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New Leaders Mod

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  • New Leaders Mod

    Hey, fellow CtPers...

    Tired of the same old leader pics? I was, so I made a bunch more. I have about ? {will count them all when completed } right now finished.
    I also got a bit bored with that same old background, so I have (virtually) unique backgrounds for all new diplomatic photos. The idea for flags came from John LeMaitre (DiscoveryOne). I tried my best to find the nation's appropriate flag for the period of the leader (in some cases the flag is exactly the year of the leader's reign; in others, such as Ivan The Terrible, it is a regional flag, or a royal one, etc.), but I also wanted to keep things less repetetive; in many cases (esp. where resources were scarse) I opted for a flagless background (for example, Julius Caesar is shown against an ancient map of Rome). I also tried to have a good variety of old and newer leaders or historical figures, and wanted them to appear, even just a general feel in some cases, realistic. So in some cases I just used a general likeness of the individual (for instance, Peter O'Toole, from The Lion In Winter, as Henry II).
    In the absense of quality female leader material, also, I used a general likeness in some cases.

    These tga files will not overwrite any from Lucky's Presidental Mod, or his Egyptian Mod, or from the Apolyton Pack. I have checked but am not aware of another mod which has leader/diplomacy pics.

    I acquired most of the material to make these pics from the Internet, too many sites to list. In a effort to have a good balance throughout periods, and a consistant realistic appearance, I also included many of Harlan Thompson's leader pics from the Apolyton Pack (indicated by a + in the list, as well as a 2 following the file name--ex. attila2.tga), only with a new background. (Because of his great work, in most cases very little change was done.) So, a big thanks to him for letting me use them, and for pointers from his mod on how to make them.

    NOTE: The choices for leaders--I had scenarios in mind, mainly; in an effort to have the most leaders per period (i.e. the time of Alexander the Great, Ghengis Khan, World War Two, The Cold War Era, etc.), I tried to have a good variety for most civs.

    I will not accept responsibility for any damages, stress, loss of sleep, etc., or any negative or problematic consequences resulting from the installation, use, or abuse of this New Leaders Mod.

    Also: No disrespect is intended if your favorite civ is not represented by a leader, or if your favorite leader is not included within this mod, or if you deem a leader to be inappropriate.
    Furthermore: I am very tired of the debates over "Politically Correct" leaders, so I will not respond to anything on this subject any longer--if I ignore your complaints, etc., this is why. It's futile and just comes down to personal preference, IMHO. If you disagree with a choice of a leader in this mod---> please do not email me about it! Very simply do not use the picture (there's many to chose from), or use another mod. Thanks! ]

    ~The list has been moved to a seperate thread:

    so this post will now serve as the (pre), I shall include the installation segement here:


    Find this directory:
    ...\Civilization-Call To Power\ctp_data\default\graphics\pictures

    Now copy the tga (ending in .tga) files into the pictures folder. (Note: It will not overwrite pictures from the Apolyton Pack, or ones from Lucky's mods. If you have renamed any leaders pictures, or have ones you made, please see the list to ensure you don't overwrite the file.)

    Change the leader's name in civ_str.txt (found in the ctp_data\default\gamedata folder ).

    To change a leader, open the civ_str text file. For example, you want to change Alexander the Great to a more modern one like Venizelos. Find the Greek civ, and find this line:

    GREEK_LEADERM_NAME "Alexander the Great"

    Now change it to this:

    GREEK_LEADERM_NAME "Eleftherios Venizelos"

    Finally, still in civ_str find the diplomat photo line and have it look like:

    GREEK_DIPLOMAT_PHOTO "venizelos.tga"

    That's it.

    (Any problems, et cetera, please post in the Apolyton - Call to Power - Creation forum, or email me at )

    Last edited by Nordicus; July 12, 2001, 08:28.
    Existence is Futile.

  • #2

    What about Woodrow Wilson (US), Georges Clemenceau(Fr) and David Lloyd George(UK) to complement Kaiser Wilhelm and Otto vB for a WW1 scenario?

    Sounds great!
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #3
      Hey, IM...

      Thank you for the suggestions
      Funny, cuz last night I had finished Woodrow Wilson's pic and was wondering who else to include for that period. Now I just have to find decent pics.

      So, there's now 131 completed


      Existence is Futile.


      • #4
        Added a bunch. So there's 140 now.
        Indonesia, Australia, Korea, and Ethiopia esp. seem a little thin, though... Does anyone have any ideas for these civs?

        Existence is Futile.


        • #5
          The Dutch leader should be Wilhelmina, not Wilhelma. And you could also include Willem van Oranje, the leader of the fight for independance from the Spanish in the 16th century. Other than that, I don't think we had any leaders worth including.


          • #6
            Hi, Paul...

            Good to see you're still wandering the CtP halls

            Doh!--typo on Wilhelmina.
            Thanks for the suggestion.

            Oh, well, I don't think the leader necessarily *has* to be someone of absolute epic proportions--a couple from a more modern period would be cool...60s/70s and one from the 80s/90s, at the very least to have the majority of civs with (at least--one from either or both WW periods would be cool too) a couple 20th century leaders. Doesn't really matter precisely, anyone will do--that way if someone wants to have, say, a game with leaders from the 80s (for a Cold War scen, say), then you don't get a civ with its leader pic of someone swinging a bone club amid its suit-n-tie, modern counterparts


            Existence is Futile.


            • #7
              For France, you could include too : Charles Magne ?
              Zobo Ze Warrior
              Your brain is your worst enemy!


