I want to make a couple of changes to the game, and need some help doing so.
I already succesfully changes the value and aplyability, of all land types, and tile improvements.
(sort of rebalanced it to my liking, now you can build on most tiles multiple improvements, glad to share it later)
The tweaks I already completed are :
*I rearraged all land in 4 area types, and 4 zone types.
Zone A normal
Zone B desertlike
Zone C frozen
Zone D useless
Area 1 flatland
Area 2 nature
Area 3 mountains
Area 4 hills
*I changed the values of all terrain upgrades and the terrain itself so that now
All Zone A tiles produce barren 30, and when fully developed 120 (food+production+gold)
All Zone B barren 20, developed 80
All Zone C barren 10, developed 40
Zone D produces nothing, and cannot be developed.
Area 1 will use most of that 120/80/40 points in food
Area 2 most in gold
Area 3 most in production
Area 4 balanced between all 3
*I allowed for the layering of terrain improvements, each terain can now build a farm, a mine, an atm, a road, a radar and an structure on top of eachother.
-While on top of all tiles can be build roads now, on top of Zone D tiles nothing other can be placed.
-You still can build only one of these 3 : fort, a gaya tower or a airport (still have to pick)
-While all tiles of Zone ABC can build a mine, a farm AND a atm, not all tiles can max them out to type 3.
all tiles can only build 6 improvement levels :
Area 1 can build a level 3 farm, a level 2 mine, and a level 1 atm
Area 2 can buld a level 1 farm, a level 3 mine, and a level 2 arm
Area 3 can build a level 2 farm, a level 1 mine and a level 3 atm
Area 4 can buld a level 2 farm, a level 2 mine and a level 2 atm
*I changed terraforming, to a more preservative way :
-You can change an icy or useless land to a desertland, but not to a normal one
-You can change a desertland to a normal one
(so you can only inprove land in steps)
-it is no longer possible to downgrade land, you cannot change a grassland in a desert for example
-While you can change to a better type, you cannot change the land itself (nature will only be made into better nature, hills only in better hills, and so on)
-if you terraform now, terrain improvements will NOT be removed (as you will only add heat/moist)
-Zone D tiles CAN be made into a Zone C tile of any Area type I
All this will make polutions a lot more severe as dead tiles will remove a lot of valueble improvements! A lot more that it used to do!
However dead tiles are the ONLY way you will be able to change an area into any other area type, but it is quite a costly method
*I made changes to sea plots accordingly, though slightly different.
-the basevalue (food+production+gold) of coast, shelf and trench tiles is made to be 25, fully upgraded with farms, mines and atm they all have (food+production+gold) of 120 (like landtiles)
For thise 3 types this is done balanced.
-The Basevalue of deep and shallow is made to be 20, fully upgraded they will have 80
this too is done in a less balanced way with a focus on gold
-The Basevalue of reef, kelp, volcano and rift is made to be 30, upgraded they will have 120
Kelp and rift will focus on food mostly, volcano and reef on production
*like land it is possible to build all types on a plot
-the only building on seaplots will be the gaya tower (no airports or fortifications), and there is only one roadtype and one scannertype.
-only coast can build port, all other tiles build oil-rig, no ubgrading of atm will take place in sea.
-while all plots can build both a seamine and a seafarm, per plot it differs what levels are possible and their effect. no grouping in this like for land, but each type it's own options. Most plots have 4 farm/mine upgrade levels.
*Like land a conservative terraform option will be added
-it will be made possible to terraform shallow/kelp into reef
-it will be made possible to terraform shallow/reef into kelp
-it will be made possible to terraform deep/rift into volcano
-it will be made possible to terraform deep/volcano into rift
*I changed city building a bit
-the bonus a city gives is now bigger if the land is worse, this way a citysquare will always give the same food/shields/production 80 score and 100% defensive bonus regardless where it is placed.
*I massively increased city size
max city size is now 200, all growth levels have changed accordingly, expect your city's to expand a lot slower. (but since land is more valueble now, that should not be a problem)
*I changed some building stats
-They now supply enough support for 200 people
-The 3 buildings that could not be build in sea city's (walls, airports, balista towers) now can be build there.
