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Various Bugs (Apolyton Pack, Cradle, Med Mod)

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  • #16
    Hex: I'm playing the most recent version from your site.

    Here's the content of the crash.txt

    0x0058c691 [?Key@?$StringHash@VSlicConst@@@@QAEGPBD@Z + 0xf1]
    0x0058b4b5 [?Access@?$StringHash@VSlicConst@@@@QAEPAVSlicConst @@PBD@Z + 0x15]
    0x0057d995 [?RunUITriggers@SlicEngine@@QAEXPBD@Z + 0x43]
    0x0064e079 [?HandleGameSpecificLeftClick@@YAHPAX@Z + 0x39]
    0x0064630e [?MouseLDropInside@aui_Button@@MAAXPAUaui_MouseEven t@@@Z + 0xf4]
    0x006ece7c [?MouseLDropInside@ctp2_Button@@UAAXPAUaui_MouseEve nt@@@Z + 0x1a]
    0x0067138e [?MouseDispatch@aui_Region@@QAEXPAUaui_MouseEvent@@ H@Z + 0x239e]
    0x0066cb32 [?HandleMouseEvent@aui_Region@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@ PAUaui_MouseEvent@@H@Z + 0x17d]
    0x0066ca8c [?HandleMouseEvent@aui_Region@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@ PAUaui_MouseEvent@@H@Z + 0xd7]
    0x00681124 [?HandleMouseEvents@aui_UI@@QAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@JPA Uaui_MouseEvent@@@Z + 0x115]
    0x00681a62 [?Process@aui_UI@@UAE?AW4AUI_ERRCODE@@XZ + 0x23]
    0x0040f3c5 [?ProcessUI@CivApp@@QAEJKAAK@Z + 0x200]
    0x0040f71b [?Process@CivApp@@QAEJXZ + 0xa7]
    0x00407f3d [?CivWinMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3ca]
    0x004079ee [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
    0x0085fa0c [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
    0xbff8b560 [(kernel) + 0x0]


    • #17
      I have been playing all versions of Cradle for nearly 3 years, including a big mod I have been working on for a year. I have not had problems with crashes for a while, not repeating ones anyway, since I eliminated Pirates and Better AI slic and reduced the gold the AI gets from the cheat code.

      I also have a code that puts a militia in any empty AI cities and gives a + 3 happiness bonus to the AI. This has reduced to virtually zero those little empires that form from slave revolts as the ai leaves captured cities empty.

      It may not be the pillaging that is doing it. If you see the unit pillaging then that has already occurred and it is the next unit that is causing it. I had a lot of crashes from what I recokon were either stacking issues with ships, militia and normal units in cities or something to do with all the clerics and slavers those little empires seem to build.

      I occassionaly get a crash now but it is a windows thing or I need to reinstall the original game, as I can reload and run the turn without reloadingslic. Usually happens not long after a reload on an advanced game and may happen from just moving a unit, but it is rare.

