The wonder is right now built in whatever city the AI decides upon, and I'm not sure there's a way (there may be, don't know) to specify for the AI to do that in a specific city (wouldn't work, say, if that city was not built yet, or if was not theirs--revolt into barbarians, captured, dead due to starvation, etc.)
But each would have a wonder, some more--but general wonders would also be there, for anyone to build.
I'm going to rig the aips so that certain AI types cannot build certain units (like the English (democrat aip) would be incapable of building Samuria since it is missing from its aip's build lists.
Of course, this would mean that an initial unit (formerly warrior) would have to be available for each type--many of John's suggestions above I like--like the warrior could be used for Native American civs (meso aip), perhaps African as well (warfew), but maybe legions could be the equivalent for most European civs, and the phalanx for Greece (all with the same strengths).
Unless someone has a better idea....*shrug*
Anyway, there would be no way possible to trade this way, sorry. If someone comes up with the option (like in Civ2) to give away units, then it could be done, but the receiving civ could not build anymore (not in its build lists).
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Sorry to hear that
To answer your question: yes, I reasonably think that this can be done--a new aip can be set be to loaded upon a change in government (or a workaround is easy enough)--: example: Russia or the Soviet Union is an Expansionist AI type...they choose a Communist government, and then the xenoph aip is loaded (they become like other Asian civs). I haven't worked out everything yet, but from I've seen, there's a lot that's possible here.
The wonder is right now built in whatever city the AI decides upon, and I'm not sure there's a way (there may be, don't know) to specify for the AI to do that in a specific city (wouldn't work, say, if that city was not built yet, or if was not theirs--revolt into barbarians, captured, dead due to starvation, etc.)
But each would have a wonder, some more--but general wonders would also be there, for anyone to build.
I'm going to rig the aips so that certain AI types cannot build certain units (like the English (democrat aip) would be incapable of building Samuria since it is missing from its aip's build lists.
Of course, this would mean that an initial unit (formerly warrior) would have to be available for each type--many of John's suggestions above I like--like the warrior could be used for Native American civs (meso aip), perhaps African as well (warfew), but maybe legions could be the equivalent for most European civs, and the phalanx for Greece (all with the same strengths).
Unless someone has a better idea....*shrug*
Anyway, there would be no way possible to trade this way, sorry. If someone comes up with the option (like in Civ2) to give away units, then it could be done, but the receiving civ could not build anymore (not in its build lists).
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Sorry to hear that
To answer your question: yes, I reasonably think that this can be done--a new aip can be set be to loaded upon a change in government (or a workaround is easy enough)--: example: Russia or the Soviet Union is an Expansionist AI type...they choose a Communist government, and then the xenoph aip is loaded (they become like other Asian civs). I haven't worked out everything yet, but from I've seen, there's a lot that's possible here.