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Riots Model 2.0

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  • #46
    But what is the time scale? And turning into a nomadic/semi-nomadic tribe would just be becoming what we term a culture outisde the "civilizations"
    Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
    Mitsumi Otohime
    Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


    • #47
      after 250 years, they should be beginning to become a distinct EG, defined by a dialect. After say 500 years, then they should certainly have a distinct language, and be a descendent
      if they can survive long enough as an identity like the Romany or Hebrews, then why not 2000 yrs?
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      • #48
        Because both didn't survive as wandering tribes, but as groups that integrated into other societies, but remained distinct enough that even though they might adopt some ideals of a particular culture (FE an american jew different from a french jew). What you're saying is that won't happen because they'll just wander around. After some time period they should start begin to want to settle down reguardless of where it is (maybe with the exception of palces that are openly hostile to them and/or the country that pushed them to wander). Romanies are a bit different, but essentially the same thing...although they tend to wander more, essentially to survive they had to make a compromise and atleast settle down somwehat, although like the jewish people keep their cultural identity intact. This part, of cultural absorbtion or whatever you want to call it, is suppose to be handled in the culture model for specifically such situations you mentioned.
        Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
        Mitsumi Otohime
        Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


        • #49
          The way Clash works, any entity that cannot support a standing army cannot be a civilization. This may, at a later stage in the development of the game, be refined to allow tribal militias.

          In history, the number of civilizations under this requirement is rather limited. The Germanic tribes, Gauls and Britons, the early Roman Republic, Greece except for Sparta, and later Thebes, do not qualify.



          • #50
            The way Clash works, any entity that cannot support a standing army cannot be a civilization. This may, at a later stage in the development of the game, be refined to allow tribal militias.
            In history, the number of civilizations under this requirement is rather limited. The Germanic tribes, Gauls and Britons, the early Roman Republic, Greece except for Sparta, and later Thebes, do not qualify.
            That sounds incredibly dull.

            I mean, aren't you missing a huge chunk of the game by failing to allow for large tribal armies which don't qualify as "standing armies".

            What about epic battles like Telamon and the one where Vercingetorix and the Aedui got stuffed?

            And, as you concede, early Rome won't qualify either - how many nations will before the year 1AD!

            Every single one at 9000BC I should think! They'd surely have to develop one or two technologies before they could even research "standing army" tech, wouldn't they?!

            I suppose there is a semantic issue here - I'm using the word "nation", you're using the word "civilisation"...

            ...What, in your view, are the things which differentiate the two in this game? And what facility is there for the former to evolve into the latter.
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            clicaibh sios airson tairgnain neo-chriochnaichte dhe Clash...


            • #51
              Gary is just subtly(?) pointing out that standing armies have no historic reality until quite late. Clash military model still relies on the Civilization model, where units are moved around and last for quite a long time. So thinking gameplay here, you'd have to either allow for not standing armies, with standing armies being a late tech (circa 1AD?) invention, or just ignore the limitation. If you don't have standing armies, how do you model units? Note militias can fight one another without requiring any armies, but it wouldn't be much like civ. Note that a civ that wouldn't produce units could still repel invaders because units would spontaneously form out of bad policies, discrimination feelings and such would make them form as a pseudo civ, fight off the invaders, and then rejoin the civ they come from. A very tricky way to defend oneself, but still possible.

              From a non military point of view, civs are entities which an ethnic group would like to be part of. This means that most ethnic groups would either be civs or possible civs. It makes it slightly hard to model Greeks when you only have Athenians, Thebans, Spartans (not to mention countless others).
              Clash of Civilization team member
              (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
              web site and forum here on apolyton)


              • #52
                In "Colonization" you didn't standing military units, you could just bolt a gun on any tradesman unit and he became a soldier, albeit less effective than a purpose-built one.
                I think that suggests a possible approach to this issue. I think there are would could be described as civilisations which do not have standing military units - the ancient religious centre states like Angkor, Toltecs, and even early Egypt. The Civ is a cultural and economic entity, a standing army is not essential, as long as there are enough resources - i.e. Citizens + Weapons + whatever else - to form defensive or expeditionary units.
                I think something resembling the "Colonization" model is worth exploring.

                People with the Greek ethnicity (FE) could surely form into any number of states in a wide range of permutations, from 1 contiguous state to several of different sizes rising and falling, yes?

                Names, such as "Theban, Spartan and Athenian", would all be in the little databank of names that the Greek Ethnicity as a whole can draw upon for names of cities, people, places, and nations, yes?

                So what's the difficulty? Am I missing something?
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                • #53
                  Originally posted by yellowdaddy
                  In "Colonization" you didn't standing military units, you could just bolt a gun on any tradesman unit and he became a soldier, albeit less effective than a purpose-built one.
                  I've always had in mind to have a mobilization model like you describe available. It is neither implemented nor heavily discussed yet. If the %Q$# search were any good (right now it is screwed up) we could find the old discussions on mobilization. They were IIRC quite a ways back (at least a few years) in mostly the main military threads, but also a bit in the econ and other threads. If anyone wants to keep talking about mobilization we should move the disucussion to the military thread, or maybe create a new thread just on mobilization.
                  Last edited by Mark_Everson; March 13, 2004, 10:07.
                  Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                  A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                  Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by yellowdaddy
                    People with the Greek ethnicity (FE) could surely form into any number of states in a wide range of permutations, from 1 contiguous state to several of different sizes rising and falling, yes?

                    Names, such as "Theban, Spartan and Athenian", would all be in the little databank of names that the Greek Ethnicity as a whole can draw upon for names of cities, people, places, and nations, yes?

