OK. Wow. A lot to attempt to talk about. And Rodrigo i did look quite closely. I just seem to know more about religions and how they work and evolve then prob 90% of thw world population.
1) I don't want to see "monotheism", "meta-life approach" or any such thing in either model. These should only be flavoring names applied arbitrarily to a just born GRW. Why? because they serve no use in gameplay terms and could only lead us to offensive problems. The very essence of each GRW should be there in characteristics WITH A CLEAR EFFECT ON THE GAME
4) What I've being trying to say all along is "don't look at the religion form (natural, sky-based, monotheistic, polithesitic, meta-life, etc), but look at its effects on population and its spreading capabilities". Focus and meditate on this single phrase. My view is religion form is irrelevant IN GAMEPLAY TERMS because if people is monotheistic it makes no difference at all compared to being meta-life supporters. What really matters is what religion does to people and how many people it can reach. As defined in the model, what religion does is to change cultural attributes, making them ad hoc to religion attributes, as if people would be trying to behave according to religion's doctrine. And about spreading capabilities, that's where GRW come in. A GRW is nothing but a religion that can go beyond a particular ethnic group (not beyond a province, civ, nation, border, etc), while a primitive religion is someway attached to a nationality (ethnic group), so others cannot embrace it. An example of primitive religion is aztec beliefs, because in that cult there're elements like "God X protects the aztecs" and consecuently no other tribe feels interested in it (or at least not in a important level). Maybe the name "primitive religion" is not the best and should be called "ethnically attached religion" or such.
OK. I think I can work with that apporach, however you will still need atleast a couple more variables. These do affect daily live and clash game itself because the concept of religion is so differnt in ways from the orient and the west w/o even using the meta-life/god apporach.
I have gone through and based on what u said only put the ones i think need to be added and a good reason why. And don't complain about the numbers...i cut out about half of them because of what u said.
Alignment - (0-100) I didn't want to put this in. Beleive me I don't want to complicate things further than nessasry and this would gladly be the first thing to go if it would simply things enough without destroying what makes a religion different from another, but I can't. Anyway, to keep from saying one religion is good and another evil, instead Alignment is pro-social/anti-social behavior, based on the general morals of the originating ethnic group.
Why is this nessary? Lets take Christianity and its counterpart Satanism (I am usuing the offical religion of Satinsim, not the cults). The only differance between the two would be without this that Christianity would require material sacrifices and Satanism wouldn't and that Christianity is more centralized than Satanism. Hardly enough to show the rivalry (to put it nicely) between them. That is why this is needed.
Another reason is because it is the only way to show many of the so called darker religions. These will have effect in the game by promoting anti-social behavior and turmoil (depending on the civ and alignment) Also pro-social obes might insist on not starting wars even if they are aggressive, but finding other ways to attack.
Aggressiveness - (0-100) This is used for several areas. First it represents the overall assertiveness of a religion. It also is used to determine the overal tolerance level for other beliefs (high aggressiveness=low tolerance). The more a belief structure differs, the more aggressively it will tend to act toward that religion.
Aggressiveness is also used to determine the rate of expansion of GWRs. This doesn't mean highly aggressive religions spread faster or vise versa. It depends on the variables of the other religion.
OK i'm not adding this...just expaning its role so that i don't have to add something like tolerance.
Nature Affininty - (0-100) This represents how the religion views nature and how much of the religion revolves around it. Highly Natural Affinity religions revolve heavily around nature and vise versa. In addtion high Nature Affinity religions will view humans as equal or even less than nature and should try to live in absolute harmony with it, while low Nature Affinity religions view humans as the superior of nature and that they have the right to control and tame nature to do their will.
Why is this needed? Because this is the main driving force for why the western type was the first to develope industrialization, its expansionism, etc. All the eastern religions and the native american religions have much higher levels for this and it has drastically changed the way they act, technologically, socially, economically, etc.
