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So, who here plays FreeCiv?

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  • #31

    Originally posted by Rasputin00 on 05-16-2000 01:26 AM
    ...thats why Billy invented Windows, for us computer illiterates...

    Ummm... no. Here's what Bill did:

    1) Bill buys DOS almost finished from an independent hacker, polishes it a bit, and licenses it off to IBM.

    2) Bill and Microsoft work together with Steve Jobs (Apple) for a while. In return, Bill steals Apple's idea for a user-friendly GUI OS.

    3) Bill makes Windows 3.X, which is not user-friendly, or an OS for that matter. It's a DOS app that makes windows and crashes a lot.

    4) Bill makes Win95. It still needs DOS and crashes a lot. MacOS beats the crap out of it in user friendlines.

    5) Bill makes Win98. It still can't quite get rid of DOS, and it still crashes a lot. MacOS is still friendlier.

    6) Bill makes Win2K. I don't even know what it looks like yet, and I sure as hell won't pay a 100 bucks to find out.

    So much for "Bill's original and user friendly OS".


    • #32
      Windows 3.X is very similar to a UNIX windows manager.

      Windows 95 (Windows 4.0) is an advanced version of Win 3.1

      Windows 98 is almost an operating system.

      Windows NT 4 is an operating system.


      • #33
        OK, I promised to cut down the OS war crap, so I'm just going to wrap it all up with this.


        Originally posted by Beels Bub on 05-17-2000 01:04 AM
        Windows 3.X is very similar to a UNIX windows manager.

        Windows 95 (Windows 4.0) is an advanced version of Win 3.1

        Windows 98 is almost an operating system.

        Windows NT 4 is an operating system.

        Yes, Xwindow for UNIX is a sparate suite not tied to the kernel, but it sure isn't distributed as a full fledged OS like Win 3.X was. Linux (or any other Unix) is the OS running it, and I have never managed to hang Linux yet. I'm serious.

        Yes, Windows 98 is ALMOST an OS.

        Yes, Win NT is an OS, and the only bad thing I have to say about is that it costs almost twice as much as Win98.

        And now I'm going to shut up on this matter. Please don't try to intimidate me.


        • #34
          Hey I never claimed Billy did anything original, he just knows where to buy a good idea from... !!!

          Problem with Mac and even more so with Linux is lack of applications. Mac is getting better, but till software companies are encouraged to release a version of their software for other than Windows most people wil lcontinue to be stuck with crappy blue screens !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #35
            No apps for Linux, you say? Where did you look? Your local software store, maby? That's the worst possible place to find stuff for Linux. Most Linux apps are open-source and licensed under the GPL. It is illegal to sell these products or their modifications without providing the source code for them. Why would you sell something that anyone can legally copy, modify, and distribute for free as much as they like?

            There is a massive amount of open-source Linux and compatible Unix software available out there, more than enough to provide an equal or better Linux alternative for almost any piece of software for Bill's OS you can get your hands on, and it usually doesn't cost you a penny. So where do all these apps hide? Look from these for starters:
            [This message has been edited by Kumiorava (edited June 01, 2000).]