-I changed the requirements and effects of some buildings, it is now possible to :
get full 100% reduction of both types of polution (instead of the original 80%)
get 100% crime reduction
get 100% defence bonus (instead of the original 120%, walls have been nerved)
-> but since all city's now will get 100% (terrain+cityeffect) to start with this will give them 200%
Total happyness from buildings is increased from 14(-3 for crime reduction) to 20(-5 for crime reduction)
-Television now adds warhappyness too, giving 50% resistance to warunhappyness.
-Movie theather now adds some gold per citycen too, but television is lowered by the same number
-production, gold, science and foodboosting buildings have been rebalanced in line with the new terrain.
Small changes :
-Roads now use 50 transport instead of 33
-Maglev and tunnels now use 5 transport instead of 10
-Levithans have been given 20 transport instead of 10 (they now can move 4 tiles on maglev/tunnel, but on everything else they still can move only 1)
-I increased the support for city's in all civs by a factor 10 (better suited for gigantic maps)
*Still to do (help required)
improving the city placing even more
-I noticed that when you build a city on an improved plot (one that already has say a farm on it) the bonus of that improvement will stay in the city!
-> this results that in vanilla game it would make sence to improve a plot BEFORE you build a city, and since you don't have acces to optimal improvements until late game, and certainly not when you build your capitol, this effectively messes things up in my idea.
-I want to change this so that when one build a city (both land and sea) it will remove all terrain upgrades on that field.
(if not possible a valid second option would be
-make it possible to terraform&improve a tile that already HAS a city on it.
*improving the balista tower further
-I noticed there are only land and see buildings (while listed as coastalbuilding, the battlements can be build in ALL sea city's)
-I sometimes build a sea city in a coastal tile, making it possible for land units to drive into the city.
-I want to make it so that the balista tower can ONLY be build in true coastal city's and landbased citys (build on a coastal square, meaning they border at least 1 tile of land)
and NOT on all sea city's build on ay of the other 8 water tile types
Adding sea-terraforming
*It is my goal to add Limited sea terraforming to the game :
-it will be made possible to terraform shallow/kelp into reef
-it will be made possible to terraform shallow/reef into kelp
-it will be made possible to terraform deep/rift into volcano
-it will be made possible to terraform deep/volcano into rift
However I am faced with the problem of not knowing how to direct buttons to these terraform options let alone a new oceanforming tab.
*I want to have a sea-terraforming tab, But only with these 4 options, no more, no less.
- I know a terraforming tab is added in the latest update, but I do not want to install the whole thing, can you say me what files to add to my game from your latest update to add that tab to my game?
(I presume it comes with the missing buttons and such as well?)
*blocking of acces to MY sea tunnels,
-When I build sea tunnels, enemy landunits use these to walk over MY seatiles they even do so in peacetime.
but even more insane, enemy units walk acros MY tunnels to attack MY city's!!!
keep in mind that is whithin MY borders and under sea, I would ofcourse flood any tunnel as soon as any unwanted unit enters it, and in peacetime place some form of transit controll on them.
-I want to drasticly change the way the game regards movement on seatunnels.
*any oceantile that is not in your control or not in that of your ally should ALWAYS be seen by the game as a SEA tile, even if such a tile has a seatunnel. (so that enemy attacks will always need to use ships and crawlers to get to my sea city's! regardless of my land-units being able to walk to them)
Removing tile improvements
-I currently cannot find an ingame method to get rid of tile improvements other than building one on top of it, terraforming and polution. (possible you can destroy improvements on foreign terrain with a military unit but I haven't checked that one out and that still is not what I want)
-I want to make it possible to delite any tile improvements you want to remove from your tiles.