Sacrafice - (0, 1, 2; 0-1) This represents the types of sacrifices one must make for the religion. This doesn't include moral sacrifices to the way you think and act in your daily life as this is inherant to all religions and thus shouldn't be modeled. Instead this represents additional sacrafices one must make. There are theree groups (1-3), each with an on/off switch (0-1) to represent the various types of sacrafice. To keep this model from becoming to complex, if a sacrifice type is "on" it is considered mandtiory in some sort and pretty high on the scale so we don't have to worry about modeling that.
0: Material Sacrifice - This can be anything from money and articles to food and a drastic change of lifestyle, ie beyond what most people would do (such as Traditional Budhism).
1: Animal Sacrifice - One must sacrifice animals to appease the gods or forces around them. These sacrifices can be such as a farm animal, pet or an animal u hunted or just some random aninal.
2: Human Sacrifice - This requires the sacrifice of a human. The one sacrificed can be willing and/or not (prob dependant on aggressiveness). This is different from animal sacrifice for religious and sociatal technological reasons (ie most people usually think human sacrfice is barbaric).
Well these need to be seperated because just having a high level doesn't mean u will sacrifice humans or animals, etc. just something. FE To budhist sacrifice is extermly important. They sacrifice money, clothing, everything materialistic (everything they get they must beg for or get donated to them. This is for tradtional budhism). So there sacrifice would be like around 100. Whether u think u still need the 0-100 range is up to u.
Traditionalism - (0-100) This represemts the resistance to change in the way society is and the religion itself. Older religions tend to have higher levels, up to an extent. At some point they must either change or die out.
Um well this is needed because religions do change slightly, primitive or enthic religions moreso, but even GWRs do to. This could be also used for modeling branches. This is needed also because more tradtional religions who would have low tolerance would be farther behind the times like ur example of christianity.
3) GRW characteristics and moral codes should not change. Two good reasons. First, modeling cost. Modeling that would be as complex as modeling a culture and the question about how each characteristic should behave is not easy to solve. Second, religions indeed have changed almost nothing in thousands of years. I know this can be an opinion you may find wrong, so I'm gonna try to convince you: When we look at religion practices and people's views about religious matters, we can for sure say things have changed notoriously, but this does not mean religion doctrine has changed. Take christianity for instance. All its doctrine has changed about nothing in these 2000 years. Today, it's the same story and beliefs first christians had. Even more, the church still is based in the words of the bible, which is the same book they have used all these centuries. There's a very good example regarding "the universe". Do you know when christianity officially accepted the earth not being in the centre of the universe? Less than a decade ago! Society has accepted Galileo's ideas for centuries so far. This shows how slow changes in doctrine are. The same happens with other religions. What do changes is people's view about religion, but not religion itself. People start to believe in non-religious things like Galileo's ideas or Darwin's ideas, while religion doctrine stays the same. That's why for the same cult you can find from very liberal practicers to fanatics. Fanatics are actually those believers taking doctrine in a rather unflexible way. The social model allows people to be less influenced by religion as techs advance using the "Importance of Religion" variable, so, FE, in a modern west country people would find in religion other roles compared to ancient times.
Well i know your wrong there about religions not changing. I know history of religions and such about them very well. And they have changed in very fundimental ways.
Since your on christianity i'll take up that. Chirstianity first off has had the bible changed by several popes during the middle ages to fit there will and hasn't been corrected. Thus Doctrine changed. This didn't happen in the eastern orthodox branch, just in the roman catholic which was later past down to the protostant branches.
Also another thing. In the begginings of christianity there was no such thing as saints...they were invented later to commenerate people they considered worthy.
Another thing. In the begginning there was even battle over wheter christianity should be monotheistic or polythesitic (not that this matters for ur model), but it's just another example. If you want i can even come up with better examples and for other religions.
2) Religion should not be a tech advance in any way. As said by Richard, when new religions appear, they're just new ways to see the world and therefore it's not a good idea to tag some of them as more advanced than others, which is the main assumption we'd made if included in the tech model.
