I think I am cross-posting from military thread, but I have done a few things since, so it may differ a little:
This is about the cost of training armies.
How should army training be handled? In particular, what should the training/existing facilities relation be? I think it is a general issue of what do you need in terms of infrastructure to build another kind of infrastructure (here, service).
I model training as solely a services cost for units.
I propose that basic training cost be presented on a civ-level (maybe province) so that the user don't have to micromanage each unit training.
This is about the cost of training armies.
How should army training be handled? In particular, what should the training/existing facilities relation be? I think it is a general issue of what do you need in terms of infrastructure to build another kind of infrastructure (here, service).
I model training as solely a services cost for units.
I propose that basic training cost be presented on a civ-level (maybe province) so that the user don't have to micromanage each unit training.