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  • Hello chaps.

    I'm gonna be offline for a week or so. I know you know how I feel about being nexted (you know, the same as I know about you... know ) but I guess you will do what you gotta do.

    I'm on holidays


    • I'm back but I can't play because I don't have the CD with me now.

      Sorry for delay... I'll play all my turns tomorrow.

      (I think Keygen don't read this thread)


      • Happy holiday Rick

        berXpert, I do but not always

        OK, no problem. I can wait


        • My problems worsened and I was cut off completely, but I'm back at Uni now so everything should be OK once more.


          • I'm in front of a computer, but not yet home, so I can't yet empty my inbox. I'll play what's in the inbox, but may not be able to receive any turns until tomorrow.


            • As of today till May 10th... if I do not respond in the 24-hour rule, please, please, please next me and e-mail me that I have been nexted.

              I'm tired of holding up games, and until May 10th I have three 20-page papers to write and research plus some normal homework.

              After that point, it's finals week, and then I'm done with school for the summer and should really get kickin' with the turns being on time
              I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

              Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


              • Is it just me who thinks Darkheart is missing?
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • That would be a yes.
                  I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                  Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                  • I'll be away from monday (tomorrow) to wednesday. Next me, if waiting is not possible.


                    • I'll be away from wednesday (4th) till sunday (8th).


                      • Originally posted by Kralj Matjaz
                        I'll be away from wednesday (4th) till sunday (8th).


                        • ok i'm have computer problems its freezing up tight at closer and closer intervals. see announcement please read thread for info.
                          I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                          Revelation 6:8


                          • It's the end of term again, and those of you with good memories will know that this is the time I start grumbling about the terrible connection I have at home... So, turns from me are likely to be slow until next Sunday (the 29th).


                            • I'll be out of town on Friday (tomorrow) and Saturday. Please next me, if waiting is not an option.


                              • Something is stopping me downloading my turns properly - they all come out too small (not all the file is being downloaded, and yet it thinks that it is - it's not just a lost connection problem). Unless and until I can figure this out I won't be able to play. Next me if you wish.