Well he's right about how religion and philosophy will be handled (as well as fine arts). This isn't that hard to do since techs can even go down in levels if u can't afford their upkeep.
I would prefer that no names be given to any religion. That was the approach taken in the tech model. The social model is the one that gives names and characteristics to the religions.
I agree totally with this. However the player should be able to name him themselves or something other than GWR of (insert enthic group parameter here).
Again, a high tech level is not meant to imply that a religion is better. It means that the religion is a bigger part of people's lives and a bigger part of the civilization.
Actually i'm with rodrigo on this. We should use the religious importance variable for this instead of the religion level.
For another example, consider the Japanese in this century. Only 55 years ago, their society and religion encouraged pilots to crash their airplanes into enemy ships. Nowadays, Japan is one of the most peaceful Asian countries.
In addition they are the most secular nation in the asia, although they are very religious. This is because the east defines religion differntly. It doesn't define it by doctrine or belief, but by practices and riturals in daily life. There is belief, but that takes a second seat. And doctrine is very uninportant.
I don't think the IR variable can cover the problem of static doctrine. The current assumption is that people will either follow an ancient, unchanging doctrine to the word or ignore it completely. The form of religions will change; equally devout people will sometimes do entirely different things as the interpretation of the religion changes over the centuries.
Actually i didn't think about this, but he does have a point. I mean even with working with that there is still going to fanatics and those who don't give a ****, but will call themselves a certain religion.
Finally on a totally differnt note:
Resurectting dead religions:
It should be possible, even after 1000s of years. It has happened IRL. the 2 examples are greek religion and druidic religion.
The thing is first the place would haveto allow religions freedom (perfer not favoring 1 religion) and there would haveto be other variables too. But even if it were revived, it wouldn't be exactly the same. It would be close, but not quite the same because of time and because ur basing everything on records, not actually living and breathing when this occured.
[This message has been edited by Lord God Jinnai (edited June 28, 2000).]
1) I don't want to see "monotheism", "meta-life approach" or any such thing in either model. These should only be flavoring names applied arbitrarily to a just born GRW. Why? because they serve no use in gameplay terms and could only lead us to offensive problems. The very essence of each GRW should be there in characteristics WITH A CLEAR EFFECT ON THE GAME
4) What I've being trying to say all along is "don't look at the religion form (natural, sky-based, monotheistic, polithesitic, meta-life, etc), but look at its effects on population and its spreading capabilities". Focus and meditate on this single phrase. My view is religion form is irrelevant IN GAMEPLAY TERMS because if people is monotheistic it makes no difference at all compared to being meta-life supporters. What really matters is what religion does to people and how many people it can reach. As defined in the model, what religion does is to change cultural attributes, making them ad hoc to religion attributes, as if people would be trying to behave according to religion's doctrine. And about spreading capabilities, that's where GRW come in. A GRW is nothing but a religion that can go beyond a particular ethnic group (not beyond a province, civ, nation, border, etc), while a primitive religion is someway attached to a nationality (ethnic group), so others cannot embrace it. An example of primitive religion is aztec beliefs, because in that cult there're elements like "God X protects the aztecs" and consecuently no other tribe feels interested in it (or at least not in a important level). Maybe the name "primitive religion" is not the best and should be called "ethnically attached religion" or such.
OK. I think I can work with that apporach, however you will still need atleast a couple more variables. These do affect daily live and clash game itself because the concept of religion is so differnt in ways from the orient and the west w/o even using the meta-life/god apporach.
I have gone through and based on what u said only put the ones i think need to be added and a good reason why. And don't complain about the numbers...i cut out about half of them because of what u said.
Alignment - (0-100) I didn't want to put this in. Beleive me I don't want to complicate things further than nessasry and this would gladly be the first thing to go if it would simply things enough without destroying what makes a religion different from another, but I can't. Anyway, to keep from saying one religion is good and another evil, instead Alignment is pro-social/anti-social behavior, based on the general morals of the originating ethnic group.
