Originally posted by DJ
I wouldn't be too excited about the Java updates. I'd suggest you guys look into C# and the .NET framework. It's like Java, but bigger and better!
Plus,with the .NET framework, it'll allow you to take different blocks of many other types of code languages, and compile them into one. Really, I think Java needs to do more than come up with small updates if they want to keep up.
I wouldn't be too excited about the Java updates. I'd suggest you guys look into C# and the .NET framework. It's like Java, but bigger and better!
What do you know about Java? Did you finish any Java course or do you have sufficient experience to evaluate the language?
To help you answer I quote one of your earlier posts:
think i'll stick with C/C++ after my Java classes are over.
Again to jog your memory I quote one of your earlier posts:
Anyways, I dont' have any solid views on C# or .NET as of yet, I'm really hoping to try them one day, just out of curiousity.
On second thought, don't answer that . . .
You should really start thinking about what you say before you put oh so-secure opinion up here.
So which one is best of Java and C#? Would anyone with solid experience with both care to give their judgement?
No-one here have yet I guess.
So lets just leave that discussion behind, it really does not serve this project well.
You call the upgrade small, I would not call implementing high performance graphics routines that draws directly to the screen a small update. It opens up a new world of graphic possibilites, like the full-screen capability.
In my opinion it will change the way many people writing games look at Java, and you consider that a small upgrade?
For me that qualifies it as an important upgrade.