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Succession Game IX - Don't throw those bloody spears at me!

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  • Succession Game IX - Don't throw those bloody spears at me!

    Main rules



    - Turns per player: 20 turns for the first round, 15 turns for the second and third round, and 10 turns for every round after that.
    - Loose 3 day (72hrs) limit on passing turn on.
    - No Razing conquered cities.
    - No Farms under cities.
    - No Right-Clicking bug use.
    - Obviously no other cheats.
    - Renaming of cities and armies is allowed, but post it.

    Mod: Call to Conquest

    Difficulty: Impossible 4/4
    Barbarians: Raiders 3/4

    Map: Huge 3/4
    Type: Earth

    Wet - Dry: 4/10
    Warm - Cold: 5/10
    Ocean - Land: 8/10
    Island - Continents: 8/10
    Uniform - Diverse: 10/10
    Goods: 8/10

    Our Civ: Zulu
    AI's: 8
    Pollution: Off
    Bloodlust: Off

    Maxplayers=12 (8 AI, 1 Barb, 1 Us, +2 possible extras from revolts etc) I think only the game starter needs to change this though...

    CtC startup rules

    1) Quickstart Option - Start with 2 warriors and 5 settlers, so do AI's. Yes or No.


    2) Surrender Option - AI will surrender if you have 3 times as many cities AND units. The surrender conditions can also be customized or use default 3 times as many.

    Yes - Default

    3) Destroying buildings when a city is captured - Percentage of buildings destroyed, 50, 25, 10 or none.


    4) Plagues and Epidemics - Randomly generated, unless you have "medical and hygenic countermeasures". Set frequency: Dont use, Low, Medium and High.

    Low frequency

    5) Great Leaders - Generated depending on certain achievements, each unit in an army with a great leader instantly becomes a veteran, when the great leader dies your people become unhappy. Yes or No.


    6) Collateral Damage - When you bombard a location with a tile improvement there will be a chance that the improvement will be destroyed. Dont use, Low, Medium or High frequency.


    7) Autopilot - Your planes will automatically move to the nearest available airbase whenever they can. This will inhibit long range raids. Yes or No.

    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
    CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
    One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.

  • #2
    3950 BC Ulundi founded along an unknown Nothern coastline.

    3925 BC Natal founded SW down river from Ulundi on grassland.

    3875 BC Isandlwana founded atop a big beaver next to some big mountains.

    3850 BC Swazi founded east of Ulundi on the coast.

    3800 BC Pedi founded.

    3700 BC Met the Canadians South of us inland. Meekly offered to exchange maps - they accept. Shows their cities slightly more spread out than ours, they also have Hoplites. I meekly offer a peace treay and they decline. Meekly offer to withdraw from their land - they accept obviously.

    3650 BC - 3500 BC More exploring then died of beaver feaver.
    Attached Files
    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
    CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
    One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


    • #3
      and the save to EPW unplayed on turn 20.
      Attached Files
      Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
      CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
      One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


      • #4
        3500BC- Settlers Started in Natal.

        3450BC-Settler completed in Ulundi

        Settlers started in Swazi, Ulundi and Pedi

        3375BC- Our scouts meet Cartharaige and Australia. I gift them 100 gold each.

        Both Carth. and Australia ask me to remove my troops and I agree. Australia asks to exchange maps and I accept.

        3350BC- We exchange maps with Carth.

        3275 BC- WE research Ballistics, Jurisprudence.

        We meeet the Eygptions, I gift them 100 gold.

        They demand that I remove our troops then offer to exchange maps, I accept both.

        And its official we are surrounded on everyside accept the North. Theres still plently of expanding rooom though.

        3250BC- Thimbu founded directly North of Ulundi.


        3200BC- PLAGUE hits our humble civilizaiton. One city was struck and it appears to be Natal, no loss of life but the people are unhappy.

        3125BC- Wages are increased to curb some unhappiness problems.

        Eygeption troops are seen entering Canadian territory, there could be a war afoot.

        3100BC- I meekly request that the Canadians remove their troops from our territory. They decline.

        BREAKING NEWS: THE CANADIANS ATTACK PEDI UNPROVOKED WITH ONE WARRIOR. They are slautered at the hands of the militia.

        Settler complete in ULundi, archer started.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Just a quick note folks, while currently playing my first CtC game, I've noticed the following oddities:

          - Bombers seem to have only 1.25 turns. Meaning that they can move the full 12 spaces (or whatever amount) in their first turn, and on the return leg home will move about 3-4 spaces, run out of full, and all will crash.

          - The first 2 NON SAIL ships that can be built will say they can do either bombarding or transporting of units - both can do neither, nor can they pillage.
          (So keep some older ships handy for sea transport!)

          Just a heads up.
          3am...! Can't be, I just started...!
          Ahhh, my first Nuke!
          Now the fat lady's singin'...