Why is this nessary? Lets take Christianity and its counterpart Satanism (I am usuing the offical religion of Satinsim, not the cults). The only differance between the two would be without this that Christianity would require material sacrifices and Satanism wouldn't and that Christianity is more centralized than Satanism. Hardly enough to show the rivalry (to put it nicely) between them. That is why this is needed.
Another reason is because it is the only way to show many of the so called darker religions. These will have effect in the game by promoting anti-social behavior and turmoil (depending on the civ and alignment) Also pro-social obes might insist on not starting wars even if they are aggressive, but finding other ways to attack.
Aggressiveness - (0-100) This is used for several areas. First it represents the overall assertiveness of a religion. It also is used to determine the overal tolerance level for other beliefs (high aggressiveness=low tolerance). The more a belief structure differs, the more aggressively it will tend to act toward that religion.
Aggressiveness is also used to determine the rate of expansion of GWRs. This doesn't mean highly aggressive religions spread faster or vise versa. It depends on the variables of the other religion.
OK i'm not adding this...just expaning its role so that i don't have to add something like tolerance.
Nature Affininty - (0-100) This represents how the religion views nature and how much of the religion revolves around it. Highly Natural Affinity religions revolve heavily around nature and vise versa. In addtion high Nature Affinity religions will view humans as equal or even less than nature and should try to live in absolute harmony with it, while low Nature Affinity religions view humans as the superior of nature and that they have the right to control and tame nature to do their will.
Why is this needed? Because this is the main driving force for why the western type was the first to develope industrialization, its expansionism, etc. All the eastern religions and the native american religions have much higher levels for this and it has drastically changed the way they act, technologically, socially, economically, etc.
Sacrafice - (0, 1, 2; 0-1) This represents the types of sacrifices one must make for the religion. This doesn't include moral sacrifices to the way you think and act in your daily life as this is inherant to all religions and thus shouldn't be modeled. Instead this represents additional sacrafices one must make. There are theree groups (1-3), each with an on/off switch (0-1) to represent the various types of sacrafice. To keep this model from becoming to complex, if a sacrifice type is "on" it is considered mandtiory in some sort and pretty high on the scale so we don't have to worry about modeling that.
0: Material Sacrifice - This can be anything from money and articles to food and a drastic change of lifestyle, ie beyond what most people would do (such as Traditional Budhism).
1: Animal Sacrifice - One must sacrifice animals to appease the gods or forces around them. These sacrifices can be such as a farm animal, pet or an animal u hunted or just some random aninal.
2: Human Sacrifice - This requires the sacrifice of a human. The one sacrificed can be willing and/or not (prob dependant on aggressiveness). This is different from animal sacrifice for religious and sociatal technological reasons (ie most people usually think human sacrfice is barbaric).
Well these need to be seperated because just having a high level doesn't mean u will sacrifice humans or animals, etc. just something. FE To budhist sacrifice is extermly important. They sacrifice money, clothing, everything materialistic (everything they get they must beg for or get donated to them. This is for tradtional budhism). So there sacrifice would be like around 100. Whether u think u still need the 0-100 range is up to u.
Traditionalism - (0-100) This represemts the resistance to change in the way society is and the religion itself. Older religions tend to have higher levels, up to an extent. At some point they must either change or die out.
Um well this is needed because religions do change slightly, primitive or enthic religions moreso, but even GWRs do to. This could be also used for modeling branches. This is needed also because more tradtional religions who would have low tolerance would be farther behind the times like ur example of christianity.
