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Medieval Mod 2

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  • Medieval Mod 2

    Here is the readme for by new Medieval Mod 2.
    Note: Here is a link to the corrected uniticon.txt that you need for the mod to run correctly.

    And here is the link to the Update readme.

    Wes Whitaker
    Medieval Mod 2.0
    by Wes Whitaker.

    This mod continues the changes made in the first Medieval mod, and adds customized versions of the
    Awesome Aips and True Terrain mods. A detailed explanation of the changes made in the AIP and Terrain
    mods can be found in their attached readme files. This file only covers the Medieval mod. The Advances
    Chart is modeled on the one which accompanied the game, and lists all the changes made in this mod. The Misc. Readme lists the settings for printing out the Advances Chart, and describes all other changes I have made to the game files.

    First of all, let me go through the formality of saying that I take no responsibility for any damage that may be caused directly or indirectly by our work. Also, feel free to use these files to make your own improvements to the game, just remember to do us me courtesy of mentioning where you got them from. Thank you. Now, on to the good stuff….

    The graphics for the Javelin Cavalry and new Spy were supplied by Tom Davies (Morgoth), as well as the basic Advances Chart. The graphics for the Galleon were supplied by Harlan Thompson. Thanks to Don Blevins, Timothy Pintello, Nordicus, and all those who participated in the polls and questions on the Apolyton forums. And thanks to Markos, Dan Q and the others at Apolyton for providing a place where we can all go to discuss, develop and distribute our ideas about playing and improving the games we love.

    LAND UNITS: (Version 1 changes)
    I made many changes to the Ancient and Renaissance units, in order to break up the Ancient age into an
    Ancient and a Medieval age. I wanted each age to have a scout, a defensive and an offensive infantry, a ranged unit and a mounted assault unit. I also made a few changes to the advancement table to try and separate the two eras. Most notably, Pikemen appear much earlier, while the Renaissance units appear somewhat later. In the original version, Musketeers appeared immediately after Pikemen, which made them not worth building. I have tried to give the units values which would make it an even battle between an offensive unit and a fortified defensive unit on open ground. (See the land units section below for a chart.)
    I also added a new unit, the Javelin Cavalry, which is the Ancient Age's mounted assault unit.

    LAND UNITS: (Version 2 changes)
    Values for mounted units have been tweaked.

    Cannon defense made stronger for greater historical accuracy (grapeshot).

    I gave Siege Engines an attack of 1 and defense of 2 so they would not be helpless when in the front row of

    The Mounted Archer and Horse Archer replace the Archer and the Siege Engine in the core and overflow aip
    lists, which should result in a better mix of these four units in the AI’s armies.

    Also, I took away the pirating ability of Samurai and Musketeers, and gave it to Horse Archers and Cavalry.

    Lastly, most Modern Age ground units costs 20 to 25 percent more.

    The Trireme, Fire Galley, and Longship now costs 1/3 less to build, and almost 1/2 less to support. (See the
    sea units section below for a chart.)

    The new aips have the AI constructing more ships, so I eliminated the pillage ability for Triremes,
    Fire Galleys and Subs to avoid the aggravation of continually having to chase them off.

    I added a new unit, the Galleon. It is a Renaissance Age transport, capable of defeating earlier ships and able
    to fend off the Siege Engine.

    The Ship-of-the-Line's bombardment value I made equal to the Cannon's (so they can defeat Siege Engines),
    and transport ability reduced to two (like in Civ) since the Galleon is now available. It's attack and defense
    values were raised slightly so that it can handily defeat Galleons.

    The Troop Ship and Destroyer are now available with Oil Refining, and the Sub with Mass Production.

    The Destroyer can now carry 1 small unit, and the Sub can carry small land units as well. This gives you the
    ability to land special units onto shore from a warship (Destroyer), or undetected (Sub.).

    Finally, various values for the Modern Age ships have been changed. (See the chart.)

