quote:![]() Originally posted by Mark_Everson on 03-27-2001 10:42 PM Personally I think Fiera's stuff is really good, and am not worried about trying to do refinements yet. We really only need 4 units for demo 5, and we basically have them now, at least close to the level we'll need them at. (I hope that's ok with you Fiera ![]() ![]() |
Yes, it's absolutely OK with me, but which are these 4 units? I assume the Horde, the Phalanx, the Light Horse unit and a Trirreme? If so, I still want to improve the Horsemen unit a bit before it's ready for making it into the demo.
quote:![]() Another thing to try is a massed battle with a front as occurred in WWII. This will put lots of TFs from each side together, and we need to be sure our overall spec can handle that situation. ![]() |
I'm not sure I understand you here. You mean a long line of squares with two Task Forces inside each of them, or you mean that some squares are going to have more than TFs fighting within?
quote:![]() What does everyone think about this proposal for how to proceed? I'm sure I've missed some things, but I think its the right general direction to go in... ![]() |
Yes, I too think that's the right general direction to go, but I think we must set the different sizes of PCs that we want to have. I have no problem to work on that, and I think I finally understood what you wanted. A set of six circles, with a diameter of 9 pixels for the first one, a diameter of 12 for the second, 15 for the third, and so on until the sixth one wich will have a diameter of 27 pixels, will be fine, I guess. But they've to be drawn, and we have to see if we can really tell them apart from each other.
quote:![]() Like I said above, I think the battle with reduced/silouette units basically works. But IMO its not quite exciting enough. Maybe something as simple as showing the TFs each in the respective player's colors would work. I just have the general feeling that guys in potential combat should be more exciting than what you have now. But I give you credit that the basic idea works! And I think with some refinement it will do quite well. ![]() |
Well, I've made a mix of both ideas: now they're shown in the player's color, but still have black borders so the final result is not too confusing. I think you'll find it better this way. Check it out here:
As for making the battle more "exciting", we can always use animated gifs, as in Civ2. Whenever a unit attacked an enemy unit, there was something like an animated "dust cloud". Some authors improved this animation and got very nice results. We could something as two lightnings colliding, or something, which went together well with the concept of "Clash of Civilizations". If you like the idea, I can try to put together a demo.
quote:![]() BTW those ships are great. I think our ships may need to be a little smaller compared to our tile size because of the need to show the power circle. Perhaps we could use that guy's ships directly if he doesn't mind and if they look ok next to your TFs... What do you think? ![]() |
Well, I know Bernd and I think he wouldn't mind giving us permission to use some of his ships. Maybe we could take one ofthe Trirremes for the demo. However, I again think those ships have too much Civ2 flavour to be our final graphics. Bernd is well known for making graphics that fit perfectly with the original Civ2 units. Furthermore, those graphics are limited to the Civ2 palette, while we can design new and even more atractive units with a wider range of colors.
As for how they'll deal with the PCs, maybe we should throw away that kind of isometric perspective, that tends to "fill" the tile and try with a more "frontal" view, as in the Tank I've used for the demos and in my Chariot graphic.
quote:![]() If PCs are color coded for size I think we'd lose something. I think its important for the player to see the map colored in their color. ![]() |
This has reminded me of one question I have: are the PCs going to be "rings", as I am currently making them, or are they going to be filled circles?