(if your in a war removal of certain roads can be wise, and when a city will falll, better use the bare land tactic so the enemy will not use it against you in that war)
Improving the tile improvement proces
-currently you can build level 2 and 3 improvements of barren tiles, without any level 1 or 2 improvement of that type being present. (if so they are replaced but they are not NEEDED)
-I want to make it a requirement for the placing of a level 2 or 3 improvement that the level 1 or 2 improvement of that same type is already present on that same tile.
Mapsize-dependant goverment-effects.
-currently the goverment effects are static, however map-distance and city limit will be more severe on a bigger map (logicly)
-I want to make it so that the effects of goverments are different in different map-sizes, less city-distance penalty and more city's allowed on a big map, and the opposide on smaller maps.
bigger nummer of mapsize options + increasing number of contestants
While I know how to edit the mapsize of any of the 4 sizes, I don't know how to ADD a new 5th size to the game.
-I want to be able to increase the number of ingame mapsizes options from the current 4 to 12 or more. (so a longer list of options when you select in game)
-I want to upgrade the maximum number of players well beyond 8, where to change this?
-I want to make the maximum number of players limit map-dependent (some maps will allow more players than others)
Setting for revolting city's.
-currently revolting city's turn into barbarians..
-I want to make it so that when a city revolts it ALWAYS will form a new player -> (until someone has the wonder that cancels that out that is ofcourse) (regardless of the player limit of the map)
and last but not least :
I noticed some of the space level items are still in the game (icons, wonders and such, though hidden)
I ab-so-lute loved the space level of the game in CtP1
I HATE it it is gone
-I want to re-add space to the game (not all of it, but most of it)
*space as a playable level
*The space engineer needs to be re-added
*space tile improvements need to be re-added or invented
*space units need to be readded (just ad the whole list from CtP1
(this will also tweak the spaceplane BACK into a spacefaring unit)
*the spaceage tech, wonders and buildings will be re-added as well, though they will need more delicate vieuw. (not all will be added, to not cause conflicts) -> if I had the raw data adding all of those, the tweaking I could do.
Is there any "clean mod that does this, or any hints how I could do this myself (most of the data could be leeched from CTP1 I presume?) I currently do not have it (my copy of CtP1 is to damaged)
I already succesfully changes the value and aplyability, of all land types, and tile improvements.
(sort of rebalanced it to my liking, now you can build on most tiles multiple improvements, glad to share it later)
The tweaks I already completed are :
*I rearraged all land in 4 area types, and 4 zone types.
Zone A normal
Zone B desertlike
Zone C frozen
Zone D useless
Area 1 flatland
Area 2 nature
Area 3 mountains
Area 4 hills
*I changed the values of all terrain upgrades and the terrain itself so that now
All Zone A tiles produce barren 30, and when fully developed 120 (food+production+gold)
All Zone B barren 20, developed 80
All Zone C barren 10, developed 40
Zone D produces nothing, and cannot be developed.
Area 1 will use most of that 120/80/40 points in food
Area 2 most in gold
Area 3 most in production
Area 4 balanced between all 3
*I allowed for the layering of terrain improvements, each terain can now build a farm, a mine, an atm, a road, a radar and an structure on top of eachother.
-While on top of all tiles can be build roads now, on top of Zone D tiles nothing other can be placed.
-You still can build only one of these 3 : fort, a gaya tower or a airport (still have to pick)
-While all tiles of Zone ABC can build a mine, a farm AND a atm, not all tiles can max them out to type 3.
all tiles can only build 6 improvement levels :
Area 1 can build a level 3 farm, a level 2 mine, and a level 1 atm
Area 2 can buld a level 1 farm, a level 3 mine, and a level 2 arm
Area 3 can build a level 2 farm, a level 1 mine and a level 3 atm
Area 4 can buld a level 2 farm, a level 2 mine and a level 2 atm
*I changed terraforming, to a more preservative way :
-You can change an icy or useless land to a desertland, but not to a normal one
-You can change a desertland to a normal one
(so you can only inprove land in steps)
-it is no longer possible to downgrade land, you cannot change a grassland in a desert for example
-While you can change to a better type, you cannot change the land itself (nature will only be made into better nature, hills only in better hills, and so on)
-if you terraform now, terrain improvements will NOT be removed (as you will only add heat/moist)
-Zone D tiles CAN be made into a Zone C tile of any Area type I
All this will make polutions a lot more severe as dead tiles will remove a lot of valueble improvements! A lot more that it used to do!