    I increased the hit points for Interceptors to 20, as this value seemed to give good results regarding the active
    air-defense ability. I also gave SAMs and Helicopters 10 extra hit points. Finally, I reduced the attack and
    defense value of these three units by the same percentage as their increase in hit points, in order to keep their
    overall power the same for these abilitites.

    This still left the problem of planes being defenseless over water. I found that if planes are bombarded over
    water, it produced normal results (i.e. no water bug). So I took away the air_attack ability from all other units, and replaced it with the bombard_air ability. This seems to have effectively gotten rid of the water bug in engagements not involving the active air ability.

    Every unit that can bombard can now counter-bombard.

    Settlers and Engineers cost 25% less, and I have given Settlers a defense of 1, hp 10 and fp of 2.
    **This should give Settlers, which the AI refuses to escort, the chance to fight off barbarian Warriors.

    The Noble is no longer restricted to Monarchy, and Spies and Slavers can fortify.

    Also, I decided to reduce the unhappiness caused by Reformation from 5 to 2, and the unhappiness caused by
    attacking a Cleric from 3 to 1.
    **Historically, attacking missionaries has caused some unhappiness, but not the total rioting that accompianies the current settings. Attacking a converter already puts you at war with that civ, so these penalties seem more appropriate to me.

    I added a new, Medieval Age spy unit. It takes over the name Spy, while the old unit has been renamed the
    Secret Agent. The new Spy can look into enemy cities, incite revolts, and steal technology, just like the old
    unit. The new Spy has a 75% chance of success when spying into cities, like the Secret Agent, but a 75% chance of getting caught if the attempt fails. Stealing tech still costs 2,000 gold, but Spies have a 90% success rate, since gold is more precious earlier in the game. In the odd case that the attempt fails, there is a 75% chance of capture. Finally, Spies have a 25% chance of inciting a revolution, and a 50% chance of being lynched if they fail. Spies are only available to civilizations with the Republic form of government, and become obsolete with Communism, when the modern spy, the Secret Agent, becomes available. They cannot become vets or plant Nuclear Weapons. (The stats for the new Spy are listed at the bottom of the land units section.)

    Secret Agents now cost 20% less to build and support, and can become vets, which increase their chance of
    success 50%.

    Slaves cost more to feed, 7.5, and consume wages, in order to account for the cost of sheltering and clothing

    Laborers are available with construction of the Mill.
    **Mostly this change was made to help out the AI, which was constructing Factories in cities with low production in order to be able to use Laborers.

    I added a new advance, Chivalry, with which the Knight becomes available. The Stirrup now allows
    Horse Archers.

    Most of the early Renaissance Age advances are somewhat more expensive, while the later ones are much
    more expensive. Several other changes were made to advance pre-requisities. (See the advances section below for a list of the changes.)

    Note: Combined Arms now shows the Helicopter, instead of the Interceptor. (Just a cosmetic change.)

    Turns-to-readiness reduced from 7 to 5, 10 to 7, and 15 to 10, depending on the government.
    ______________________________AnarTyraMonaTheoRepu FascFund
    MAX MARTIAL LAW UNITS (old,new)5,3 4,3 3,3 1,2__ 0,1 2,2 0,1
    MARTIAL LAW EFFECT (old,new)___1,1 1,1 1.5,1 1,1 0,1 2,1 0,1

    Democracy wages reduced to 4, gold coefficient raised to 1.25, and production coefficient raised to 1.5.
    **Wages in a Democracy aren't necessarily higher than for a Republic, and the same freedom which increases knowledge applies to production efficiency as well. I always seem to choose Communism and Fascism over Democracy, so hopefully this will make the decision more difficult.

    I have made new gl files for the right-hand side of the Library screen. The one for Tyranny looks like this:

    Production Coef:___1.0
    Gold Coef:_________1.0
    Knowledge Coef:____1.0
    Max Science Rate:___.5

    Workday (Hrs.):_____10
    Wages (Gold):______3
    Rations (Food):____7.5

    Crime Coef:_________10
    Too Many Cities:_____8
    Martial Law Units:___3
    Martial Law Effect:__1

    **I didn't include this file in version 1, since governments seem to be one of the files people most like to have their own version of. However, I think these subtle changes have a measurable, and hopefully beneficial, effect to the game. Besides, if you don't like them, you can always put your own version back in.

