Actually I was wrong in saying it would look like an atlas map - I was forgetting that we view the terrain at an angle. So hold the atlas at an angle...
How could anyone be against my map?
The question is meaningless. If you zoom in to the limit, so an object 1 metre across is just visible (say one pixel), and allowing 1024 pixels for a 17" screen (which is 320mm wide), we have, near enough, 1 km per screen. The diameter of the earth is around 13,000 km, so we have 13,000 screens wide, or about 4160 km wide in the real world.
On the other hand, zooming out to the maximum makes the Earth a single pixel or around 300 microns.
Pretty scary, eh?
are they mostly for Gary's map or against?
how "big" would/could the map be (in feet and inches! or 14" screens)?
On the other hand, zooming out to the maximum makes the Earth a single pixel or around 300 microns.
Pretty scary, eh?