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Minor eratta in help for Hoover Dam (default ruleset)

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  • Minor eratta in help for Hoover Dam (default ruleset)

    While playing (ver 1.11 for Windows) I noticed that I could build "Hoover Dam" anywhere I wanted and not only on or next to mountains and rivers, so I looked into the file and found that the help text and the actual spcs. did not mach.

    name = _("Hoover Dam")
    tech_req = "Electronics"
    bldg_req = "None"
    ;terr_gate =
    ;spec_gate =
    equiv_range = "Player"
    ;equiv_dupl =
    ;equiv_repl =
    obsolete_by = "None"
    is_wonder = 1
    build_cost = 600
    upkeep = 0
    sabotage = 0
    effect =
    { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
    "Prod_Bonus", "Player", 25, "Factory"
    "Prod_Bonus", "Player", 25, "Mfg. Plant"
    "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "Player", 50
    "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "Player", -50, "Recycling Center"
    helptext = _("\
    Works as if you had a Hydro Plant in every city. (This reduces\
    pollution and increases the effects of Factories and Mfg. Plants.)\
    Like a Hydro Plant, the Hoover Dam can only be built in a city\
    which is next to (or on) a Mountain or River tile. However, its\
    effect is applicable to the whole of your civilization (regardless\
    of whether a city is next to, or on, a Mountain or River tile).\

    Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
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  • #2
    Thanks - fixed. - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.


    • #3
      One the nick "Martin the Dane" - Do note that freeciv is originally a Danish game! - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.


      • #4
        Ja! Ja!

        Jeg har lagt mærke til det

        Translation: I did notice that.

        Or rather, I noticed that several of the people listed on the freesiv site were Danish, and that Dansih city names were in Danish.

        btw. I've never heard of any foreigners named Thue.

        Martin the Dane
        Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
        Download and test SpriteEdit development build.


        • #5
          Yes, the Danish names are in Danish, but it is the generel rule that names are spelled on their national language. And it is actually a coincidence that I am the same nationality as the original authors.
 - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.

