Changes merged in originally by Johannes Sixt:
            - Map-Generator Plugins for linux


            • Forgot this:

              Revision 350
              A etc/svn-config

              - Client-Configuration for subversion with some auto-props enabled


              • This thread has now reached the 500 post limit. Please continue posting here.

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