3) GRW characteristics and moral codes should not change. Two good reasons. First, modeling cost. Modeling that would be as complex as modeling a culture and the question about how each characteristic should behave is not easy to solve. Second, religions indeed have changed almost nothing in thousands of years. I know this can be an opinion you may find wrong, so I'm gonna try to convince you: When we look at religion practices and people's views about religious matters, we can for sure say things have changed notoriously, but this does not mean religion doctrine has changed. Take christianity for instance. All its doctrine has changed about nothing in these 2000 years. Today, it's the same story and beliefs first christians had. Even more, the church still is based in the words of the bible, which is the same book they have used all these centuries. There's a very good example regarding "the universe". Do you know when christianity officially accepted the earth not being in the centre of the universe? Less than a decade ago! Society has accepted Galileo's ideas for centuries so far. This shows how slow changes in doctrine are. The same happens with other religions. What do changes is people's view about religion, but not religion itself. People start to believe in non-religious things like Galileo's ideas or Darwin's ideas, while religion doctrine stays the same. That's why for the same cult you can find from very liberal practicers to fanatics. Fanatics are actually those believers taking doctrine in a rather unflexible way. The social model allows people to be less influenced by religion as techs advance using the "Importance of Religion" variable, so, FE, in a modern west country people would find in religion other roles compared to ancient times.
Well i know your wrong there about religions not changing. I know history of religions and such about them very well. And they have changed in very fundimental ways.
Since your on christianity i'll take up that. Chirstianity first off has had the bible changed by several popes during the middle ages to fit there will and hasn't been corrected. Thus Doctrine changed. This didn't happen in the eastern orthodox branch, just in the roman catholic which was later past down to the protostant branches.
Also another thing. In the begginings of christianity there was no such thing as saints...they were invented later to commenerate people they considered worthy.
Another thing. In the begginning there was even battle over wheter christianity should be monotheistic or polythesitic (not that this matters for ur model), but it's just another example. If you want i can even come up with better examples and for other religions.
2) Religion should not be a tech advance in any way. As said by Richard, when new religions appear, they're just new ways to see the world and therefore it's not a good idea to tag some of them as more advanced than others, which is the main assumption we'd made if included in the tech model.
Well he's right about how religion and philosophy will be handled (as well as fine arts). This isn't that hard to do since techs can even go down in levels if u can't afford their upkeep.
I would prefer that no names be given to any religion. That was the approach taken in the tech model. The social model is the one that gives names and characteristics to the religions.
I agree totally with this. However the player should be able to name him themselves or something other than GWR of (insert enthic group parameter here).
Again, a high tech level is not meant to imply that a religion is better. It means that the religion is a bigger part of people's lives and a bigger part of the civilization.
Actually i'm with rodrigo on this. We should use the religious importance variable for this instead of the religion level.
For another example, consider the Japanese in this century. Only 55 years ago, their society and religion encouraged pilots to crash their airplanes into enemy ships. Nowadays, Japan is one of the most peaceful Asian countries.
In addition they are the most secular nation in the asia, although they are very religious. This is because the east defines religion differntly. It doesn't define it by doctrine or belief, but by practices and riturals in daily life. There is belief, but that takes a second seat. And doctrine is very uninportant.
I don't think the IR variable can cover the problem of static doctrine. The current assumption is that people will either follow an ancient, unchanging doctrine to the word or ignore it completely. The form of religions will change; equally devout people will sometimes do entirely different things as the interpretation of the religion changes over the centuries.
Actually i didn't think about this, but he does have a point. I mean even with working with that there is still going to fanatics and those who don't give a ****, but will call themselves a certain religion.
Finally on a totally differnt note:
Resurectting dead religions:
It should be possible, even after 1000s of years. It has happened IRL. the 2 examples are greek religion and druidic religion.
The thing is first the place would haveto allow religions freedom (perfer not favoring 1 religion) and there would haveto be other variables too. But even if it were revived, it wouldn't be exactly the same. It would be close, but not quite the same because of time and because ur basing everything on records, not actually living and breathing when this occured.
[This message has been edited by Lord God Jinnai (edited June 28, 2000).]