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Various Bugs (Apolyton Pack, Cradle, Med Mod)

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  • Various Bugs (Apolyton Pack, Cradle, Med Mod)

    Boy, am I having issues. I'll start with the ones I've run into first:

    A. Apolyton Pack: Early AD sometime I crash during the computer turn. I have read this can be related to computer pillaging but did not read a fix...

    B. Med Mod: I installed Goodmod and Medmod and all my medmod options had goodmod in front of them. I take it this is normal? Anyway, upong starting via modswapper I get an error that a needed file is missing. Reinstall has done nothing.

    C. Cradle: After installation whenever I start a game the country name and leader name have a SLIC string involving Clerics inserted in on the setup screen. The game crashes afterwards without being able to launch a new game. Going into userprofile.txt I see that the leadername and country have changed to this string and I change them back to the default but when I re-start the game they are changed again.

    Any help on any or all of these problems? Anybody still around?

  • #2
    Hope this helps.

    In A, load from autosave, complete your turn, go into cheatmode and clicl "reloadslic", then end your turn, it may help.

    In B, which files are missing? I had a lot of early trouble with MedMOd with a file or picture missing.

    Re C, no idea, have played Cradle for 2 years without ever having this problem.


    • #3
      MedMod's file structure isnt right inside the "" file if i recall correctly. I got it too a long time ago, there is a folder called "default" but its not inside "ctp2_data" folder, and that "default" folder contains some (if not all) pictures and the new intro and wonder movies for MedMod. I downloaded this version from the directory too, so it probably should be fixed soon.
      Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
      CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
      One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


      • #4
        Have you installed the official Activision patch?

        Have you done the following? (spelled out in the Cradle installation readme)

        You need to make the following change in the
        userprofile.txt file
        located in the following directory Activision\Call To Power 2\ctp2_program\ctp

        Look for the line

        and change it to
        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


        • #5
          I completely re-installed the game, patch and Cradle and it is working properly now.

          I haven't gone back to the Apolyton Pack game since I've been immersed in a new "cradle" game.

          I'll try and figure out the med mod problem from the advice above.

          Oh and Hex, I did all those things. I'm not exactly completely new to this - way back in the day I actually helped out with the early beta testing of the med mod... just couldn't remember my old username any more and my email is long changed.


          • #6
            Originally posted by stankarp
            In A, load from autosave, complete your turn, go into cheatmode and clicl "reloadslic", then end your turn, it may help.
            There is no need to open the cheat editor to /reloadslic. Just open the chat window by using the apostrophe key (') and enter: /reloadslic

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #7
              Originally posted by Martin Gühmann

              There is no need to open the cheat editor to /reloadslic. Just open the chat window by using the apostrophe key (') and enter: /reloadslic

              I'm running into the same problem now while running the Cradle Mod. Game crashes and exits during the AI movement phase.

              I tried the /reloadslic and it didn't seem to help. After hitting ' and typing it in and hitting enter should something noticeable happen?

              Any other ideas for this crash bug?


              • #8
                Originally posted by driftinj
                I tried the /reloadslic and it didn't seem to help. After hitting ' and typing it in and hitting enter should something noticeable happen?
                The message log should be cleared, provided it contains any messages. If after a slic reload the crash still occurs it is something else then slic related. With the playtest version of the source code project we would rather be able to find the problem. Unfortunatly noone cared to release source code project compatible version of Cradle.

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                • #9
                  Actually, it should work with your latest playtest build, Martin.
                  With the 2004.07.14 ConstDB modifications, the original const.txt layout will be accepted again.


                  • #10
                    I went into cheat mode and removed the fog of war. The error is occuring when an AI unit tries to pillage a sea tile. I found reference to this being a known bug that's been fixed as part of the source code project.

                    I went to the files section of the main site and it looks like the only build is back in April. If I need the July build to play the Cradle mod where can I find it?


                    • #11
                      Heres the link:



                      • #12
                        Same problem after installing the newest build...

                        (You guys changed the colors up - wasn't expect that )


                        • #13
                          What version of Cradle are you using? I recommend using version 1.30b posted earlier this year at my site. Several games to turn 600-750 yielded no crashes for me.

                          I have also not tested Cradle with any of the sourcecode alterations yet, so I cannot say if there are any issues with that.

                          (I will be offline for the next week, starting tomorrow - vacation...)
                          Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Fromafar
                            Actually, it should work with your latest playtest build, Martin.
                            With the 2004.07.14 ConstDB modifications, the original const.txt layout will be accepted again.
                            That's not my main concern, my main concern is that the text files already contain a lot of changes mainly language text files, for Cradle only the info_str.txt and the tips_str.txt are involved, but in my opinion also the addition of Freight costs are very important, even if the final version is not out, and the next huge change I plan is exposing the startegies to personality.txt and in this case I don't think it is a good idea to offer backward compatibility.

                            In general I would rather see it if Cradle is developed while the next version of CTP2 is developed, so we could figure out what is needed and what should be done next.

                            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by driftinj
                              Same problem after installing the newest build...

                              (You guys changed the colors up - wasn't expect that )
                              We would be interested in a generated crash.txt so we can work on solving the problem. Could you set the EnableLogs value to Yes in userprofile.txt to generate this file with the playtest version?

                              Sorry about the colors. I still think we should swap colors03.txt and colors00.txt, but I am afraid that even just mentioning this here would result in hijacking your thread to start a discussion about backward compatibility.

