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SLIC - Guerrila Units

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  • SLIC - Guerrila Units


    Yes you are right, just as what I'm thinking too ... how do I know who owned a city before it was captured?

    Using the city.captured trigger which passes no value and nothing else were mentioned in the SLIC function documentation how to create guerrila units?

    I was wondering if we could create global variables to store the no. of individual player's cities (of cos we gonna update the value if player create new city). Upon city capture, compare the player.cities with the global variable, if there is a different then we'll be able to determine whose city was captured. Do you think it will work?

    Anyway I'm gonna try these codes first.
    Trigger 'CreateGuerrilla' when (city.captured) {
      CreateUnit(player.1, UnitType("Guerrilla"), city.location, 2);
    Looking at other variables desciption when 2 parties were involved in a trigger they passes value into player.1 and player.2 e.g special.stackedcombat. I'll try it and let you know later.

    MarkH was mentioning to create the guerrilas belonging to the barbarian player, do you know what player index belongs to barbarian?

    [This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited January 05, 2000).]

  • #2

    When a city is captured, the capturer is player 1 and the capturee is player 2. You don't need to know who owned the city. Just use player.2 and it uses the correct Civ.

    With the code below, you don't have to worry about water. As long as there is a tile, even just one non-water tile, it will work.

    Just replace Fascist with the unit you want to use.
    Trigger 'CreateGuerrilla' when (city.captured) {
    	CreateUnit(player.2, UnitType("UNIT_FASCIST"), city, 1);
    	CreateUnit(player.2, UnitType("UNIT_FASCIST"), city, 2);
    	CreateUnit(player.2, UnitType("UNIT_FASCIST"), city, 3);
    	CreateUnit(player.2, UnitType("UNIT_FASCIST"), city, 4);
    When you take a city, you can only access the 2 players involved (player.1 & player.2). Thus you can't create a Barbarian Guerilla when capturing another Civs city.


    [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited January 05, 2000).]
    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


    • #3

      Hey!!! Great ... it works, didn't know it is that simple. Thanks for your help.

      Now we'll just have to add more lines to make it aware of Undersea city and Space city so as to create different type of units.


      • #4

        How about making the Guerilla Unit more like the Swarm and able to travel on any type terrain. Give it nominal strength since it is just for harassing. If you want a distinction, build fewer early in the game and more later on. Or maybe 2 types, one a little more powerful for later stages of the game.

        My reasoning is simple. 1) Less new (special-use) units have to be created and drawn. 2) You will not have to build a ship and put your Guerilla's in it when capturing a sea city.

        Between this and automatically creating Garrison's when building a new city, you are talking about possibly up to 10 new unit types being added to the game. What's worse is none of them will actually buy you much. They are special one-use units.

        Maybe the same principle could be applied to the Garrison units to cut down on the number of different types.

        Just a suggestion from an abstract thought I had about wanting to have a unit, not a ship, able to attack Sea Cities.


        Wes, what are your thoughts. You have the most experience on adding units through the different ages. Is adding 10 new units a problem of any kind?

        [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited January 05, 2000).]
        CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


        • #5
          The only problem I can forsee with creating a lot of new units would be the sprites and other graphics needed.
          That's why I would suggest triggers creating standard units, or else using a few partisan units, ala civ 2.
          Gemini is making all sorts of WW II infantry. Maybe he could design a partisan unit, if he hasn't already.
          Since partisans are a product of modern govt's, you would only need units for two or three eras. A WW II unit for the modern are, and perhaps a slightly modified unit (graphics-wise) for the later eras.
          All this is off the top of my head. I would just have the trigger create regular, standard units for testing, then you could experiment with special units once the bugs are worked out.


          • #6
            Could you send the guerilla trigger to me or post it here when you have finished it? I am collecting as much useful triggers as possible to put them together in one file. This we can then send out to Wes and anyone else who's interested. If there's enough, we could even ask Markos or Dan to put it in the Modification or Download section.

            Just for the record: Is creating Garrison-units in any way going to be a problem because of the amount of new units we then get? I don't think it is, because we don't change/add any graphics or sprites, but I want to be absolutely sure.

            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


            • #7
              Hi everyone!!! Yes if anyone is interested I have a couple world war 2 era sprites that would fit in as a guerilla war type unit. They would be unanimated with only one facing though. But I have one that looks like some kind of french resistance fighter. So if anyone is interested let me know.
              [This message has been edited by gemini (edited January 05, 2000).]


              • #8

                How did you know we were talking about you?

                Since you have nothing better to do (Ha Ha), what do you think? Any interest in this? Even if it is just overlaying a big red 'G' on top of existing units to stand for Garrison/Guerrila instead of regular.

