While playing (ver 1.11 for Windows) I noticed that I could build "Hoover Dam" anywhere I wanted and not only on or next to mountains and rivers, so I looked into the file and found that the help text and the actual spcs. did not mach.
name = _("Hoover Dam")
tech_req = "Electronics"
bldg_req = "None"
;terr_gate =
;spec_gate =
equiv_range = "Player"
;equiv_dupl =
;equiv_repl =
obsolete_by = "None"
is_wonder = 1
build_cost = 600
upkeep = 0
sabotage = 0
effect =
{ "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
"Prod_Bonus", "Player", 25, "Factory"
"Prod_Bonus", "Player", 25, "Mfg. Plant"
"Pollu_Adj_Prod", "Player", 50
"Pollu_Adj_Prod", "Player", -50, "Recycling Center"
helptext = _("\
Works as if you had a Hydro Plant in every city. (This reduces\
pollution and increases the effects of Factories and Mfg. Plants.)\
Like a Hydro Plant, the Hoover Dam can only be built in a city\
which is next to (or on) a Mountain or River tile. However, its\
effect is applicable to the whole of your civilization (regardless\
of whether a city is next to, or on, a Mountain or River tile).\