I'm obviously in favor of this.
Modern Interstate systems should fall under gov't roads.
I support having a separation in local roads (infrastructure) and gov't roads (military & Interstate). It may cause a little confusion for players, but it can only speed movement, not slow it, so I don't think it will be much of a problem.
I'm obviously in favor of this.

by Gary:
On the subject of roads, the present roads are merely a marker to show that a square is "roaded". Personally I don't think that roads should be built as a government option. To my knowledge this has never been the way it worked.
On the subject of roads, the present roads are merely a marker to show that a square is "roaded". Personally I don't think that roads should be built as a government option. To my knowledge this has never been the way it worked.
I support having a separation in local roads (infrastructure) and gov't roads (military & Interstate). It may cause a little confusion for players, but it can only speed movement, not slow it, so I don't think it will be much of a problem.