                    So what's the difficulty? Am I missing something?
                    The point is that we have a string for nationality (the civ you'd like to be part of) and one for religion and that's an ethnic group. So right now if I split Greeks into 2 nationalities Athenians ans Thebans, they are no longer Greek. It's not just a name, it's a name used to know whether you are a favored ethnicity. Greeks discriminated against barbaroi but not among themselves, so the dominant ethnicity of all Greek civs should be the same according to the model. This has the side effect that all of them would like to be part of the same civ, which may not exist. But if they feel oppressed, they would riot and try to rejoin one of the existing Greek civs, and the model doesn't really allow that. I'd have to change it to say 'revolt and become part of whatever civ has your nationality as preferred ethnicity, is not the current square owner, and, amongst these, best matches whatever criteria (being at war with the civ we're revolting against, being near...)
                    Clash of Civilization team member
                    (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                    web site and forum here on apolyton)


                    • #55
                      It's not just a name, it's a name used to know whether you are a favored ethnicity
                      I'd like to see Language and Race as part of the definition of an ethnic group.

                      So that the definition of an EG would be:

                      Nationality: Spartan or Athenian or Theban or...

                      Ethnic Group=
                      Religion: Greek Polytheism
                      Race: Caucasian
                      Language: Greek

                      The names "Mycenaean, Spartan, Phocaean" whatever would then initially "belong" to the Greek Language (= an Ethnolinguistically defined group of people), though once used in the game they could change hands and become something novel.
                      In the same way that you have a list of city names in Civ which gives you automatic and relevant names for you cities, I'm proposing a "tribe/nation" names list, so that as an Ethnicity (I mean Ethnolinguistic group like the Latins or Chinese or Bantu) evolve, or split into and form new states, tribes, nations, ethnic groups (as defined by language and sometimes race as well as religion) you have the same kind of auto naming tree which you can accept or type in your own, and which the computer controlled civs can draw upon to create a feel of a world which changes around your civ with or without its input.
                      if they all have the same language and race, then they can easily coalesce into a later Greek nation, as in history.
                      as in your quote it reflects the political reality of the time and place.

                      Greeks discriminated against barbaroi but not among themselves, so the dominant ethnicity of all Greek civs should be the same according to the model. This has the side effect that all of them would like to be part of the same civ,
                      It's clumsy and unnatural to treat Thebans and Atticans as equally distinct with any other State which has the same religion - imagine an Egyptian state forming which had the same religion... well you're ignoring the fact that it has got to have a very different race and language.
                      which can be factors in discrimination, and the ability to negotiate and acquire technology. These factors also allow a historically plausible way of expressing a Nation's identity as it evolves through the game from straw huts to concrete metropolises.
                      And it's going to look like a glaring continuity error if you want to have faces for the characters...

                      I mean what differentiates the Greeks from the "Barbaroi"? Religion, Language, Politics (the greeks form separate states, though Barabaroi can be assimilated).
                      I'd have to change it to say 'revolt and become part of whatever civ has your nationality as preferred ethnicity
                      Citizens should have preferences for their Religion, Language, and Race, perhaps in that order, or perhaps they could vary from regime type to regime type?
                      These things tend to define nationhood don't they?

                      (I'm assuming that "Religion" covers the intanglible "Culture", though when you look at the variety within religions like Islam, Chistianity, Buddhism, you wonder whether there's another factor which could be a game feature, though I doubt the others would go for this)
                      Last edited by yellowdaddy; March 13, 2004, 16:04.
                      click below for work in progress Clash graphics...
                      clicaibh sios airson tairgnain neo-chriochnaichte dhe Clash...


                      • #56
                        Keep thing in the mind that the game should be finished before 2100 !
                        L'Arabe Dément
                        l'Arabe Fou

                        H.P. LOVECRAFT


                        • #57
                          Je ne suis pas exactement sûr que vous signifiez, mais je ne crois pas que cette idée que j'ai parlée de prenne beaucoup plus long pour appliquer. Et de toute façon, pourquoi c'est meilleur à pas progam ceci dans?
                          click below for work in progress Clash graphics...
                          clicaibh sios airson tairgnain neo-chriochnaichte dhe Clash...


                          • #58
                            Bon, d'accord, je parle en français ...
                            Ok i will speak in French

                            Je voulais simplement dire qu'il faudrait qu'on finisse le jeu avant le 31 Décembre 2099 à minuit

                            Sinon je trouve que toutes vos idées sont bonnes et applicables Dans l'idéal on devrait implémenter tous ces modules ...

                            Voilà !

                            Quel mode de traduction utilisez-vous ?
                            What mode of translation you use ?
                            L'Arabe Dément
                            l'Arabe Fou

                            H.P. LOVECRAFT


                            • #59

                              ne pas parfait, mais c'est mucho bettero thano meo!
                              click below for work in progress Clash graphics...
                              clicaibh sios airson tairgnain neo-chriochnaichte dhe Clash...


                              • #60
                                Arghhh please speak English or correct French if you can't but don't murder either language...
                                About races: Caucasian wouldn't work very well. I don't like the 'race' thing at all because what do you make of India: they were originally invaded by aryans who were presumably caucasians, but evolved by mating with natives into something different. Plus some people like in the island of La Reunion really can't fit into any of the 'races' you could think of. Would you make a distinct race of Basques for instance? I don't like this at all, because the definition of race is very arbitrary. People discriminate on skin/hair colour and looks, but that's not race. But putting in all the kinds of dicriminations that people have suffered (skin cokour and then hair colour/aryanness under nazis) would probably go a bit far for me.
                                Languages and families would be fine on the other hand to define groups of ethnicities that are related.
                                Clash of Civilization team member
                                (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                                web site and forum here on apolyton)