                I guess our posts got crossed up somehow. When I started writing this, I could of sworn your post just said 'Hi everyone'. Anyway, yes, I'm intersted. Send me what you are talking about so I can look at it.

                Okay, it did, you edited it. Boy I thought I was going crazy. (Well, I might be but that is another story.) Also, got your email and added you to the 'SLIC Documentation' email list. There is a lot of stuff here and it will take me a few more days to get it all put together.


                [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited January 05, 2000).]
                CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dreamer on 01-05-2000 01:14 AM

                  Yes you are right, just as what I'm thinking too ... how do I know who owned a city before it was captured?
                  What happens when YOU recapture the city? You don't really want a load of guerillas appearing when you triumphantly reclaim your city (sorry, getting a bit carried away )


                  Just a thought......

                  Just a thought......


                  • #10

                    I started putting together an 'Enhanced SLICs' (eSLICs), much like the PowerSLICs, for my border stuff. Since the border stuff is going even slower than I anticipated, you want to combine them into one mod? Be keeper of the flame and let me include a few of my triggers.

                    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                    • #11
                      Dan, that is a very good point. Maybe partisan creation can be linked to conquest distress or something- just a thought.

                      Gemini, I second Don's recommendation about the red 'G' for the garrison units. You could find the tga that appears in the units window, and alter that.

                      To all; I just had a thought: I just read in one of the other threads that someone had developed a trigger that acted like Leonardo's Workshop. What if we tied this trigger to the garrison unit, so that the unit would automatically be upgraded whenever a better defensive unit becomes available. This would help in several areas, I believe.
                      1)It would save us the trouble of disbanding the units when better ones come along.
                      2)You could have it so that the garrison units aren't included when you hit the select-all button. If fact, maybe you could have it so that you couldn't select the units at all, so that zero movement wouldn't be a problem.
                      3)If this were tied in with the guerilla troops, you could have partisans for the modern and post-modern garrison unit, since a modern militia wouldn't have state-of-the-art weaponry (except maybe in the US).

                      Just some things to think about.
                      You know, this trigger stuff is getting pretty exciting.


                      • #12
                        I think I'll let this guerilla thing up to you, it's getting a bit too complex for me , but let me know if you need any help.

                        Good points, I hope Dreamer can do this, because right now, I don't see how that can be done. But than again, I didn't have a real good look at it yet.

                        Good idea, the more code we can put together, the better. It's not really very useful to bring out a mod with only a few minor things, but if we combine everything we (= the SLIC-email group) have, then it could be one hell of a mod. I'll email you about the details later.

                        I'm working on the Leonardo's Workshop(Oops, I wrote Michelangelo's Workshop - how could I be so stuped :P, I'm a great admirer of Leonardo and it's my favourite wonder), but it's far from finished yet. I'll include the code to upgrade garrison-units then. I'm not sure about one thing: do you want all garrisons to be upgraded or only when someone has Leonardo's Workshop?

                        BTW, don't worry about that zero mobility thing, I'm working on that and I still have a few idea's to solve it. Just give me some time and it will work fine (I hope ).
                        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                        • #13
                          To all,

                          Okay, I tested with 4 units and had the Civs retake a city over and over. The Guerrila units got out of hand pretty quick and most of them got automatically deleted because the Civ couldn't support them. Of course, this isn't going to happen in a real game, but I see how it could be a problem.

                          We really just want them to be a little bit of a pain in the rear. My suggestion is to make 1 Guerrila unit 2 tiles away and 1 Guerrila unit 3 tiles away. Also, make it apply to all, even the AI. I would like to see the affect, especially between the other AI's and the Barbs. After we do some playtesting, we can increase/decrease as needed.

                          One thing to keep in mind is the overall affect. You might have 10-15 small triggers with each not doing very much. However, when you get the final product together and do substantial testing, the combined affect could be overwhelming. Playtesting generally lets you know where you have problems pretty fast. It will also force you to do a 180 in midstream at times.

                          CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                          • #14
                            Hi guys, Ya I'm going to check what I got for partisan units here. I like that idea about the red line and a "G" for guerrila unit. I will send some pictures to skorpion59 later tonight.

                            Skorp:Ya I typed in "Hi everyone" than accidentally hit submit.

                            BTW Thanks for adding me to the list!!!



                            • #15

                              Okay shall I summarize by saying all we need are just 3 types of guerrilla units for Land, Sea and Space. I'll leave the job to the Leonardo's Workshop to upgrade obsolete guerillas.

                              Skorpion59, I'll need help on unit.txt to insert new units.

                              Gemini, need help on the graphics, as I'm lack of some artistic cells.

                              Shall I make the Guerilla trigger to also apply on AI players? As there are some doubts on conquest distress.

                              [This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited January 07, 2000).]

