Edit: Mark asked me to add a link to the Demo 6 thread, so I decided to go ahead and copy my comprehensive list of links from another post. The following are links to just about every important tech thread on this board, in approximate chronological order:
Tech Tree Discussion
Research System Draft
Tech Research Chart 2
Technology System E-Mail Archive
Military Tactics (Includes tech discussion)
Tech/Social Advances
Demo 5 Tech Tree
Technology System Version 5.1
Final (5.3) Tech Dynamics
Technology System Version 5.2
Stuff2's Idea for gaining new techs
Technology System Version 5.3
Social Technologies
Demo 6 Technology Model
Technology, images and messages
Mark has asked me to post the knowledge-based technology system that was proposed and discussed in the earlier technology thread. Since the old thread was getting so long and the change merits a new version number, I decided to make a new thread with the updated model.
Note that this changes very little that has been coded (I hope). The only major alteration is in the area of Applications, which seemed to be confused and/or uncoded in the previous model.
As has become my habit when starting a new thread, I will start from the beginning so that referencing old threads should not be necessary and that newcomers can hopefully understand the system by reading this one thread. This post will be devoted to an overview, and later posts will have more detailed equations. Please read the overview to make sure we are starting from the same place, and notify me of any errors in there.
The Basics
Clash will not be using the prerequisite-based technology “trees” that most strategy games use. We believe that such systems are bad for both realism and gameplay. Instead, we will be using a system of gradually increasing skills that is similar to the character development system in RPG’s.
Just like an RPG character, the civilization’s skills will increase as it gains experience. The development team recognizes that throughout history, many technical advances have come ordinary people in the course of their daily lives and activities. To reflect this, technology rise is a result of the labor input of various activities within the civilization. The more people that are working on some activity, the more potential there is for new ideas and mundane improvements that result in more efficiency for that activity.
For example, assume that an ancient civilization has started a big public works program, building sewers and aqueducts for several cities. This will result in the hiring and training of many engineers, project foremen, and skilled laborers who are working these systems. Many of these people will have ideas for doing the job better, and as they do their job they will learn more about the job. But they are learning more than just the basic skills for that particular project. They are learning more general scientific facts, as well as skills that are good for other things. In the future, they will be able to take some skills to other areas like the construction of roads or buildings. A few people will develop general scientific theories based on their work experience.
So in game terms, investing labor in the construction of aqueducts and sewers would result in a lot of improvement in the Skill tech of Water Systems, some improvement in the Field techs of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and a little improvement in the Theory techs of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. This experience will allow the civilization to become a lot better at making aqueducts, somewhat better at working on other buildings and big public projects, and a little better at understanding the basic concepts of science.
This system of advancing knowledge means that civilizations will develop in a more natural and realistic way. The people will not wake up one morning to learn that the government scientists have developed “Construction” and that they can now make something that they had never heard of before. Of course, the government can still invest in research and education, but that is not the only source of innovation in the Clash world.
This technology system also allows technological skill to fall if it is not maintained. A certain amount of effort must go into recording and maintaining data and teaching the next generation the skills that were learned. If this is not done, then skills are lost and civilization becomes less effective at doing certain things.
The links between the civilization´s activities and its technology are the Research Points, or RP´s, that feed the technology equations. More specifically, RP´s are generated by labor input in some aspect of the civilization, be it political, economic, or military. If output were used, then the level could easily spiral out of control as higher levels led to higher output which instantly led to higher levels, ad infinitum. It is also more logical to base the RP’s on input, since that represents the amount of thought people put into something.
Activity is an important game concept, since it is the main way for technologies to be linked to the rest of the game. For example, fighting a battle results in RP´s being created and distributed in the Military activity, while investing in public infrastructure as in the aboce example care causes RP´s to be distributed by the Infrastructure activity. These activities, and the technologies they support, are defined in the technology model.
There will be several Tiers of technologies or skills, each representing a different level of effect on the civilization. They have the same basic equations, but the player interacts with them differently.
The Tier 0 tech, or "All-tech," serves as a foundation for all othre technologies and would be used to keep tech progression balanced. The exact nature of the All-tech has not yet been decided upon. It might progress according to a fixed timeline, it might use RP´s like any other tech, or it might not be used at all.
Tier 1 techs, or “Theory” techs, measure the level of general scientific theories like Chemistry or Psychology. These broad categories of knowledge affect many aspects of the civilization, and can serve as a useful benchmark of overall scientific progress. There are about twelve of these.
Tier 2 techs, or “Field” techs, like Explosives or Mass Communications, measure the level of a more specific field of study. These have a greater impact on a smaller number of civilization activities than the Theory techs. There will be several dozen of these.
Tier 3 techs, or “Skill” techs like Artillery or Propaganda Techniques, measure the civilization’s skill in a narrow technical area that has direct effects on the daily activities of the government and society. The number of these could rise into the hundreds, but since they are mostly controlled by economic factors and other technologies, the player will not have to micromanage them.