However dead tiles are the ONLY way you will be able to change an area into any other area type, but it is quite a costly method
*I made changes to sea plots accordingly, though slightly different.
-the basevalue (food+production+gold) of coast, shelf and trench tiles is made to be 25, fully upgraded with farms, mines and atm they all have (food+production+gold) of 120 (like landtiles)
For thise 3 types this is done balanced.
-The Basevalue of deep and shallow is made to be 20, fully upgraded they will have 80
this too is done in a less balanced way with a focus on gold
-The Basevalue of reef, kelp, volcano and rift is made to be 30, upgraded they will have 120
Kelp and rift will focus on food mostly, volcano and reef on production
*like land it is possible to build all types on a plot
-the only building on seaplots will be the gaya tower (no airports or fortifications), and there is only one roadtype and one scannertype.
-only coast can build port, all other tiles build oil-rig, no ubgrading of atm will take place in sea.
-while all plots can build both a seamine and a seafarm, per plot it differs what levels are possible and their effect. no grouping in this like for land, but each type it's own options. Most plots have 4 farm/mine upgrade levels.
*Like land a conservative terraform option will be added
-it will be made possible to terraform shallow/kelp into reef
-it will be made possible to terraform shallow/reef into kelp
-it will be made possible to terraform deep/rift into volcano
-it will be made possible to terraform deep/volcano into rift
*I changed city building a bit
-the bonus a city gives is now bigger if the land is worse, this way a citysquare will always give the same food/shields/production 80 score and 100% defensive bonus regardless where it is placed.
*I massively increased city size
max city size is now 200, all growth levels have changed accordingly, expect your city's to expand a lot slower. (but since land is more valueble now, that should not be a problem)
*I changed some building stats
-They now supply enough support for 200 people
-The 3 buildings that could not be build in sea city's (walls, airports, balista towers) now can be build there.
-I changed the requirements and effects of some buildings, it is now possible to :
get full 100% reduction of both types of polution (instead of the original 80%)
get 100% crime reduction
get 100% defence bonus (instead of the original 120%, walls have been nerved)
-> but since all city's now will get 100% (terrain+cityeffect) to start with this will give them 200%
Total happyness from buildings is increased from 14(-3 for crime reduction) to 20(-5 for crime reduction)
-Television now adds warhappyness too, giving 50% resistance to warunhappyness.
-Movie theather now adds some gold per citycen too, but television is lowered by the same number
-production, gold, science and foodboosting buildings have been rebalanced in line with the new terrain.
Small changes :
-Roads now use 50 transport instead of 33
-Maglev and tunnels now use 5 transport instead of 10
-Levithans have been given 20 transport instead of 10 (they now can move 4 tiles on maglev/tunnel, but on everything else they still can move only 1)
-I increased the support for city's in all civs by a factor 10 (better suited for gigantic maps)
*Still to do (help required)
improving the city placing even more
-I noticed that when you build a city on an improved plot (one that already has say a farm on it) the bonus of that improvement will stay in the city!
-> this results that in vanilla game it would make sence to improve a plot BEFORE you build a city, and since you don't have acces to optimal improvements until late game, and certainly not when you build your capitol, this effectively messes things up in my idea.
-I want to change this so that when one build a city (both land and sea) it will remove all terrain upgrades on that field.
(if not possible a valid second option would be
-make it possible to terraform&improve a tile that already HAS a city on it.
*improving the balista tower further
-I noticed there are only land and see buildings (while listed as coastalbuilding, the battlements can be build in ALL sea city's)
-I sometimes build a sea city in a coastal tile, making it possible for land units to drive into the city.
