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AI city gifting for science.

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  • AI city gifting for science.

    I've only played ctp2 AEdition, none of the mods yet. Are there any, where the AI is smart enough to not accept really lousy cities from a technologically inferior human player??

    On hard i find the strongest, usually far away AI's get way ahead in Tech , so i find one with a much higher scientific ranking, move units of of a crappy city, offer the city diplomatically to the AI who always accepts then move the unit back in to conquer it and give me a scientific advance on the same turn. The city loses one population but no units are hurt. lol I really dont even have to bother doing much of my own science. Its a great technique early on if im on a large map and not really doing much fighting yet or later when the AIs near me are getting destroyed and but the far away ones are really advanced in tech.

  • #2
    Pretty sneaky

    You could turn off advances from city capture, I personally think it's one big exploit anyway. Warmongers should be punished economically/scientifically not rewarded IMO.

    You could also modify AI diplomacy to stop accepting cities as gifts.

    Or you could just stop using the exploit, it's a lot less work. Then eventually it will be fixed in the AE.
    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
    CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
    One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


    • #3
      Conquerers usually do assimilate some technology and culture so it adds some realism but it does change the gameplay significantly.

      I can imagine situations where i would legitamately give a city away, like if it was very far away hard to protect and positioned between two warring AI's and i was friendly with one of them.

      How many exploits have been fixed?

      Would this exploit work in multiplayer mode? Could someone be duped once? The AI gets the city immediately and still during my turn.
      Ive never played cpt2 multiplayer only cpt1 a long time ago.
      Last edited by mpt; July 30, 2008, 21:22.


      • #4
        Im kind of new here, where do i submit errors?
        i got a popup that said
        :Parameter #0 of type GEA_Unit of event DetrenchUnit is invalid. The event was added during the event MoveUnits. It was called from the executable and is a serious problem that needs to be fixed if it was not caused by slic interference. Possible reason for the problems:The data became invalid between even call and event execution Continue? Yes No

        And Also, i noticed an invalid link in the great library, the fuel article has a link that says airbase but that link actually goes to the airport article and not to the air base article.


        • #5
          Originally posted by mpt
          How many exploits have been fixed?

          Would this exploit work in multiplayer mode? Could someone be duped once? The AI gets the city immediately and still during my turn.
          Ive never played cpt2 multiplayer only cpt1 a long time ago.
          They could get duped once but that would be it.

          Do you get an advance every turn anyway? I found the line in const.txt:


          but I don't remember if it does something now or not.

          I would prefer it to be 25% or lower perhaps. It should basically be an unexpected bonus, not part of a warmonger strategy. Otherwise peaceful/scientific civs have even less chance of winning.

          Im kind of new here, where do i submit errors?
          In this forum:

          there will always be a topped thread titled "PROJECT: Playtest (Thread No. #)", you can report bugs in that thread. You can also always find the latest AE to download in the first post of that thread.
          Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
          CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
          One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


          • #6
            I cant say for sure because i didnt always get an advance but i was usually pretty close to theyre ranking so i though maybe they didnt have any advances i didnt have yet.

            After i made peace i turned my mega economy almost all into scientists and blasted through a dozen techs in a few turns each and got way ahead of the AIs.

            I believe the AI's catapults inside a city tried unsucessfuly to bombard my coracle on an adjacent sea square. I saw an animated red cirle with an slash apear on the coracle. If the AI tries bombarding potential land squares first than such a thing would be comical but wouldnt cause an error but if it wasted bombardment on a coracle instead of a legit adjacent land force than it would be an error/expoit.

            I conquered a bunch of aborgigne cities and used up all my units so I accepted a ceasefire from them. Then i gifted the last city to the hittites who were peacfull with me but at war with the aborignes though they were far apart. I gifted both parties my maps of course after the deal so they would know the situation. Unfortunately within a turn the slaves in the defensless city revolted and a new civ formed. So i conquered and gifted it to the hittites again, but both parties did nothing for four turns then declared peace lol. So much for them wearing each other down lol.

            The library says that fascist get a 3 martial law bonuse when the get a four. So many of the preqequsits and thing in the science are so off. Its funny choosing an advance to reasearch which will give me units or improvement im already building lol. I dont know if theres a point in pointing out that stuff though lol, it has to be rearanged.


            • #7
              oh also by gifting and recaptguring a city you in the early game you can get a feat of wonder sometimes by capturing a city that once was in your empire LOL.


              • #8
                The library says that fascist get a 3 martial law bonuse when the get a four.
                Actually where it says "Martial Law: 3" it's referring to the martial law rank of Fascism compared to other governments. A higher number indicates a stronger effect in each area. This is unclear though.

                It's also slightly weird that a higher number is a higher rank, where usually 1 is the highest "rank".

                Perhaps it should be changed to say something like:

                "Martial Law Rating: 3/5", "Production Rating: 4/5" etc, as this makes it much clearer that it is a rating system (and not the actual martial law figure), and that a higher rating is better.

                The game play section could also be filled with more exact information too.

                So many of the preqequsits and thing in the science are so off. Its funny choosing an advance to reasearch which will give me units or improvement im already building lol. I dont know if theres a point in pointing out that stuff though lol, it has to be rearanged.
                You should point out any errors you find so we can fix them.
                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                • #9
                  Its funny gettin free science and occasionally feat of wonder happiness bonuses lol.

                  Yea i'll point them out next time i see one. The first time i played i didnt quite understand what the aqueduct does since is says it decreases happiness penalty from overcrowding, so I though once my city got big enough i'd see a happiness penalt from overcrowding and then i'd have to build them, i didn know it made the city grow faster lol.


                  • #10
                    Also if you rush buy something before you give them the city they can change it to somethine else and you cant do anything when you take it back. If you dont rush buy first then you can change it to whatever you want or rush buy then. You dont lose any of your previous production turns either.


                    • #11
                      by the mid game im ahead in science but i still gift and reconquer cities alot to reduce the population by one every turn. I have to disband many conquered AI cities to stay under the governenment type city cap.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mpt
                        by the mid game im ahead in science but i still gift and reconquer cities alot to reduce the population by one every turn. I have to disband many conquered AI cities to stay under the governenment type city cap.
                        You can also use lots of scientists/labourers/merchants/entertainers to starve the city. Sell your granary first so it starts to starve sooner.
                        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                        • #13
                          i conquered three ai's early so only the starving "artists" or "entertainers" would be available lol.

                          How fast do they starve?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mpt
                            i conquered three ai's early so only the starving "artists" or "entertainers" would be available lol.

                            How fast do they starve?
                            As soon as it's starts starving it'll starve 1 pop a turn.
                            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.

