I think there should be a big Apolyton announcement.
No announcement yet.
AOM3 Is Out
I reported this as a news item by hitting the link below but didn't hear a response. Locutus tends to spend his time with Civ4
I still harbour plans to run a competition to find the world champion at AOM III. The last test of AOM III was so stable, I believe it is viable.
I will of course, not be participating.
I have successfully removed the cheat editor from a competition test game. I will also write some code to include in the competition version that will show if the player has still managed to use the cheat editor or reloaded slic.
The competition game would be a saved game at the start of turn 1. It would come as an installer program that would automatically install the files in an AOM III game and you take it from there. I cannot stop people from going back to saves, but otherwise, it will be a real competition.
It will be tough. Tough to win. Surviving, even building a reasonable empire, will not get you a win. You will have to build the largest and longest lived empire of all time.
Apolyton have kindly agreed to match a cash prize of $50.00 Australian from me (total $100.00), and I will be also providing a small trophy.
The end game, when you reach the required score, will be sent to me for checking. The winner will be the person who achieves it in the shortest time. My version of the game will display certain secret integers and code that tell me if people have used cheat mode or reloaded slic.
I am going overseas in just under 4 weeks for 2 months. When I return, I will launch the competition.
Tech problem with AOM III (and now II )
Okay, I got a link from StanK on the other thread for AOMIII. I tried to install over a working version of AOMII complete with the CTP 1.11 patch and option to play vanilla CTP. Had a good time with both, by the way.
BUT... got messages when tried to load AOMIII after install that Could not find Concept_Royal Wedding in string database...Could not init database.
I panicked (typical)and uninstalled the entire AOM and CTP. Now I can't get a reinstall of CTP that the v.1.11 patch will recognize and this probably shuts me down from playing either version of AOM as I've heard you must have the patch to viably play mods. Have been working with it all day (to detriment of other important things) and CTP won't reinstall so recognizable to the patch. Don't really think I need discs as I have what was up till today, a viable CTP2 disc bought originally and have high-speed broadband for downloads. Last time I shut down firewall and "system analyzer" and still patch won't recognize.
Also tried "copy" of patch into CTP folder within (new) Activision folder, (old one kaput) and this don't work either.
An awful shame, aside from time wasted today, as like many I became sort of hooked on AOM and now can't play its old or new version. Unlikely Mr. Karpinski can help if he's travelling, but can anyone?You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!
Rule no 1 never panick. You will never survive AOM III if you are prone to panick.
I also have had some trouble getting a recent reinstall of the game to accept the patch or vice verca. I wonder if it is something to do with windows XP giving computers names (mucks up the root directory search)?.
If you cannot get the game to accept the patch, then AOM will never run. I can only suggest that you download the AOM II from the apolyton site again. That is a complete copy of the game, patch installed. All you need to do is copy and paste it onto your hard drive and run from the already installed modswapper. You still need the ctp2 disc in your drive.
Copy that and rename it AOM III. Then reinstall the AOM III files from the download as per instructions. Note some folders are replaced, where others, the contents from the AOM III are added to the corresponding folders in your AOM III game.
If you get the same missing string error again, it is because your download of the AOM III update was corrupted. The royal wedding string is in the approrpiate place in my zipped copy of the folder that was uploaded.
Keep me posted please.
If you are travelling, I appreciate your taking the time. I have the original zip of AOMII yet, but may try for a new one. Didn't know the patch was installed on that.
I think it possible that my AOMIII install today was corrupt as I messed up the copying initially and then kept rewriting over my work. As you say, some files are copied in their entirety and for some, one should just copy the contents.
I think now I'll get this worked out; the time expended isn't bad from all the enjoyment I got out of your earlier version and what I can expect to get from the new; and just a fraction of what you have invested yourself for little gain.
Much thanks again.You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!
Originally posted by stankarp
Rule no 1 never panick. You will never survive AOM III if you are prone to panick....Keep me posted please.
Double-copying AOM II file to make sure AOM III done right, with backup if not, was smart advice. Also, download files for AOM II still include CTP v.1.11 patch in both "charts" and other main file (name escapes me now, somewhat brain-fried) , Stan was correct saying this patch already installed at least lately on AOM II play file (whatever that called,) so wonder if these extras shouldn't be deleted (and install guide modified) to avoid confusing other novices. (Maybe they won't load anyway, due to aforementioned quirks in Windows XP.) Modswap shortcut for AOM II will not track to AOM III on its own, have to create new shortcut with new version.
Am a little worried when following install memo advice on "copying" without replace contents on files "sprites," "pictures" and "videos". All three had duplicate files from prior versions, upon prompt, I did opt to "replace" these, where called for. Hope this is right, but if it is, the installation guide needs revised, again mostly to benefit program novices.
These criticisms are extremely minor. Stan, if I may call you Stan, take a bow for a tremendous achievement.
Of course, now, I still have to play the new game.
P.S. I'll keep in mind that advice about avoiding panic.You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!
Am a little worried when following install memo advice on "copying" without replace contents on files "sprites," "pictures" and "videos". All three had duplicate files from prior versions, upon prompt, I did opt to "replace" these, where called for. Hope this is right, but if it is, the installation guide needs revised, again mostly to benefit program novices
I will make that more clear in an update.
Having trouble getting AoMIII installed on a fresh install of CTP2, partly because the AoMIII update only updates previous installs. Problem is that I've forgotten all I need to do to install the mod, but also I can't find AoMI anywhere to get started!
Stan, is are there plans to get an 'all in one' install of AoMIII produced?
I'm going to try to jump in here as Stan I hear is travelling and will go crazy trying to help everybody individually, as he did me.
Here is the link for when AOM II came out:
Jump down halfway the first page to DanQ's post which has a 559mb version link of AOM II for people who didn't have AOM I. Download it. (Takes about 8 minutes with broadband, lots more if you're dial-up.)
Go into the Installation guide in the folder and follow the directions for AOM II; then download the AOMIII and follow Stan's directions above on this thread to me for installing AOM III, its a little simpler than what I last read in the AOM III installation guide, though they may have revised that since Wednesday.
Hope this helps.If not, probably someone more tech-inclined will jump on this thread and try to help you further.
You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!
Yup, there it is. I had forgotten about that thread. But its funny that it is so hard to find this on the front pages of the sites hosting it.
I guess the easy solution is just to overwrite the files in the AoMII vanilla install with the update from AoMIII.
But anyhow, thanx!
StanK told me to copy from III and then paste over the relevant files in II, where called for by the installation guide, but that's the same thing. Sometimes though, it calls for copying contents and sometimes the whole file, you have to pay attention to exactly what the guide says. He also suggested I copy II, the extra is insurance that I didn't f-ck up. I think that's a good idea, but you want to delete it after you're sure III is up and running, unless you would still want to play II for some reason. You would need another copy of the CTP vanilla files also, if you would ever want to play that game, unmodifiedYou will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!