    Note: The too many cities thresholds are set to CD’s settings, which are about right for a “normal” size map.

    Aqueducts are now available with Geometry.
    **This will help Clerics, and those of you that use the Theocracy form of government, with its extra rations penalty. And anyway, Engineering had too many things accompanying its discovery in this mod.

    The City Clock now costs 2/3 as much to build, 1070, and 3 gold to maintain.

    Forcefields, and the National Shield Wonder, give 2/3 the protection of the original, and costs 2/3 as much to

    I created a new improvement, the Stockade, which is a primitive form of City Walls. It adds 1 defense,
    prevents slavery, costs 200 production and 1 upkeep, and is available with Stoneworking. City walls now adds 3 defense, still protects against slavery and conversion, costs 400 production and 3 upkeep, and is available with Engineering.
    **By dividing up the city walls improvement this way, it prevents the full city walls benefit until the Siege
    Engine becomes available. This way, you won't be assaulting walled, fortified Phalanxes with Legions, and only Archers available to soften them up beforehand. Meanwhile, it makes it easier to protect against slavers when a city is small.
    Note: To remove the Stockade's ability to prevent slavery, simply open the improve.txt file, and in the
    Stockade section (it's listed 2nd) delete the line: IMPROVEMENT_FLAG_PREVENT_SLAVERY.

    I removed the Castle tile improvement, due to a bug, and transferred most of its characteristics to the
    Fortification. The Fortification now gives a +100% defense bonus, while costing 600 PW. It is availible with Engineering.

    Undersea tunnels costs 2/3 as much to build. These are basically maglev tunnels placed on the ocean floor, so I don't see why they should be so exorbitant in cost. Especially when one pillage wreaks the entire tunnel.

    I changed the improvements list to a more logical progression.

    Sea and space colonies can now build most ancient improvements.

    Also, I made the Space Colonies and Sea Colonies advances cost 1/2 less to research.

    Finally, I switched Smart Materials and Space Colonies on the advances chart, and had Fusion replace
    Arcologies as the second preq for Space Colonies.

    **Combined with CD's replacement of Arcologies with Superconductor as the second preq for Sea Colonies,
    these changes should allow for earlier and further development of these aspects of the game.

    Note: Space Marines are now available with Smart Materials.

    Note: The changes listed here are *in addition* to those done in the Awesome Aips. Explanations, when needed, are in the following paragraphs.

    1)Percentage of land in continents set to 90.
    2)Percentage of land with rivers set to 15.
    3)Chance of getting a veteran set to 25.
    4)Change building penalty set to 0.
    5)Nice radius set to 15.
    6)Population indexes for the Genetic and Diamond ages reduced by 1/3.
    7)Chance that piracy kills trader reduced to 20, and the gold obtained from piracy reduced to 20.

    1)About 90% of the land on Earth is in the continents, I believe. Also, from my knowledge of the aidata
    files, I believe that this setting helps the AI expand better. After creating a new map, I alter the terrain to give
    each of the AIs their own nice continent, with most having a land connection to 1 or 2 other civs. This seems
    to result in the best games.

    4) In the first patch, when they changed the build queue properties to allow the insertion of items, they made it possible to do so without losing any production, if done in each city individually. However, you still lose
    production if you use the city screen to do simultaneous insertions. Setting this penalty to zero lets you use the city screen feature without penalty, and may help keep the AI from losing production when it makes changes.

    5) It says that start locations are 2x nice radius. Well, it isn't. By setting this to 15, it should avoid setting off
    the survival mode aip, which upsets AI development.

    6)CD did some of this in his mod, but I still keep getting ridiculous figures. (Just a cosmetic change.)

