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Alien Seed - Thread III

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  • no problem dancemasseuse

    anyone know a good shoe salesman ?

    I am sure the invading army is sick of blood on them
    anti steam and proud of it

    CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


    • turn 201 to paul


      • Awww we shoot from a distance so it doesn't get on our shoes.


        • Turn 201 to gumpold


          • 201----> Gramps


            • 201 to P Rex
              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • gotta ask a silly question

                Why is Native Americans doing most(all) of the dirty job of war ??

                Come on Canada, you started it, at least take the last city

                which by the way should be real shortly

                off to D shortly
                anti steam and proud of it

                CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                • Originally posted by Platypus Rex
                  gotta ask a silly question

                  Why is Native Americans doing most(all) of the dirty job of war ??

                  Come on Canada, you started it, at least take the last city

                  which by the way should be real shortly

                  off to D shortly
                  Yeah great question
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • I have a lot farther to go I guess.
                    Fruity Oaty Bars! Make a man out of a mouse! Fruity Oaty Bars! Make you bust out of your blouse! Eat them all the time! Let them blow your mind...ohh! Fruity Oaty Bars!


                    • Originally posted by Platypus Rex
                      Why is Native Americans doing most(all) of the dirty job of war ??
                      Cause he's damn good at it.


                      • Originally posted by thehappies

                        Cause he's damn good at it.
                        heh heh heh
                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • turn 201 to thehappies

                          Hey gramps what would it take for you to stop dropping those nukes. We origianlly started the attack to give ken a place to run to, the english lands. We had to make sure you did not swallow up the Welsh lands or we would not be able to stand up to you. You have taken the "turns to disaster" from over 100 to 60, to 40 and now to 27 on my screen. We just want to stop. ????

                          To our loyal allies, thank you for occupying our enemies navy so we may land more troops. We have since moved in and cleaned up the rest of the evil empire of the english's navy so you may move more safely to their cities. Since we are allies and not a greedy nation we offer the city of Birmingham to our allies, it needs to be occupied, there are no troops in that city any more. In 2 more turns you may occupy any other cities on that penensula, but we need to remove our troops from the other cities. We reward our allies for their efforts in the conquest of the english.

                          You scare me when you accuse me of being damn good at it. It brings out my paranoia. I would not be that way if you all weren't out to get me. I did not mean to take as much as I did, I guess I just did it faster than they did.

                          Makes me worry that gramps will start doing the same to me soon. I really wold like to getthose nukes to stop falling, gramps. on anyone. I do not like to even build them, but I need to make sure I can retaliate in kind of it is done to me. I would rather spend my production on other things. So, again, What would it take to get you to stop dropping nukes. ?????


                          • Originally posted by dancemasseuse
                            turn 201 to thehappies

                            Hey gramps what would it take for you to stop dropping those nukes. We origianlly started the attack to give ken a place to run to, the english lands. We had to make sure you did not swallow up the Welsh lands or we would not be able to stand up to you. You have taken the "turns to disaster" from over 100 to 60, to 40 and now to 27 on my screen. We just want to stop. ????

                            To our loyal allies, thank you for occupying our enemies navy so we may land more troops. We have since moved in and cleaned up the rest of the evil empire of the english's navy so you may move more safely to their cities. Since we are allies and not a greedy nation we offer the city of Birmingham to our allies, it needs to be occupied, there are no troops in that city any more. In 2 more turns you may occupy any other cities on that penensula, but we need to remove our troops from the other cities. We reward our allies for their efforts in the conquest of the english.

                            You scare me when you accuse me of being damn good at it. It brings out my paranoia. I would not be that way if you all weren't out to get me. I did not mean to take as much as I did, I guess I just did it faster than they did.

                            Makes me worry that gramps will start doing the same to me soon. I really wold like to getthose nukes to stop falling, gramps. on anyone. I do not like to even build them, but I need to make sure I can retaliate in kind of it is done to me. I would rather spend my production on other things. So, again, What would it take to get you to stop dropping nukes. ?????
                            I shall ponder what it will take

                            You shall have my answer next turn

                            Until then know this, I did not start this war, no it was started by demands of an individual whom tried to test my resolve by dictating what my people could and could not do.

                            I am normally a peaceable person until attacked

                            This shall be an option to return to.

                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • Originally posted by thehappies

                              Cause he's damn good at it.


                              anti steam and proud of it

                              CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                              • Turn 202 to gumpold

