Originally posted by Gary Thomas
I do not belive that we need a wasteland different from a desert, at the present stage of development of the game. I would rank a forested hill much higher in priority.
I do not belive that we need a wasteland different from a desert, at the present stage of development of the game. I would rank a forested hill much higher in priority.
2. I still have the transparency issue. I can't continue until that is resolved. If I'm not mistaken, Gary, you did some tiles didn't you? What editor did you use? Maybe it's just my editor causing the problem.
3. I can agree that perhaps the irrigation would cover most of the tile, but there will be some of the underlying tile showing through, so I think it needs to be an overlay. I guess I could always fill in the open spots though, I assume this is what you want.
And while I'm on graphics.....
4. Why is Forest not an overlay? Jungle? Swamp? All of these can be cut down/drained and while I can see just swaping the whole tile if it was an all or nothing thing, such as is the case with Swamp, how do you know what to swap it to? It may be predetermined, so I'll drop the Swamp.
But, I can't agree with Jungle and Forest not being overlays. Do you really want to draw Forest on tundra, Forest on flat, Forest on plains, etc.? Also, Clash will have deforestation, eventually, so wouldn't it be nice if we had these tiles:
with the numbers representing the percentage of deforestation? Also if you want a little variety, just throw a number in front of "Forest" for each different version of overlay... for that matter do it with all tiles to add variety to the map.
5. Why are the coasts encroaching on the land tiles? IMO it would be much better to go the other way... into the coastal tiles. This would allow for a more natural-looking coast line (more room to work with), and it wouldn't cause the narrowing of land tiles, which will look really bad when we have city graphics in place IMO.
6. I know it's a bit of work, but I think the graphics should be set up this way now instead of going back and redoing it later. I'll redraw the whole darn tile set if I have to in order to get it this way.

I'll stop the rant now.
