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4 Player MP Game - Maq, EPW, Toni, Barley.

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  • #46
    As i said guys before Cloud will be back vesy soon, maybe1-2 weeks the most, so we can aways get the team game with him going. Let see whats up with Epw and then make a decision. Also i will keep you updated on Cloud as well.

    So looks like no team game today, hmmm ok then i will leave it to you guys to figure it out when to continue, because i can 95% surely make it with what ever you come with.



    • #47
      Originally posted by Maquiladora
      Too late for me to play tonight now anyway, had I known yesterday even in advance then definitely but I've got other plans now.

      Besides EPW hasn't replied at all either, despite posting in other parts of the forum, so do we assume he's not interested in the games anymore and get another player?
      I'm interested!


      • #48
        Well after 4+ hours of fiddling about / making phonecalls ive finally got my PC sorted, seems better than before to…….. Now really dissapointed no game tonight.

        Maq you sure you cant make it? – If we cant play tonight im free all day tomorrow.

        Can we all post

        a) – when available today, tomorrow and Sunday (including times)
        b) – when available next weekend (as above)
        c) – Advance notice / confirmation that we can play.

        Ive always been working on the assumption that we had a definate game every Friday, we havnt missed one yet, and all have got here ok. Its only been this week ive not been able to post. NB. I cannot post from work as site is blocked by the companys surf patrol

        Hope we can get a game on tonight – come on Maq surely nothing is more important than CTP2, besides were gonna kick there asses lol.

        My availability:

        a) – Any time tonight from 7pm (until about 3am – maybe later?), tomorrow the same but can probably start earlier. Sunday anytime from 8pm – midnight.
        b) – Next week is an exception as I cant plan Friday, but am free the rest of the weekend as in a)
        c) Will post / confirm availability for each week by Thursday at the latest.


        • #49
          I can't play tonight I've made other plans now. Can't play saturday or sunday either. Next fri/sat/sun I will be able to because I'll know in advance. Any times.

          I thought too that we have a game every friday but when only 2 people reply it's difficult to know whats going on.
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          • #50
            Ok lets arrange the continuation for next Sat, you know what times im free, let me know hoew your all fixed.


            • #51
              Oh and just to add, no one said they COULDN’T play tonight. All other Fridays have been ok and there was no reason to expect this would be any different, as seems would have been the case.

              I accepts posting earlier is required, I for one couldn’t of as had PC problems.


              • #52
                So then we play next weekend as it looks to me . In advance so you all know i will be here 100%, so again depends on your guys.

                LOL when we started off, we all though EPW will be the least interested in the team game, or the least serious about it. Looks like we were all wrong about him, thanks for being Epw here, good job .

                Just please post in advance as Maq said, so we know we are actually playing, it was pretty foggy till today about having this game continuing.


                • #53
                  Oh and just to add, no one said they COULDN’T play tonight. All other Fridays have been ok and there was no reason to expect this would be any different, as seems would have been the case.
                  We all thought we were playing last Saturday night too until we got a message on Saturday that you were ill, and thats fine illness cant be helped, but thats more than enough reason to wonder now if this Friday is on without any comment or reply from half of the group for a whole week.
                  Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                  CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                  One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                  • #54
                    Maq, I take back what I said. I was just a bit angry and frustrated having spent most of last night and this afternoon rebuilding my PC.

                    I must admit it looks as if im less committed than some and going on my falling asleep episode, being ill last week and not posting this week I can see that it’s a string out seemingly plausible excuses. Im not fobbing any of you off, last Saturday I really wanted to play but took a funny turn around 4pm, it was all I could do to muster the strength to crawl out of bed to boot up my PC and ICQ Toni. I spent the rest of the evening with my head down the bog. This week has seen the continuation of my illness, recovery and then to be met by a crashed Operating System (1st time I logged on my PC was yesterday)/

                    Im totally committed to the game and always have been. See you all next Saturday… Just wondering whats going to go wrong next lol…. Well at least these things usually come in 3’s.


                    • #55
                      It's no problem for me, you've never given me reason to think you're less committed your reasons have been understandable.

                      Let's all keep in touch now though so we know whats happening.
                      Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                      CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                      One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                      • #56
                        Sorry, I should have replied.

                        Next weekend should be okay for me though.


                        • #57
                          Now that’s much more encouraging seeing all of us trying to fix next game.

                          No bad feelings for tonight guys it’s all well. It's important that we don't give up on our game, so count me in starting next Friday 6gmt on the battlefield. Of course no problem here if Epw is better off starting at 11:30gmt, I'm HERE.


                          • #58
                            Hey Barley, lets keep to the 2's


                            • #59
                              Im ok for Saturday, any time after 4pm GMT


                              • #60
                                Ok so this Saturday I can play anytime too.
                                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.

