I found the error, and corrected it, but alas! My troubles were just beginning. It seems I have been maintaining several different versions of the tga-import routeen and calling different versions from different parts of SpritEedit.
Nedless to say this resulted in some quite wierd behavior, to say the least, and made debugging near impossible. So now I have started som major "housecleaning" of the code. (btw. where is that floor-sweeping smilie?)
This progresses quite well, witch makes me a little nervouse (One of Murphy's laws of programing says: If a program compiles on the first try, there is somthing fundamentally wrong with the code)

This progresses quite well, witch makes me a little nervouse (One of Murphy's laws of programing says: If a program compiles on the first try, there is somthing fundamentally wrong with the code)