    7)With the increased number of ships due to the AAips, piracy has become so bad as to make it almost impossible to maintain overseas trade routes with the current loss settings. I have noticed that the AI will devote significant resources to producing more caravans if you start extensive pirating of its routes, rather than building more units to go after the pirates. With these new settings, you will have to stay on the trade routes for several turns to cause heavy caravan losses. This will either increase the chance of the AI finding and destroying your ships, or else force you to tie up your units in this duty for a long time, rather than putting them to other uses.
    Since you will probably end up pirating more routes, the amount of gold given for doing this has been reduced.

    DiffDB (Emporer Level):
    _______________________________OLD________________ ____________NEW
    AI_TECHNOLOGY_COST -0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5__ -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3
    AI_PRODUCTION_COST +0.35 0.25 0.3 0.2 0.1__ 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2
    AI_GOLD_ADJUSTMENT _1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2__ 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2

    As you can see, I decreased to tech bonus given to the AI later in the game, but I eliminated the production
    handicap given to the AI, and replaced it with a slight bonus. I also decreased the starting base happiness to
    74, and reduced the AI's minimun starting advances from 6 to 3, while leaving the max starting advances at 6.

    Advances' Great Library gameplay files usually won't reflect the changes made. However, the info about
    requirements and availibilities (to the left and right of the picture) should be correct.

    The Stockade still uses the City Walls icon, therefore you can’t tell which one a city has just by looking at it. **I spent many hours trying to find a solution for this, but to no avail. If anyone reading this *does* have a solution, please let me know, as this is the only feature of the mod that I wasn’t able to implement fully. This feature is at the very heart of the mod, though, so I feel that it is too important to leave out due to this one shortcoming.

    Unit/Age_______Cost H A R D HP FP Mov Vis Available Obsolete
    Settler_________400 0 0 0 1 10 2 1 1
    Warrior_________135 4 1 0 1 10 2 1 2 Toolmaking Classical Ed
    Phalanx_________160 4 1 0 2 10 2 1 1 Bronze Work. Philosophy
    Mounted Ar______240 6 1 1 1 10 2 3 2 Domestication Stirrup
    Javelin Cav.____280 8 2 0 1 15 2 3 1 Domestication Chivalry
    Legion__________240 7 2 0 1 15 2 1 1 Iron Working Classical Ed
    Archer__________200 7 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 Stone Working Gunpowder

    Pikeman_________320 _8 2 0 2 15 2 1 1 Philosophy Gunpowder
    Horse Archer____480 14 2 2 1 20 2 4 2 Stirrup Cavalry
    Samurai_________400 12 3 0 1 20 2 1 1 Classical Ed Gunpowder
    Siege Engine____500 14 1 4 2 10 3 1 1 Engineering Cannon Making
    Knight__________480 16 3 0 2 20 2 3 1 Chivalry Cavalry

    Unit/Age_______Cost H A R D HP FP Mov Vis Available Obsolete
    Musketeer_______560 16 4 2 4 15 3 1 1 Gunpowder Explosives
    Cannon__________720 20 3 8 4 10 3 1 1 Cannon Making Explosives
    Cavalry_________720 24 6 0 4 15 3 3 2 Cavalry Tank Warfare
    Spy_____________600 18________________2 2 Republic Communism

    MODERN AGE (cost changes only)
    Machine Gunner_1000

    SEA and AIR UNITS:
    Unit___________Cost H A R D HP FP Mov Tran Available Obsolete

    Trireme_________300 7.5 1 0 1 10 2 2 2 Ship Bld Hull Making
    Gr. Fire________400 10_ 3 1 1 10 2 3 1 Alchemy Mach. Tools
    Longship________480 12_ 2 0 2 10 2 4 2 Hull Making Ocean Faring
    Galleon_________640 15_ 3 4 3 10 3 5 4 Ocean Faring Oil Refining
    Ship of Line____900 25_ 5 8 5 10 3 5 2 Mach. Tools Oil Refining

    Troop Ship_____1300 30_ 0 6 4 15 3 6 5 Oil Refining
    Destroyer______1200 36_10 10 8 15 3 7 1 Oil Refining
    Submarine______1200 30_15 15 5 10 3 4 2 Mass Production
    Battleship_____2750 80_20 20 18 20 4 6 0 Steel
    Aircraft Car.__2500 50__4 8 8 25 3 5 0 Aerodynamics

