Point taken...
You make good points on this regarding the pincer manuvering - since you cannot run your assaults simltaneously, CTP does require that you need to spend time assembling your stacks before attacking. You are right that a player can potentially be penalized if he attacks from two different tiles with smaller stacks, because he is better off merging his forces into a single stack before mounting his attack. You do not send two 6-stacks individually against a 12-stack - you merge them into a 12-stack and then attack. I wouldn't call it a serious flaw though (maybe a flaw, but not a serious flaw) -- all that is lost is a turn or two in order to get them merged and into position.
You still will have the concept of pincer movement (though not necessarily pincer attack) on the strategic level, and the concept of pincer attacks is handled on the tactical level with a bonus, which I maintain, is one of the main historical benefits of using pincer maneuvers, and is something that I still assert, is sadly absent in any form in civ3. Tactical pincers in CTP2 may be highly artificial as you say, but the fact is that in these types of games, combat has already been abstracted to a great degree.
I still maintain that due to civ3's game design, it is almost always better to maintain your civ3 army in uber stacks rather than a series of small stacks, (even if you lose a turn or two to get them that way), so the concept of pincer manuevers doesn't happen all that much in my games of civ3. I generally merge forces before I get to my target as a matter of habit and radiate outward as situations warrant and then retreat back into the safety of the uberstack. Rare is the time that I cannot merge forces. Because of game design, this funnels a player into a particular playstyle too - the same type of funneling effect you say CTP2 does with its own game mechanics.
(As a sidenote, the game, Age of Wonders, does move combat further in the right direction - it has a form of stacked combat, and it allows the forces in adjacent tiles to take part in a single battle, so it is possible to code in a system that would allow for a better representation of pincer manuvers and implimentation of bonuses if pincer manuevers are used - although those bonuses aren't in place in AoW)
In a nutshell, the reason why there are these problems is because the emphasis of each system is different. Again, I'm taking the overall implementation of all the elements as they are presented in both civ3 and CTP, and I think that as a whole, CTP has a better and more engaging setup over civ3.
I look at combat in CTP in this way...there is more emphasis on the composition of your forces and how they work as a cohesive force in CTP than in civ3. Yes, civ3 does place importance on force composition, but it is more important in CTP.
It's a step up - maybe not a big step, but a step, nevertheless.
You made the statement that in civ3, there is no concept of units attacking together as a group. This to me, is taking a totally unrealistic approach to combat. It brings up the old argument that leaders simply send one-dimensional (in civ3, attacker-type, ranged-type, defender-type) units into battle one at a time to line up against another unit. They fight, resolve combat and then the process repeats again.
You have the same process in CTP, but with a huge difference - a difference that actually goes toward realism. Maybe not perfectly, but in an engaging manner.
In CTP, you may have 12 units in a stack, but that stack is considered a single entity. It works as a single unit with a set of sub-units adding various benefits like range, flanking, defense and offense. By themselves, the sub-units are not powerful, but combined, they support one another and are stronger as a whole. And this reflects what happens in battle - a variety of different unit types engaged simultaneously in combat.
So the focus in CTP is in creating single units, and then assembling them into a series of cohesive armies rather than merely spewing out units a la civ3. The power and character of your military is in these entities, not in a infinitely-sized, blob-like mass of single units piled up on a tile. And it is the ability to have 'infinite' units that ends up killing it for me. (I think of the strategic level of thinking involved in a game like 'Risk' and 'Axis and Allies' (which allows infinitely-sized armies on territories) as opposed to the strategic level of thinking involved in the old Avalon Hill hex-grid games, that had tile occupation limitations. The AH games were much deeper in gameplay because of that too...)
Sure, you are still sending that 'army entity' one at a time into combat, but you are facing off against another 'army entity'. It's not unit vs unit, but army vs army with a combined arms flair. And the stakes are higher - in civ3 you can call off an attack if you lose a unit or two. Simply stop attacking...there really isn't a sense of risk, especially if you are the attacker.
In CTP, once you commit to battle, it's winner take all. You can lose 12 units in one shot. (Yeah, I know CTP2 has the retreat option, but I play as it was originally in CTP1 - no retreats)
And historically, battles were winner take all - especially the further back in time you go. Generals took the field, deployed forces and in the matter of a few hours, saw their entire army either crumble or crush their foes.
As for the tech superiority issue, I brought that up as a reported issue when civ3 came out. I cannot recall the level of the game, as that was almost 3 years ago, and this issue may have been fixed (although since Firaxis has not altered FP, HP in any patches, I somewhat doubt it). I was taking your term 'weight of numbers' to mean numerical superiority and drawing a parallel to the reported incident, which if true, could be considered a problem. I still maintain that there should be Firepower and/or Armor settings in civ3, as well as greater variance in HP...
