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Cheat-/-bug-/-exploitations Thread

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Mathemagician
    in the case you are describing Dimytes, it actually doesnt matter if the cost is linear. i still dont know if what you did is considered to be legal or not by the community. if someone could please say something about it.
    No thats not a cheat
    Blackice told me its a cheat if someone switch from building to unit or from building to wonder
    That is evil


    • #47
      i wanted to know if it is legal in "Apolyton" games, you know that, filix ?
      Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
      O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


      • #48
        Originally posted by Mathemagician
        i wanted to know if it is legal in "Apolyton" games, you know that, filix ?
        I think its legal but i never did that


        • #49
          Originally posted by filix

          No thats not a cheat
          Blackice told me its a cheat if someone switch from building to unit or from building to wonder
          That is evil
          man if Blackice was here we would have a great Paul-SOL-discussion
          Attached Files
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #50
            Originally posted by Grandpa Troll

            man if Blackice was here we would have a great Paul-SOL-discussion
            I know I love that
            Im still surching for Petes new emailadress, anyone know it? I want to contiune our game
            Last edited by filix; January 11, 2005, 19:20.


            • #51


              • #52
                Originally posted by filix

                I know I love that
                Im still surching for Petes new emailadress, anyone know it? I want to contiune our game

                havent heard from me buddy in month

                hopes hes ok

                ctp is super but i mean in real life i hope nuthin happened
                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Grandpa Troll


                  havent heard from me buddy in month

                  hopes hes ok

                  ctp is super but i mean in real life i hope nuthin happened
                  His emailadress doesnt exist anymore and he isnt registered at apolyton I think
                  Im sure he started a new live
                  Last edited by filix; January 11, 2005, 20:24.


                  • #54

                    I would really like one day for him to say hello

                    like my old buddy Faded Glory

                    I just would like to know..not that I knew either in a real personal way..just the commaraderie we established and enjoyed through many a battle of wit and wisdom

                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Dimytes

                      Do you mean rushbuying 1 production type and then swith to another more expensive?

                      There are 3 production types, Buildnings(Cheap), Units(expensive) and Wonders(VERY expensive).

                      Imo rusbuying a colluseum and then switch to a wonder is a cheat since the cost per production is much higher for wonders.
                      Switching from one building to another for example from temple to a Factory after rusbuying the temple is no cheat. The ammount of production you gain per gold invested is the same as if you rushbuy something completley. I see this as an tactical option.

                      ©2004 Dimytes
                      Right, only moving to the more expensive is a cheat.
                      If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                      • #56
                        wow I have only done that a few times, but before I did I did ask. I think checkmate is who I asked as well as someone else I was playing at the time. I did notice during one game that I bought a building and switched back to a unit and saw the difference and never did that again, it was when the light went off in my head and I finally really understood what was said. I figured that is what they meant by cheating, because I did not understand it at that point. the only other times I did it in a game was I was so close to building marines that each needed 2 turns to complete, but the production was about 100 shy of completing it in 1 turn, so each second turn I only needed and additional 100 to 400 gold to have finished building it in 1 turn. so I consulted whoever I was playing and asked about it and was told the above. as long as I was buying the same thing, unit/unit, building/building, wonder/wonder, then it was proportional and legal. I have only done it a very few times, but I am sure it is with the people I talked to, so no one else has too worry if I did it in our game, smile. I did it so few times that I am sure where I did it. and I have NEVER done it in a SL2 game. what I was doing was buying a lawyer for about 1800 gold and then the marine still needed about 6000 gold to rush buy, but now it could be gotten in one turn because of how high the production was. And at that price for the money you can't always do it too often. anyway if that is a cheat then please let me know. I feel a sense of honor and want to play it straight up.

                        I have restarted when the AI unit was not in the square I attacked, but even if it was not in my favor did the same moves again.

                        I thought I saw some where in a forum that the farm under the city was not a cheat. I see it all the time In games I have played. I haven't done it, because I am kinda greedy and prefer to set on a good or hill with the extra gold involved. I never cared if someone did it so I never thought about it. Also there is a concept like this too. Often in old civilizations they did in fact build around fertile ground that was farmed first, so with the additional food would have grown faster. now I am not saying all cities did that, but many cities in south/central america, before the spanish conquest, did have orchards and very large gardens in side the walls. so why wouldn't the ability to do that in the game be legal and semi-realistic

                        also, smile, yes I get longwinded sometimes too, sorry guys.
                        what about this. I call it my "fleeing peasants" method of looking for enemy submarines. I go to each city and then the worker screen and pick up a worker and start trying to place him in each square. if he won't work in the square then a submarine is there and I attack it. I call it "fleeing peasants" to symbolize the old days when the lord of his lands did not always know brigands or an army was approaching until the peasants started fleeing and he sent troops to investigate.

                        Any comments???? ken/dancemasseuse


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by checkMate
                          Right, only moving to the more expensive is a cheat.
                          you can still ramp within the same type. this should be a cheat regardless.
                          Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                          O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                          • #58
                            if you have a government type with a high rush buy factor, e.g. communism, and have a lot of money that you want to spend on cheap rush buying, you can do the following:
                            - switch government to another government, resulting in anarchy
                            - rush buy the items for the cheap anarchy rush buy factor
                            - switch government back to your original government

                            this should rather go into the strategy thread. usually it will take the regular 1-4 turns until the anarchy is gone, so no reason to call it a cheat. sometimes, however, mostly in the 2 newest ages, i have experienced that the original government will return right in the same turn.

                            does anyone have an explanation for this effect ? should the whole thing be called a cheat simply because of the possibility of restoring the government right away ?
                            Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                            O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                            • #59
                              Interesting thread...I have nothing to add, other than to say "Thanks for killing a few boring moments at the office".

                              I'm learning a lot, but it is a hollow education as these "ideas" aren't to be used in games anyways!

                              Keep the entertainment value coming!



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Cuaich
                                Interesting thread...I have nothing to add, other than to say "Thanks for killing a few boring moments at the office".

                                I'm learning a lot, but it is a hollow education as these "ideas" aren't to be used in games anyways!

                                Keep the entertainment value coming!

                                You are right they are not to be used and well..somefolks speed even though a posted speed limit is marked and enforced

                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