    Interceptors___1750 45__6 12 6 20 3 10 Aerodyanmics
    Helicopter_____1500 45__5 16 3 20 3 7/35 Jet Propulsion
    Mobile SAM_____1200 36__3 16 3 25 3 6 Rocketry

    Engineering also requires Alchemy.
    Stirrup set back to original settings.
    Chivalry requires Stirrup and Classical Education.
    Cavalry Tactics requires Chivalry instead of Stirrup.
    Gunpowder requires Optics instead of Agricultural Rev.
    Machine Tools also requires Cannon Making, so that Cannon are available before SotL.
    Steel requires Explosives instead of Railroad. This makes Machine Gunners available before Battleships.
    Mass Production also requires the Corporation.
    GlobeNet also requires Space Flight.

    Philosophy and Engineering costs 50% more to discover, and Gunpowder about
    15% more. Banking and Classical Ed have been brought back to standard costs.
    Ag. Rev., Mech. Clock, Pr. Press, Cavalry and Cannon Making costs increased from 860 to 1000.
    Nationalism increased from 860 to 1200.
    Democracy, Age of Reason, Machine Tools, Medicine, Economics and Physics increased from 860 to 3200.

    Sea and Space Colonies changes were detailed in their previous section.

    Here is the link to the Update readme.

    [This message has been edited by WesW (edited February 24, 2000).]

  • #2
    Here is the installation readme for the Med mod 2, and a link to the download.

    Installation info and instructions:

    This is an add-on mod to Celestial Dawn’s 4.2 mod. It requires that mod to work, as well as Paul’s Graphics Mod (pre-patch versions may be used). The mod comes with the script file for PowerSlic’s 2.0 installed, so if you don’t use PowerSlics, you will need to replace it with the script file found in the Medieval folder (where this readme is placed).
    Note: This mod also contains customized versions of the True Terrain and Awesome Aips mods built into it. Thus, the aidata files in this mod will over-write the aidata files of any other version of Awesome Aips that you may be currently using.

    The gl files in the Apolyton Pack were re-named so as not to interfere with other mods. Well, this is one of those “other” mods, as it uses the original names for its gl files. There is no need to move the Pack’s gl files, and this mod uses some of them, too, so doing so will result in blank spots where the Great Library info should be shown. If you are using another mod’s gl files, you need to cut them out of the gl folder and store them somewhere so that you can put them back in place should you decide to stop using this mod. Failure to do so may cause inaccurate information to be shown in the Great Library.
    Most importantly, the aidata files still have to be put in the original game’s directory, and they will over-write the originals (or whichever ones are currently in place). Therefore, you will need to make a copy of the original aidata folder, and store it somewhere so that you can put it back in place should you decide to stop using this mod.
    So, to summarize, you need to make a back-up copy of the aidata folder before installing this mod. Then you also need to cut out any gl files from any non-Pack mod that are in place.

    To install over the Apolyton Pack, make a copy of the Apolyton folder, re-name it “Medieval”, and put it back in the scenarios folder. Then unzip this mod into the Civilization-Call to Power folder. That’s it.

    For other situations, you will need to first create a new folder callled “Medieval” in the scenario folder. Next, copy-n-paste the default and english folders of the scenario you want to alter into the Medieval folder. Then unzip this mod into the Civilization-Call to Power folder. That’s it.

    Note: If you do NOT use the 1.21 hack, you will have to move the tga files from the scenario to the original directory after installation.

    The modpack changes are detailed in the other readme files, which will be placed in the Med readme folder. The Awesome Aips and Diplomacy readmes detail the changes in AI behavior made by that mod. The True Terrain readme describes the changes to terrain and tile improvement values. The Med 2 readme details all the gameplay changes, including units, advances, improvements, governments, and various other areas.

    If you have any problems, email me at and we can probably figure it out.

    Note: The videos for the Apolyton Pack have to be manually moved to the original directory, as they are not read if left in the scenario directory.

