Yes you are right, just as what I'm thinking too ... how do I know who owned a city before it was captured?
Using the city.captured trigger which passes no value and nothing else were mentioned in the SLIC function documentation how to create guerrila units?
I was wondering if we could create global variables to store the no. of individual player's cities (of cos we gonna update the value if player create new city). Upon city capture, compare the player.cities with the global variable, if there is a different then we'll be able to determine whose city was captured. Do you think it will work?
Anyway I'm gonna try these codes first.
Looking at other variables desciption when 2 parties were involved in a trigger they passes value into player.1 and player.2 e.g special.stackedcombat. I'll try it and let you know later.
MarkH was mentioning to create the guerrilas belonging to the barbarian player, do you know what player index belongs to barbarian?
[This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited January 05, 2000).]
Yes you are right, just as what I'm thinking too ... how do I know who owned a city before it was captured?
Using the city.captured trigger which passes no value and nothing else were mentioned in the SLIC function documentation how to create guerrila units?
I was wondering if we could create global variables to store the no. of individual player's cities (of cos we gonna update the value if player create new city). Upon city capture, compare the player.cities with the global variable, if there is a different then we'll be able to determine whose city was captured. Do you think it will work?
Anyway I'm gonna try these codes first.
Trigger 'CreateGuerrilla' when (city.captured) { CreateUnit(player.1, UnitType("Guerrilla"), city.location, 2); }
MarkH was mentioning to create the guerrilas belonging to the barbarian player, do you know what player index belongs to barbarian?
[This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited January 05, 2000).]