Hi Laurent:
You and Gary should definitely talk this over to make sure you're using similar approaches, since the two of you are doing the XML stuff at the moment. You lost me on the vocabulary half way thru the post, so I don't think I have anything germane to say about the technical details.
"actual military units on the field" If you mean you want to save every single unit in the active game in XML I personally think this is a waste. They should just be saved as binary using serialization IMO. XML will be prohibitively large to save everything in the game, and should I think be only used for initialization files.
You and Gary should definitely talk this over to make sure you're using similar approaches, since the two of you are doing the XML stuff at the moment. You lost me on the vocabulary half way thru the post, so I don't think I have anything germane to say about the technical details.
"actual military units on the field" If you mean you want to save every single unit in the active game in XML I personally think this is a waste. They should just be saved as binary using serialization IMO. XML will be prohibitively large to save everything in the game, and should I think be only used for initialization files.