turn 173 to ricketyclik
let us see, 4 more sols of the americans show up on my southeast coast. so now he has something off my northern coast, my southeast and by land has several close cities in my south he coud attack from, hhmmmmm
now the Romans show up off my southeast with a small navy too, hhmmmmm
the mayan has been traveling my coast line earlier with a sol and now with a submarine for several turns, and when given the the oppurtunity to leave, has continued mapping my coast. and he has cities with close land borders with me. hhmmmm
I guess I am being left no choice but to take steps to prepare for invasion. so far I have stayed in my hole and not bothered anyone, but movement like that would make anyone nervous.
let us see, 4 more sols of the americans show up on my southeast coast. so now he has something off my northern coast, my southeast and by land has several close cities in my south he coud attack from, hhmmmmm
now the Romans show up off my southeast with a small navy too, hhmmmmm
the mayan has been traveling my coast line earlier with a sol and now with a submarine for several turns, and when given the the oppurtunity to leave, has continued mapping my coast. and he has cities with close land borders with me. hhmmmm
I guess I am being left no choice but to take steps to prepare for invasion. so far I have stayed in my hole and not bothered anyone, but movement like that would make anyone nervous.