              • #8
                Good stuff, Tom, as usual

                Suggestions for other Dutch rulers (including them all would be too much but I'm sure you can choose the most suitable ones yourself):

                Thorbecke: founder of the modern Dutch constitution and thus basicly the modern Dutch state;
                Stadhouder Maurits: highly underestimated in the Netherlands but internationally seen as a very important Dutch leader;
                King Willem II: my highschool history teacher would be most insulted if you didn't include the 'Merchant King', he was quite fond of the man, I still don't know why though

                (for modern scenarios)
                1948-1980: Queen Juliana
                1980-20??: Queen Beatrix
                1950s: Prime Minister Drees
                1970s: Prime Minister Den Uyl
                late 1970s/early 1980s: Prime Minister Van Agt
                late 1980s/early 1990s: Prime Minister Lubbers
                1990s/early 2000s: Prime Minister Kok

                (near future scenarios)
                (future) King Willem-Alexander
                (future) Queen/Princess Maxima (fiancee of Willem-Alexander, maybe not the most suitable Dutch leader but certainly the best-looking one )

                (No, I haven't forgotten that I'd email you, but as usual I'm very busy )
                Last edited by Locutus; June 8, 2001, 08:10.
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • #9
                  A friend of mine who knows a lot about world history (apparantly, only found that out today ) also had a couple of additions to your list. He doesn't have the game so some of these might already be in the stardard game or in the Apolyton Pack, but there's certainly worth mentioning. He was even nice enough to include a bunch of pics for most of these (attached), some more useful than others.

                  Cuba - Batista

                  Czech - Vaclav Havel

                  N-Korea - Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Sung

                  Indonesia - Muhammed Hatta, Gus Dur

                  Turkey - add Ataturk after 'Mustafa Kemal'

                  Israel - David Ben Gurion

                  Chile - Augusto Pinochet

                  Argentina - Jorge Videla

                  Russia - Peter the Great

                  Austria/Hungary - Franz Ferdinand I

                  China - Puy Yi, Deng Xiao Ping

                  Cambodia/ Khmer - Pol Pot

                  Peru - Alberto Fujimori

                  Georgia - Nicholai Chamsachurdia

                  Romania - Nikolae Ceaucescu

                  Spain - Carlos V, Juan Carlos

                  Yugoslavia - Josip Broz - 'Tito', Slobodan Milosevic, Franjo Tudjman
                  Attached Files
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #10
                    Turkey - add Ataturk after 'Mustafa Kemal'
                    For a scenario after 1921, before then, he was plain old Mustafa Kemal, (but then he wasn't leader)

                    Anyway, he was given the title Ataturk after he led the turks to reject the peace treaty offered by the Allies.

                    Maybe we should have Apolytoners as leader photos, that would be cool I can just imagine MarkG taking control of the belligerent Greeks, or Locutus as a nice friendly (?) Dutch leader...
                    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                    • #11
                      Hey, guys...

                      Have a bunch more done, but I haven't had time to post any updates--I think I have 170 now done (though a couple seem inadequate compared to others--working from black-n-white photos, esp. shotty ones, can be tough )

                      Thanks--I will have a look and see if there's a pic around.

                      Hi, Wouter--how the hell are ya!?

                      Cool suggestions! Thank you.
                      I did several searches for some civs, esp. the Dutch, but did not come up with much material...or else there were good pics but could not find much historical data, strangely enough
                      Actually, thru searches for merely "well-known" leaders, I came across some from your list and found good pics. Amazing what a history lesson one can get doing this


                      Yeah, I'll put a "Ataturk" in parenthesis in the list/readme later--I had thought of it, but 'ataturk' made the file name way too long.


                      Existence is Futile.


                      • #12

                        Hey, had a chance to examine those pics--actually, I can use all but one (too small). Please thank your friend for me
                        Existence is Futile.


                        • #13
                          Well, I think it's nearing completion.
                          I have enough material to finish what's listed above (and then some), but I have not had time to figure out who would be good for these civs:

                          Ireland (2 or 3 leaders)
                          Iraq (2 at least more)
                          Australia (3 - 5)
                          Ethiopia (a couple more, older leaders)
                          Syria (a modern leader),
                          Persia/Iran (at least one more for each), and
                          Finland (a few older, one newer)

                          Any ideas...?


                          Existence is Futile.


                          • #14
                            For modern Syria I would suggest Hafez Al-Assad. He has been the president from 1971 until he died last year.

                            I can't think of any candidates for any of the other leaders you still need.


                            • #15
                              I could suggest some leaders for Greece but I am not sure for the spelling .

                              Hercules (Mythical hero)
                              Theseus (Mythical King of Athens, the killer of mythical Minotaur)
                              Minos (Mythical King of Minoans)

                              Menelaus (King of Sparta, Trojan War)
                              Agamemnon (King of Mycenae, Trojan War)
                              Achilles (Trojan War)
                              Ulysseus (king of Ithaca, Trojan War)

                              Pericles (Athenian, 5th century BC)
                              Alkibiades (Athenian, 5th century BC)
                              Philip II (King of Macedonia, 4th century BC)
                              Ptolemeus I (King of Egyptian & Palestine part of Alexander's empire, 4th-3rd century BC)
                              Seleuk Nikator (King of Asian part of Alexander's empire, 4th-3rd century BC)

                              Alexandros Ypsilantis (Hellenic Revolution, earlier half of 19th century AD)
                              Ioannis Kapodistrias (First Governor of Greece, earlier half of 19th century AD)
                              Harilaos Trikoupis (Prime Minister, later half of 19th century AD

                              Ioannis Metaxas (Dictator, 1936-1941 AD)
                              Nikolaos Plastiras (Prime Minister, after WWII)
                              Constantinos Karamanlis (Prime Minister, after WWII)

