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Recruitment Center Book VI

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  • Dimytes

    when you are ready

    I will have another go

    Let me see....

    Nope you aint a newbie so no one should PROTEST MY MOTIVES!!

    (Ok..Ill come clean up front..I luv geting whooped by a wabbit)

    Just let me know if you have time

    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • Originally posted by Dimytes
      Cuaich, do you want to make it a challenge match?

      I'll let you decide map settings and rules. Create the game, send it to me and post settings and we are off!

      ©2004 Dimytes
      Gulp...shows you how Fresh I am at this (as in fresh meat, ya know?) I've never set up an email game before. And by Challenge match do you mean the Ladder? I'm game, even though it sounds pretty hopeless!

      I'll try and set up the game and I'll let you know!



      • Hey Cuaich, I'm also a CtP cherry, at least in email games. How about a game against a rank amateur? We could play it on OR off the ladder.


        • Originally posted by johnzim
          Hey Cuaich, I'm also a CtP cherry, at least in email games. How about a game against a rank amateur? We could play it on OR off the ladder.
 sounds fun! I don't want to misrepresent myself as a newbie, however...I've played the game lots, but not much via email or online.

          So...shall I try to set up a game?


          Dimytes: are we still on?



          • Originally posted by Cuaich

            I don't want to misrepresent myself as a newbie, however...I've played the game lots, but not much via email or online.
            Ya know what thats about as close to the truth as I have seen in years

            Cuiach is da bear by the way!!
            Attached Files
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • I dooubt very much that Troll is the hunter! I think his kind words are that steel thing that just snapped down around my paws!!

              But I guess we'll see, huh, Ttoll ol' buddy??

              All part of the mystique...


              • Originally posted by Cuaich
                I dooubt very much that Troll is the hunter! I think his kind words are that steel thing that just snapped down around my paws!!

                But I guess we'll see, huh, Ttoll ol' buddy??

                All part of the mystique...

                Attached Files
                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • HAH!!! Made me laugh out loud! Great pic...where do you come UP with those???


                  • HAH!!! Made me laugh out loud! Great pic...where do you come UP with those???


                    • I am by nature a humorist or try to be at least...

                      I simply search Google images or whenever I see I simply right click and save image as

                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • Originally posted by Cuaich

                        Dimytes: are we still on?

                        I'm still on.

                        ©2004 Dimytes


                        • Originally posted by Dimytes

                          I'm still on.

                          ©2004 Dimytes
                          Sorry...I've been setting up my new computer and recording studio, so I've been slow in responding. Better not take on anymore until that system is up and running.

                          I guess this delays my ignominious defeat for a bit, anyway!

                          I'll be baaaack...


                          • HELP!!!!

                            Can't get CTP to start on my new machine...

                            I've been installing CTP followed by the two patches to get it up to 1.21, but it Will Not Start. Have you had any problem running on XP? I've got XP on the other computer, and it funs fine there...ugh...


                            • That whole compatibility mode thingy on?
                              I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                              Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                              • Pardon me?

                                Please explain...