All of the technologies will affect each other, to some extent. It will be very difficult to make one technology very high while all the others are very low. Each technology is assigned one or more helper technologies, and can be assigned one or more required technologies. A helper technoloy may or may not be a required technology, but all required technologies are also also helper technologies. These are technologies that have an important effect on the other technology. A certain amount of the required technology is needed before the other technology exists, and after that time the level of the helper/required technology will affect how fast the technology rows.
For example, consider the technologies of Chemistry(Tier 1), Explosives(Tier 2), and Artillery(Tier 3). Chemistry is the helper/required technology for Explosives, and Explosives is the helper/required technology for Artillery. A certain amount of Chemistry is needed before the civilization discovers Explosives, and a certain amount of Explosives is needed before Artillery can be discovered. But even after that, the helper/required technologies are still important. The civilization’s skill level in the Chemistry tech will affect the rate at which the Explosives technology skill level increases. This will in turn determine the development of the Artillery technology, which will have direct effects on the battlefield. If Chemistry is allowed to fall, the technologies that depend on it will advance more slowly.
The consequence of this is that all the technologies are linked together like strands in a web, so a change in any technology affects many other technologies. It will also be difficult to make a technology change from the norm by a large amount, because if it is much higher than its helper technologies it will be much harder to research.
Technologies affect the rest of the game through Applications. An Application is, quite simply, anything that the civilization wants to make or do. A Legion is an application. A library is an application. Conducting espionage is an application.
Technologies affect applications the same way that helper/required technologies affect other technologies. A certain amount of a technology may be required before an application can be built or conducted, and after the application is discovered the amount of the technology determines how effective it is.
Much of the process that links activities to applications by way of technologies happens automatically, without the need for micromanagement. Building a lot of infrastructure improves many technologies, and as those technologies improve new types of infrastructure becomes available and the existing types become more efficient. But it isn´t that simple. Because the technologies are linked, building infrastructure helps a lot of technologies other than the ones that directly benefit infrastructure, so the best way to build up technology is to be well balanced and invest in a lot of different things.
I will be going on vacation in Italy next week, and since the computer labs are closed this weekend I will not be able to respond to any posts for a couple of weeks. Note that even when I am at school in Breda, my time and Internet access are both limited.
I hope to explain things here so that anyone on the team can fill in the tech data they need. My goal, quite simply, is to make myself unnecessary and allow the tech model to continue without me. I am not abandoning the project, but I don´t want to see this year´s relative lack of involvement slow you all down either.
Tech Tree Discussion
Research System Draft
Tech Research Chart 2
Technology System E-Mail Archive
Military Tactics (Includes tech discussion)
Tech/Social Advances
Demo 5 Tech Tree
Technology System Version 5.1
Final (5.3) Tech Dynamics
Technology System Version 5.2
Stuff2's Idea for gaining new techs
Technology System Version 5.3
Social Technologies
Demo 6 Technology Model
Technology, images and messages
Mark has asked me to post the knowledge-based technology system that was proposed and discussed in the earlier technology thread. Since the old thread was getting so long and the change merits a new version number, I decided to make a new thread with the updated model.
Note that this changes very little that has been coded (I hope). The only major alteration is in the area of Applications, which seemed to be confused and/or uncoded in the previous model.
As has become my habit when starting a new thread, I will start from the beginning so that referencing old threads should not be necessary and that newcomers can hopefully understand the system by reading this one thread. This post will be devoted to an overview, and later posts will have more detailed equations. Please read the overview to make sure we are starting from the same place, and notify me of any errors in there.
The Basics
Clash will not be using the prerequisite-based technology “trees” that most strategy games use. We believe that such systems are bad for both realism and gameplay. Instead, we will be using a system of gradually increasing skills that is similar to the character development system in RPG’s.
Just like an RPG character, the civilization’s skills will increase as it gains experience. The development team recognizes that throughout history, many technical advances have come ordinary people in the course of their daily lives and activities. To reflect this, technology rise is a result of the labor input of various activities within the civilization. The more people that are working on some activity, the more potential there is for new ideas and mundane improvements that result in more efficiency for that activity.
For example, assume that an ancient civilization has started a big public works program, building sewers and aqueducts for several cities. This will result in the hiring and training of many engineers, project foremen, and skilled laborers who are working these systems. Many of these people will have ideas for doing the job better, and as they do their job they will learn more about the job. But they are learning more than just the basic skills for that particular project. They are learning more general scientific facts, as well as skills that are good for other things. In the future, they will be able to take some skills to other areas like the construction of roads or buildings. A few people will develop general scientific theories based on their work experience.
So in game terms, investing labor in the construction of aqueducts and sewers would result in a lot of improvement in the Skill tech of Water Systems, some improvement in the Field techs of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and a little improvement in the Theory techs of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. This experience will allow the civilization to become a lot better at making aqueducts, somewhat better at working on other buildings and big public projects, and a little better at understanding the basic concepts of science.
