Originally posted by Cuaich
That is weird. I do indeed run Win XP. What has Mr. Gates done this time, to prevent playing against another Win XP machine?
That is weird. I do indeed run Win XP. What has Mr. Gates done this time, to prevent playing against another Win XP machine?
if ( (system.program.event == event_TryingToAccessAnotherIP) && (system.program.name ("Civilisation: Call to Power")) )
IP_Type ip = system.program.event.other_IP;
Program_Type *ctp = system.program.getTypeHandler();
if (ctp->isInMultiplayerMode() &&
ctp->isConnectedToServer() &&
ctp->isTryingToJoinGameWith (ip)) &&
(system.determineOtherSystem (ip).isWinXPToo())
system.refuseConnectionTo (ip);
// haha, this will make those darned CTP players
// go mad. hahaha !
// reminder: gotta think of something evil here too.