          • #6
            By the way any of you can play the next turn, but make sure you state it in the thread as soon as you do so no one repeats it. Then we can keep the game moving and those available can start sooner, but once the player order is decided it wont change after the first round.
            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


            • #7
              i'll d'l the save b/c my name is third, but if my post isnt up today, it means i have no chance to play my turn


              • #8
                3000- TheEmperor organizes his party, and takes the House

                2975- our warrior becomes veteran after ridding us of an canadian archer

                2875- warrior finds Korean border, south of Austrailia and Phoneacia

                2825- Natal is slaved and begins riot, interestingly, we are now at war w/ egypt

                2800- Sotho founded on western frontier
                Natal, Pedi, and Sotho now building walls to help fight slavery

                2775- Egypt has now slaved Ulandi, an archer is send to investigate
                Taung settled north of Sotho
                Xhosa settled on east edge of the "lake"

                2700- the Egytian slaver has been hunted down
                we are invaded by Canada, but they have simply ran futher into our territory
                though a Phonecian archer appears w/in our borders, they have now agreed to retreat

                2675- Phonecian archer still advancing for Taung!
                a total of 9warrior canadians, but scattered

                2650- the Phonecian archer has commited suicide by attacking Taung
                finally pick off a single canadian

                2625- agree to phonecian call to peace
                a warrior of ours picks off a warrior deep in canada
                a warrior dies in defense of the boarder from canada

                2600- massive canadian buildup near Natal!

                2575- the egyptian front is waking up!

                2500- TheEmporer is enslaved by Phonecia in exchange for their removing their army
                can his successor defend Natal and conquer the mental Canadian? (just read the discription for canada... it says he's bonkers
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  No worries HS, I'll keep an eye on things and post that I've taken the turn if your post isn't up within about 24 hours.
                  3am...! Can't be, I just started...!
                  Ahhh, my first Nuke!
                  Now the fat lady's singin'...


                  • #10
                    He just posted

                    I think we should be careful conquering as it will cuase two other nations to combine. We might try to weaken all or some of the civs before conquering them so we don't inadvertantly create a superpower?


                    • #11
                      Hang on... HS - I can't run your save. Not sure what that .rar extension is, and the game won't read it as a save. Can you compress it into a .zip file and upload that?

                      Or, can anyone else let me know how to make this file work.
                      Last edited by Shadow; September 16, 2004, 21:42.
                      3am...! Can't be, I just started...!
                      Ahhh, my first Nuke!
                      Now the fat lady's singin'...


                      • #12
                        Attached Files
                        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                        • #13
                          I have missed the creation of this thread and thus I didn't knew the game was already started.

                          Waiting for Shadow's turns to be completed.
                          "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                          • #14
                            Shadow assumes the throne…

                            2500 BC Zulus trade maps with the Australians and Phoenecians. As reasonable forces from the Canadians are crossing our borders, a number of units are pulled back into the cities for homeland defense.

                            2475 BC Trade research complete, starting Philosophy.

                            2450 BC Canada launches attack against Natal! We suffered zero losses. Warrior begins pillages the Canadian capitol of Ottawa.

                            2425 BC 4 new units created, used to reinforce cities. PW increased to 10% to allow a road network to be started – for quicker movement of our troops.

                            2400 BC Thembu considered to be a relatively safe haven – therefore with 4 units on guard and a fifth being built, two specialist farmers are used to increase the city growth.

                            2375 BC Pillaging of Ottawa continues. Highway started between Pedi and Natal.

                            2350 BC Tlokwa founded, and granary build started. Attempts as peace treaties fail.

                            2300 BC Plague strikes. Natal approached on both sides by different enemy forces.

                            2225 BC Warrior pillaging Ottawa crushed. Tswana founded. Various unit created and used to fortify cities. Granary at Tlokwa rush built, and farmer specialist added.

                            2125 BC Little troop movement or provocation on our part for some time – enemy forces have seemingly left our lands.

                            2075 BC Kwena founded to the south. Enemy troops show themselves again.

                            2050 BC Philosophy discovered! Geometry research begun. Oligarchy government enacted, despite higher unit upkeep costs.

                            2025 BC Moderate troop activity still within our borders. Homeland however is still relatively secure, seeing no major conflicts in recent times. Thembu, recently founded, has become the largest city we have, with a granary rush built and a farm added nearby. Defence of these cities is temporarily sacrificed in order for them to grow rapidly. Shadow steps down from power.

                            My goals here were to max out city growth for the northern most cities that were fairly safe from attack, build up our forces inside the cities on the war front, and eventually have enough unit to spare a couple from each city to make a 12 stack for attacking our neighbours.

                            Good luck Tamerlin!
                            Attached Files
                            3am...! Can't be, I just started...!
                            Ahhh, my first Nuke!
                            Now the fat lady's singin'...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shadow
                              Hang on... HS - I can't run your save. Not sure what that .rar extension is, and the game won't read it as a save. Can you compress it into a .zip file and upload that?

                              Or, can anyone else let me know how to make this file work.
                              .rar is another compression format, like .zip, but generally more efficient. You can extract it with WinRAR - see