You make good points on this regarding the pincer manuvering - since you cannot run your assaults simltaneously, CTP does require that you need to spend time assembling your stacks before attacking. You are right that a player can potentially be penalized if he attacks from two different tiles with smaller stacks, because he is better off merging his forces into a single stack before mounting his attack. You do not send two 6-stacks individually against a 12-stack - you merge them into a 12-stack and then attack. I wouldn't call it a serious flaw though (maybe a flaw, but not a serious flaw) -- all that is lost is a turn or two in order to get them merged and into position.
You still will have the concept of pincer movement (though not necessarily pincer attack) on the strategic level, and the concept of pincer attacks is handled on the tactical level with a bonus, which I maintain, is one of the main historical benefits of using pincer maneuvers, and is something that I still assert, is sadly absent in any form in civ3. Tactical pincers in CTP2 may be highly artificial as you say, but the fact is that in these types of games, combat has already been abstracted to a great degree.
I still maintain that due to civ3's game design, it is almost always better to maintain your civ3 army in uber stacks rather than a series of small stacks, (even if you lose a turn or two to get them that way), so the concept of pincer manuevers doesn't happen all that much in my games of civ3. I generally merge forces before I get to my target as a matter of habit and radiate outward as situations warrant and then retreat back into the safety of the uberstack. Rare is the time that I cannot merge forces. Because of game design, this funnels a player into a particular playstyle too - the same type of funneling effect you say CTP2 does with its own game mechanics.
(As a sidenote, the game, Age of Wonders, does move combat further in the right direction - it has a form of stacked combat, and it allows the forces in adjacent tiles to take part in a single battle, so it is possible to code in a system that would allow for a better representation of pincer manuvers and implimentation of bonuses if pincer manuevers are used - although those bonuses aren't in place in AoW)
In a nutshell, the reason why there are these problems is because the emphasis of each system is different. Again, I'm taking the overall implementation of all the elements as they are presented in both civ3 and CTP, and I think that as a whole, CTP has a better and more engaging setup over civ3.
I look at combat in CTP in this way...there is more emphasis on the composition of your forces and how they work as a cohesive force in CTP than in civ3. Yes, civ3 does place importance on force composition, but it is more important in CTP.
It's a step up - maybe not a big step, but a step, nevertheless.
You made the statement that in civ3, there is no concept of units attacking together as a group. This to me, is taking a totally unrealistic approach to combat. It brings up the old argument that leaders simply send one-dimensional (in civ3, attacker-type, ranged-type, defender-type) units into battle one at a time to line up against another unit. They fight, resolve combat and then the process repeats again.
You have the same process in CTP, but with a huge difference - a difference that actually goes toward realism. Maybe not perfectly, but in an engaging manner.
In CTP, you may have 12 units in a stack, but that stack is considered a single entity. It works as a single unit with a set of sub-units adding various benefits like range, flanking, defense and offense. By themselves, the sub-units are not powerful, but combined, they support one another and are stronger as a whole. And this reflects what happens in battle - a variety of different unit types engaged simultaneously in combat.
So the focus in CTP is in creating single units, and then assembling them into a series of cohesive armies rather than merely spewing out units a la civ3. The power and character of your military is in these entities, not in a infinitely-sized, blob-like mass of single units piled up on a tile. And it is the ability to have 'infinite' units that ends up killing it for me. (I think of the strategic level of thinking involved in a game like 'Risk' and 'Axis and Allies' (which allows infinitely-sized armies on territories) as opposed to the strategic level of thinking involved in the old Avalon Hill hex-grid games, that had tile occupation limitations. The AH games were much deeper in gameplay because of that too...)
Sure, you are still sending that 'army entity' one at a time into combat, but you are facing off against another 'army entity'. It's not unit vs unit, but army vs army with a combined arms flair. And the stakes are higher - in civ3 you can call off an attack if you lose a unit or two. Simply stop attacking...there really isn't a sense of risk, especially if you are the attacker.
In CTP, once you commit to battle, it's winner take all. You can lose 12 units in one shot. (Yeah, I know CTP2 has the retreat option, but I play as it was originally in CTP1 - no retreats)
And historically, battles were winner take all - especially the further back in time you go. Generals took the field, deployed forces and in the matter of a few hours, saw their entire army either crumble or crush their foes.
As for the tech superiority issue, I brought that up as a reported issue when civ3 came out. I cannot recall the level of the game, as that was almost 3 years ago, and this issue may have been fixed (although since Firaxis has not altered FP, HP in any patches, I somewhat doubt it). I was taking your term 'weight of numbers' to mean numerical superiority and drawing a parallel to the reported incident, which if true, could be considered a problem. I still maintain that there should be Firepower and/or Armor settings in civ3, as well as greater variance in HP...