This system of advancing knowledge means that civilizations will develop in a more natural and realistic way. The people will not wake up one morning to learn that the government scientists have developed “Construction” and that they can now make something that they had never heard of before. Of course, the government can still invest in research and education, but that is not the only source of innovation in the Clash world.
This technology system also allows technological skill to fall if it is not maintained. A certain amount of effort must go into recording and maintaining data and teaching the next generation the skills that were learned. If this is not done, then skills are lost and civilization becomes less effective at doing certain things.
The links between the civilization´s activities and its technology are the Research Points, or RP´s, that feed the technology equations. More specifically, RP´s are generated by labor input in some aspect of the civilization, be it political, economic, or military. If output were used, then the level could easily spiral out of control as higher levels led to higher output which instantly led to higher levels, ad infinitum. It is also more logical to base the RP’s on input, since that represents the amount of thought people put into something.
Activity is an important game concept, since it is the main way for technologies to be linked to the rest of the game. For example, fighting a battle results in RP´s being created and distributed in the Military activity, while investing in public infrastructure as in the aboce example care causes RP´s to be distributed by the Infrastructure activity. These activities, and the technologies they support, are defined in the technology model.
There will be several Tiers of technologies or skills, each representing a different level of effect on the civilization. They have the same basic equations, but the player interacts with them differently.
The Tier 0 tech, or "All-tech," serves as a foundation for all othre technologies and would be used to keep tech progression balanced. The exact nature of the All-tech has not yet been decided upon. It might progress according to a fixed timeline, it might use RP´s like any other tech, or it might not be used at all.
Tier 1 techs, or “Theory” techs, measure the level of general scientific theories like Chemistry or Psychology. These broad categories of knowledge affect many aspects of the civilization, and can serve as a useful benchmark of overall scientific progress. There are about twelve of these.
Tier 2 techs, or “Field” techs, like Explosives or Mass Communications, measure the level of a more specific field of study. These have a greater impact on a smaller number of civilization activities than the Theory techs. There will be several dozen of these.
Tier 3 techs, or “Skill” techs like Artillery or Propaganda Techniques, measure the civilization’s skill in a narrow technical area that has direct effects on the daily activities of the government and society. The number of these could rise into the hundreds, but since they are mostly controlled by economic factors and other technologies, the player will not have to micromanage them.
All of the technologies will affect each other, to some extent. It will be very difficult to make one technology very high while all the others are very low. Each technology is assigned one or more helper technologies, and can be assigned one or more required technologies. A helper technoloy may or may not be a required technology, but all required technologies are also also helper technologies. These are technologies that have an important effect on the other technology. A certain amount of the required technology is needed before the other technology exists, and after that time the level of the helper/required technology will affect how fast the technology rows.
For example, consider the technologies of Chemistry(Tier 1), Explosives(Tier 2), and Artillery(Tier 3). Chemistry is the helper/required technology for Explosives, and Explosives is the helper/required technology for Artillery. A certain amount of Chemistry is needed before the civilization discovers Explosives, and a certain amount of Explosives is needed before Artillery can be discovered. But even after that, the helper/required technologies are still important. The civilization’s skill level in the Chemistry tech will affect the rate at which the Explosives technology skill level increases. This will in turn determine the development of the Artillery technology, which will have direct effects on the battlefield. If Chemistry is allowed to fall, the technologies that depend on it will advance more slowly.
The consequence of this is that all the technologies are linked together like strands in a web, so a change in any technology affects many other technologies. It will also be difficult to make a technology change from the norm by a large amount, because if it is much higher than its helper technologies it will be much harder to research.
Technologies affect the rest of the game through Applications. An Application is, quite simply, anything that the civilization wants to make or do. A Legion is an application. A library is an application. Conducting espionage is an application.
Technologies affect applications the same way that helper/required technologies affect other technologies. A certain amount of a technology may be required before an application can be built or conducted, and after the application is discovered the amount of the technology determines how effective it is.
Much of the process that links activities to applications by way of technologies happens automatically, without the need for micromanagement. Building a lot of infrastructure improves many technologies, and as those technologies improve new types of infrastructure becomes available and the existing types become more efficient. But it isn´t that simple. Because the technologies are linked, building infrastructure helps a lot of technologies other than the ones that directly benefit infrastructure, so the best way to build up technology is to be well balanced and invest in a lot of different things.
I will be going on vacation in Italy next week, and since the computer labs are closed this weekend I will not be able to respond to any posts for a couple of weeks. Note that even when I am at school in Breda, my time and Internet access are both limited.
I hope to explain things here so that anyone on the team can fill in the tech data they need. My goal, quite simply, is to make myself unnecessary and allow the tech model to continue without me. I am not abandoning the project, but I don´t want to see this year´s relative lack of involvement slow you all down either.