-I want to make it so that the balista tower can ONLY be build in true coastal city's and landbased citys (build on a coastal square, meaning they border at least 1 tile of land)
and NOT on all sea city's build on ay of the other 8 water tile types
Adding sea-terraforming
*It is my goal to add Limited sea terraforming to the game :
-it will be made possible to terraform shallow/kelp into reef
-it will be made possible to terraform shallow/reef into kelp
-it will be made possible to terraform deep/rift into volcano
-it will be made possible to terraform deep/volcano into rift
However I am faced with the problem of not knowing how to direct buttons to these terraform options let alone a new oceanforming tab.
*I want to have a sea-terraforming tab, But only with these 4 options, no more, no less.
- I know a terraforming tab is added in the latest update, but I do not want to install the whole thing, can you say me what files to add to my game from your latest update to add that tab to my game?
(I presume it comes with the missing buttons and such as well?)
*blocking of acces to MY sea tunnels,
-When I build sea tunnels, enemy landunits use these to walk over MY seatiles they even do so in peacetime.
but even more insane, enemy units walk acros MY tunnels to attack MY city's!!!
keep in mind that is whithin MY borders and under sea, I would ofcourse flood any tunnel as soon as any unwanted unit enters it, and in peacetime place some form of transit controll on them.
-I want to drasticly change the way the game regards movement on seatunnels.
*any oceantile that is not in your control or not in that of your ally should ALWAYS be seen by the game as a SEA tile, even if such a tile has a seatunnel. (so that enemy attacks will always need to use ships and crawlers to get to my sea city's! regardless of my land-units being able to walk to them)
Removing tile improvements
-I currently cannot find an ingame method to get rid of tile improvements other than building one on top of it, terraforming and polution. (possible you can destroy improvements on foreign terrain with a military unit but I haven't checked that one out and that still is not what I want)
-I want to make it possible to delite any tile improvements you want to remove from your tiles.
(if your in a war removal of certain roads can be wise, and when a city will falll, better use the bare land tactic so the enemy will not use it against you in that war)
Improving the tile improvement proces
-currently you can build level 2 and 3 improvements of barren tiles, without any level 1 or 2 improvement of that type being present. (if so they are replaced but they are not NEEDED)
-I want to make it a requirement for the placing of a level 2 or 3 improvement that the level 1 or 2 improvement of that same type is already present on that same tile.
Mapsize-dependant goverment-effects.
-currently the goverment effects are static, however map-distance and city limit will be more severe on a bigger map (logicly)
-I want to make it so that the effects of goverments are different in different map-sizes, less city-distance penalty and more city's allowed on a big map, and the opposide on smaller maps.
bigger nummer of mapsize options + increasing number of contestants
While I know how to edit the mapsize of any of the 4 sizes, I don't know how to ADD a new 5th size to the game.
-I want to be able to increase the number of ingame mapsizes options from the current 4 to 12 or more. (so a longer list of options when you select in game)
-I want to upgrade the maximum number of players well beyond 8, where to change this?
-I want to make the maximum number of players limit map-dependent (some maps will allow more players than others)
Setting for revolting city's.
-currently revolting city's turn into barbarians..
-I want to make it so that when a city revolts it ALWAYS will form a new player -> (until someone has the wonder that cancels that out that is ofcourse) (regardless of the player limit of the map)
and last but not least :
I noticed some of the space level items are still in the game (icons, wonders and such, though hidden)
I ab-so-lute loved the space level of the game in CtP1
I HATE it it is gone
-I want to re-add space to the game (not all of it, but most of it)
*space as a playable level
*The space engineer needs to be re-added
*space tile improvements need to be re-added or invented
*space units need to be readded (just ad the whole list from CtP1
(this will also tweak the spaceplane BACK into a spacefaring unit)
*the spaceage tech, wonders and buildings will be re-added as well, though they will need more delicate vieuw. (not all will be added, to not cause conflicts) -> if I had the raw data adding all of those, the tweaking I could do.
Is there any "clean mod that does this, or any hints how I could do this myself (most of the data could be leeched from CTP1 I presume?) I currently do not have it (my copy of CtP1 is to damaged)