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Succession Game VIII: Alexander's dead.

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  • #91
    Its pretty cool (and rather depressing) that the rebel nation has over throne the barbs and taken control of our southern cities AND have nearly surpassed us on the power chart. Its almost embarrassing lol.
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    • #92
      damn extra city... now they've little problem at staying independent


      • #93
        Any work from Gilgamesh or E? If not I think we should probably just skip them and go to Maq.


        • #94
          Yeah i was gonna just play it, but havent had extended time to do it yet. I think tomorrow.
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          • #95
            4200 BC Raised work hours to 14. Changed all build queues to spearmen.

            -1 farmer (0) in New Larissa.

            Threatened Mongols into peace treaty, then military pact, then trade pact, they accepted all. Also threatened them for the city of Perinthus but not surprisingly they declined.

            4180 BC Killed injured barb mounted archer outside Apolytonia.

            Meekly asked Byzantines for military pact, they rejected.

            4160 BC Met the Etruscans. Meekly offered 100 gold and to withdraw, both accepted.

            Attacked barb 9 stack outside Apolytonia with 8 of ours (4 spear, 4 sling), we won the battle and lost 2 spearmen.

            4140 BC Killed another 2 barbs outside Alexandria.

            4120 BC Killer barb spearmen outside Apolytonia.

            Exchanged maps with the Mongols, their map shows the whole world!. I think this is because theyre a splinter civ?

            4000 BC to EPW...

            I was aiming to keep at most 11 units in each city, so when one unit is built you can move one out into a mobile stack. New Larissa definitely needs to keep 12 units (until its about to produce a unit, then move one out) because its so close to the Greeks, whome we're at war with.

            Alexandria can probably get by with 5 or 6 and move the spare 5 or 6 towards the barb cities or Apolytonia to make an attacking army to get cities back.
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            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
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            • #96
              Originally posted by Maquiladora
              Exchanged maps with the Mongols, their map shows the whole world!. I think this is because theyre a splinter civ?
              Its because they revolted from barbarian cities rather than a regualr civ. Barbarians can see the whole map so the new civ kept the map when they revolted.

              I get 15 turns correct?


              • #97
                No i think its 10 turns every go from now on, i played 10 at least.
                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
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                • #98
                  King Paul 4000B.C.-3800B.C.

                  King Paul, the last surviving heir of the late King Epwood with one goal in mind: To reunite the Macedonian Empire.

                  4000B.C.- The King decides it is no time for defence and moves a stack of 12 out of the city of Alexandria

                  3940B.C.- A barbarian warrior is slayn outside of Apolytonia. A Greek army of seven units appears next to New Larissa.

                  3920B.C.- We have acheived a Feat of Wonder by Retaking the great city of Hippidoublioupolis. The losses were none, and the barbarians lost two mighty warriors and a slinger. Our people now have hope for the future.

                  The Byzantine and Mongolian both agree not to trespass in our land.

                  3900B.C.-The army is gathered in Hippidoublioupolis reinforced with new recruits from Apolytonia to reclaim EPW-opolis.

                  3880B.C.-The Byzantines offer to exchange maps. I reluctantly except to keep relations strong but they now have the world map.

                  Bad news on the EPW-opolis front; as our army aproaches the city limits a Carthaginian Army takes control of the city.

                  3860B.C.- I threaten the Carthaginians to give of us the city to no avail. The King keeps his pledge to reunite the empire and decides that war is the only option.

                  3840 B.C- Our troops march in the city of EPW-opolis! The Carthaginian troops, weakened by their struggle to take the city from the barbarians, put up almost no resistance to our attacking force. I appealed to the Carthaginians for peace, hoping they would understnad our situation, but they refused to give in.

                  3800 B.C- King Paul finally succumbs to old age (200 years is quite a long time, but not as long as the Kings of old reigned). He acheived only parichle success, recapturing two of the four great cities of Macedonia. He dies without child and leaves it to the next King to finish what he started.

                  Turn 160 (3800B.C.) to HuanngShang? 10 turns. Please note that Alexandria and Hippidoublioupolis are not well gaurded, but the army in EPW-opolis is probably big enough to reclaim Maqualidonia.

                  EDIT: corrected typo, lead out 12 units not 20 (4000BC)
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                  Last edited by EPW; July 23, 2004, 02:06.


                  • #99
                    Nice one. Looks like we're getting somewhere.

                    By the way i probably wouldnt have exchanged maps had i followed closely enough that the Etruscans were a barb splinter civ, knowing all the map at this stage means we can plan far ahead, but its done now i suppose.
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                    • Sorry I won't be able to play until I get moved into my new place. I'll et you know when I'm set up.
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • tight, i'll be sure to use the map to our advantage and expand wisely... after the reunification of the old empire

                        BTW, any thought on the situation w/ the Mongol...
                        we have so much peace, but they've land locked us


                        • We could keep the Mongols as weak as possible and when we can establish an embassy with them, we should threaten them for all the techs they have that we dont. Look at the science graph, theyre doing rather well. We just have to keep our military graph as far above theirs as we can, or the threats wont work anymore.
                          Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                          CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
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                          • The sceince graph gets screwed up alot in cradle; on mine it shows the mongols have an extremely huge tech lead but I highly doubt that they do; but no doubt they have techs that we dont. One good thing about this situation is that the barbs and the mongols continued to expand and their city placement isn't bad. We should beable to go without building settlers for a good time.


                            • 3800- new dynasty in place: ShangHai

                              3780- distant earthquake

                              3760- dangerous barb and greek stacks roaming around...
                              citizens of Hippidoublioupolis and Apolytonia look to the military for defense

                              3700- Mongol city NE of us... WE ARE TRAPPED

                              3680- Mongol warrior steps into the kindom... but as friend or foe
                              new 9stack barbs still roaming around between Mongol and home, reports say they have slavemasters

                              recaptured Maquiladonia... with zero resistance

                              3660- 9stack of barbs breaks against Apolytonia garrison, two spearmen now veterans

                              3640- Apolytonia pop just went down (the turn after we just took it)... did we get slaved?

                              3600- last Emporeror of ShangHai Dynasty dies w/o heir...
                              in his will, he asks a successor be chosen by the masses and also... take that Barb city in Carthage

                              w/ the exception the the Mongol upsergence and a single greek stack, the empire is now reunified, but the barb stack looming at EPW-opolis threatens this new peace

                              as for taking Mongol techs by force... we'll as you can now see they have far more cities than we do
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                              • 3600 BC Main goals - To build a full road network.
                                - To take northern barbarian cities.
                                - To attack Greece?

                                Renamed Hippidoublioupolis to Hippo.

                                Killed 2 barb m.archers outside Hippo.

                                PW 100% - started a complete road network.

                                3580 BC Killed another 2 m.archers outside Hippo, but there is still a 6 stack with Pezheteroi in.

                                Asked for Horse Riding from Mongols, they offered it in exchange for Trade - i accepted. That gives us Javelin Cavalry.

                                3540 BC Lost Apolytonia (the capital) to the barb 6 stack.

                                3500 BC Retook Apolytonia, it was unguarded, so there is a 6 stack somewhere...

                                3460 BC Met Hexagonia, the new civ formed from a (previously Byzantine) barbarian city.

                                3440 BC Threatened a peace treaty, trade pact and military pact with Hexagonia, they accepted all.

                                3420 BC Established embassy with Byzantines.

                                Researched Ceremonial Burial.

                                Seeing as we need to rebuild our capital now, i set Architechture as the next route for techs, but i suppose it can be changed for any military units we need.
                                Attached Files
                                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.