    Also, I made a typo in the uniticon.txt. At the bottom of the file, the Alpha Transporter's vari*.txt was misspelled vai*. Simply add the "r", and this will let you see the Transporter's stats and abilities.
    [This message has been edited by WesW (edited December 19, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by WesW (edited January 02, 2000).]


    • #3
      HI Wes,

      I havn't played around with unit mods yet çause I wasn't sure whether they replaced existing units (ie. you can only play medieval) or whether they were additional?

      If they are additional what mods do you recomend and what changes do they make?

      PS: my email is if this is more convienient


      • #4
        sounds great

        i especially like the changes you made for the early navy

        i've made some of the same changes for my game but i can't wait for your mod



        • #5
          My mod is an add-on to CD's mod, and is designed to be used with the Apolyton Pack. I am still working on the exact installation procedure, so I can't post anything definite regarding that right now, but I will when I do get that worked out.


          • #6
            Hey, Wes, Lookin good. I don't have all that much time to comment, but I shall later :P

            Existence is Futile.


            • #7
              hey Wes, html is on, try using the pre tag
              you can also used the code ubb tag


              • #8
                Nice changes Wes. Your mods should make it much more enjoyable to play the early and middle parts of a game and I look forward to adopting them!


                'Blood will run'
                'Blood will run'


                • #9
                  Thanks for the compliments, everyone.

                  I received word from Morgoth today that he should have the new spy unit ready next weekend. It will be fully animated, with attack and death scenes, and everything. I think everyone will really be impressed with it, I know I am.

                  I hope we will be finished with our Aip mod by then, so I can send these two mods in together.


                  • #10
                    I just posted the current version of the readme at the top. Several changes have been made to governments, improvements, and info inconsistencies. Also, a detailed description of the new Spy has been included in the Special units section, with additional stats in the land units section.


                    • #11
                      Great work Wes, I can't wait to play with it.

                      As a suggestion, what about a late unit to replace the settler. This would be a unit, perhaps "civil engineer". Somewhat more expensive then the settler but it would create a city with already some of the ancient improvements on it, like: granary, mill, aqueduct, and factory.

                      This could easy the utility problem of cities created late in the game....


                      • #12
                        3rd, we have been discussing that very thing in some of the creation threads. Hopefully someone with slic experience will come up with something.


                        • #13
                          Sorry, I did not mean to be repetitive, I don't follow creation closely (almost not at all) by lacak of time reasons....


                          • #14
                            Are you planning on adding any new city improvements? Suggestions:

                            Fair - medieval gold, before banks
                            Forge - ancient production, beofre mills
                            Gun Emplacement - late medieval defensive works
                            Sewer or Public Bath - ancient overcrowding help

                            In a related vein, I always found the radar tower to be mostly useless. So I made it into a genetic age listening post, which let me push listening posts back into the rennaissance:
                            "Watch Tower" - avail w/ Optics.
                            Vision: 5
                            Sees: normal and subversive units (like a diplomat)

                            This lets me do:
                            "AI Scanner" - avail w/ AI Surveill
                            Vision: 10
                            Sees: normal, Subversive, and Trade units (like lawyer)

                            In each case, you no longer have to fortify a lawyer or diplomat on your frontier. It reduces the annoyance of having to continually patrol your road network for special units, but not so soon that those special units are impossible to use. I.e. Watch Tower sees Slavers, but by the time you can build it, the Emancipation Act is also on the way, so the utility is limited.




                            • #15
                              I think the watchtowers are a good idea. It's incredibly annoying when your newly assembled army is hindered by an allied unit, thus delaying your plans for conquest by several turns. Making this improvement would be a wise move for aggressive expansionist players (most of us fit that category, it seems), but not too important for peaceful players. Plus you can hum to the sound of "All along the watchtowers" whilst happily constructing them all around your borders

                              The other improvement suggestions are also good, but need careful planning to not make them unbalancing. I'm sure several people would volunteer for playtesting, myself included. Always fun to try new things.

