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BYE BYE Spy - and all that

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  • BYE BYE Spy - and all that

    Well finally I saw that my early spy got a 1 out of 10 rating so I guess its time to bow out of the sprite making business.

    I'm feeling a bit low at the moment so if the toe rag who gave the rating could explain why I'd appreciate it - I'm curious what he/she was expecting! - but I think that's the end of the story.

    Marko's has a couple of my units from before the millenium still to post - so I guess before the next they will be! but now I've other things I need to catch up on.

    For you other mod makerS if you need a unit let me know. I'll see what I can do but I'm eagerly awaiting a couple of new games so it depends ontime.

  • #2
    Don't bow out of the sprite-making business - your efforts are much appreciated.

    May I humbly suggest you bow out of the business of checking the ratings in the Apolyton lists! They're pretty much meaningless.

    Am I the only person who really, really dislikes them? If they're actually starting to discourage our valiant mod & sprite makers from their trade, then maybe a rethink might be in order.


    • #3

      come on man, you cant quit because of an idiot!

      first of all, it's only one vote.
      second it actually is 4.5 now with 2 votes(the second is not mine )
      three, look at the Apolyton Pack: it's the mix of what we call "the best of the best", and it has a 7 rating with 40 votes! not 1, not 2, but 40 votes! I mean, if cd's mod is an 8, why AP is a 7?
      four, dont just look at the rating. see that the same file has almost 400 downloads(in 5 weeks, 80 downloads per week)! just like the apolyton pack has over 5000. either just can't be so bad, can it???


      • #4
        Well, I don't vote for such things normally, but I'd give at least a nine for your early spy.



        • #5

          No, don't stop. Everybody in the mod business appreciates what you do. Don't pay attention to some guy that wants to make himself feel good by giving you a bad rank. Besides that, (sorry Markos & Dan) not many people actually pay any attention to it, so you shouldn't either. And if you MUST look at it, understand that just a few people voting is not going to give you any kind of accurate judgement.

          Don, Apolyton Junkie

          CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


          • #6
            Ok, now I've got your attention What sort of units do you think we need more of? I was going to have ago at a couple of naval units next. I've sort of half done a Cog (Medieval boat - well the AVI file is done anyway) and I was then thinking of doing an ACW style Ironclad. Anybody got any deas or preferences after that?

            Markos - by the way I just sent an Ancient Egyptian based spearman to you so you now have 3 units from me (Musketeer and ancient heavy Cavalry)


            • #7
              yeap, along with 4-5 other ctp files, over 10 smac files and some 30 smac hof saved games....


              • #8
                I think it'd be cool to have units that look like

                A 19th century professor
                a Hindu priest
                a Catholic Bishop
                a witchdoctor type
                a Buddhist monk
                an improved horse archer

                Also, I'm having a problem. I cannot find the sounds for two units, and the game keeps crashing. How do I find them, when I think that they've been compressed into sounds.zfs. Help!

                Thanks for sticking around, BTW!


                • #9
                  Katy is working on a Mongol horse archer type unit so that should do as the new horse archer unit.

                  Not sure about the other units as they aren't 'combat' type units.

                  Sorry but I haven't looked into the sound files so I'm not sure where they are kept.


                  • #10
                    I just finished the new version of graphics for CD's mod. If I had known you were working on a new horse archer I would have waited with that, but I guess now I'll just have to do a new version when that horse archer is finished. Please let me know if you are working on anything else that could be used for CD's mod so I don't have to come out with a new version every week or so.


                    • #11
                      Hi Morgoth,

                      I personally liked your early spy alot, as well as your Javelin Calvary, Nobleman, and Fyrdman. I also liked your other units that have been posted as well, I just haven't figured out how to use them yet. I am looking forward to Katy's Mongol Archer, and I think an improved Seige Engine would be nice. I remember some people saying that when playing on lower resolusion settings it seemed out of proportion to the other units. I personally haven't experienced that because I play at 1024 X 784, but if it would help some people, I think it would be worthwhile to do it.

                      Timothy Pintello


                      • #12

                        While you are on the subject of ships, how about an 'attack hovercraft'? (Technically, I guess it is not a ship.) I started using them in Civ2 and want to introduce them to CTP but have yet to see a hovercraft graphic that I wanted to use.

                        Don, Apolyton Junkie

                        CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                        • #13
                          I'm glad you threat turned out to be a hoax, Morgoth, or I was going to write you a nasty letter.

                          Anyway, I have written you in the past about what *I* would like to see as far as new units.
                          One new thing, though. Would Katy be willing to strip (the armor off the Noble Cavalry) for us?
                          (Maybe *this* will get her to post on the forums.)

                          If she *is* willing to strip for us, I would put her (unit) in a new edition of the Medieval Mod, and also the Modern mod.
                          The unarmored cavalry would go into the Jav. Cav.'s current position, and I would move the Jav. Cav. into the Mounted Archer's position.

                          And remember, no nasty emails.


                          • #14
                            Skorpion59 - Can you send me an example of the type of Hovercraft you were thinking of ie the units file from CIV2.

                            I'll see what I can do.

                            WesW - If we strip the armour off the cavalryman you would end up with a similar one to the Javelin Cavalry but with a shield is that what you want?

                            Tim - I was thinking of doing a medieval Bombard. I'll see about adding a new Catapult after but the AOE one that the existing catapult sprite was made from is quite good.


                            • #15
                              we could surely use a WWI rifleman...

