I hope you agree with Gary's distinction between your two inital points: start-up nomadic behavior, and later migration/conquest due to population exceeding the carrying capacity of the homeland etc. We certainly plan to have migrating peoples be an important factor in Clash, just as it has been in the real world. There has already in the past been substantial discussion on how to handle migration that you can probably find using the search function.
Perhaps it was just nomenclature, but the distinction both Gary and I are making is between hunter-gatherer (which I don't think anyone would want to play as explained above) and pastoralists like the Mongols. A third type of 'nomad' is a more modern migrant group leaving because they have become refugees etc. For each of pastoralists and 'migrants' we need to come up with rules as to how they function.
The point you make about the interrelation between pastoralists and 'settled' civs to trade with sounds reasonable to me. I think this effect (pastoralists needing to trade or take certain items) may come straight out of the econ model once I define exactly how the pastoralist economy differs from that of settled civs. Stay tuned!
I hope you agree with Gary's distinction between your two inital points: start-up nomadic behavior, and later migration/conquest due to population exceeding the carrying capacity of the homeland etc. We certainly plan to have migrating peoples be an important factor in Clash, just as it has been in the real world. There has already in the past been substantial discussion on how to handle migration that you can probably find using the search function.
Perhaps it was just nomenclature, but the distinction both Gary and I are making is between hunter-gatherer (which I don't think anyone would want to play as explained above) and pastoralists like the Mongols. A third type of 'nomad' is a more modern migrant group leaving because they have become refugees etc. For each of pastoralists and 'migrants' we need to come up with rules as to how they function.
The point you make about the interrelation between pastoralists and 'settled' civs to trade with sounds reasonable to me. I think this effect (pastoralists needing to trade or take certain items) may come straight out of the econ model once I define exactly how the pastoralist economy differs from that of settled civs. Stay tuned!