"That conclusion came from the RC's actions in the government model. They always acted the same. Giving them the "importance of religion" variable like you suggested should erase most of my concerns there ..."
Oh, I see. It was the word "people" that confused me. I prefer to refer to RC members as "the clergy" and preserve the term "people" for common people (not church-related). Anyway, I'm also glad you see this solved. A big step forward!
"I think that the name of this variable should be changed to, 'importance of doctrine'. "
Maybe a change of name would help, but the one you propose can lead to confusion too. Since Importance of Religion is also used by people and the church to decide how much power the RC should have, then if you change it to Importance of Doctrine it's strange to use it for that. I'd suggest the name "Passion for Religion" or something like that. In this case when it's high, then it's understandable people care a lot more about doctrine and also want the church to be a integral part of the govt.
"You're right about my concerns of the social model being "timeless," but since you seem to be able to show its not then OK."
I knew it!
That was the big problem behind all your protests. We should be happy we now know what the problem is. It should help us move forward. Of course this doesn't end the tech-social discussion. I said I can show many social things can be modeled in the social/govt models being accurate about historical time. I have already done it for some variables like slavery. If others come to mind, must be named so we can analyze if they're or not well modeled (in the historical time sense) in the social model. I know the social model won't be able to cover all social stuff, so we must be aware.
About a list of techs, let me name some "advances/applications" I consider social-related that I feel must be managed in the tech system rather than in the social model for better results:
Worshiping Building (temples, etc)
Holy/Spiritual/Religious Warrior
Ideologies (for the govt model)
Code of Law
how do you like those?
For those and for any other you can think of, we have to give them a good definition (so we can know what we're really modeling) and think how Research Points would be generated, based mostly on social and govt variables.
"we should allow more than 1 official religion and the player can atleast ban certain types of religions"
That's something I'd like too. My problem with that when building the model was that, although it's easy for the player choosing what religions are official, what are forbidden, what prosecuted, etc, it's not easy to make classes take those decisions. Since the govt model needs what classes want to define govt policies, your proposal becomes a bigger problem to cope with. I'm not entirely happy either with the way I'm handling religious discrimination. I cannot promise you I'll be able to change it, but I promise you I'll think again about it and see if another solution can be found.
"you didn't answer my point about how GWR will be able to cope in the new era without variable change, espically when doctrine changes and IoR is on the increase as well as decrease (in differn't aspects)."
How GRW will behave in modern times? is that the question? If so, first we have to be clear that it's not religion itself that behaves a certain way, but people who follow it. The people who follow it belongs to two groups. The clergy (Religious Class) and the rest (all other people). Change in behavior is given by IoR. As a general trend, and assuming no catastrophies, IoR goes down and down pushed mostly by scientific advances. So in modern times IoR is low for both groups (clergy and people) because techs are sky high. Being low, people and clergy's mentalities are less influenced by religious attributes and more influenced by other factors, like the environment where they live. Given this, chances are both groups will behave in modern times based mostly on other things than on religion attributes. IoR is also used directly to make people choose secular regimes and be less inclined to things like religious discrimination. So, for a typical western nation in modern times, chances are the church and the people will agree on having a secular state, with freedom of worship and no interest in things like crusades (although the latter must be worked along with the diplo model for the right result).
As you can see, the key is IoR, and since it is mostly dependant on the "overall tech level", the most probable scenario a player would face is churches and people behaving one way before the boom of techs during the industrial revolution and other after it.
[This message has been edited by roquijad (edited July 05, 2000).]
"That conclusion came from the RC's actions in the government model. They always acted the same. Giving them the "importance of religion" variable like you suggested should erase most of my concerns there ..."
Oh, I see. It was the word "people" that confused me. I prefer to refer to RC members as "the clergy" and preserve the term "people" for common people (not church-related). Anyway, I'm also glad you see this solved. A big step forward!
"I think that the name of this variable should be changed to, 'importance of doctrine'. "
Maybe a change of name would help, but the one you propose can lead to confusion too. Since Importance of Religion is also used by people and the church to decide how much power the RC should have, then if you change it to Importance of Doctrine it's strange to use it for that. I'd suggest the name "Passion for Religion" or something like that. In this case when it's high, then it's understandable people care a lot more about doctrine and also want the church to be a integral part of the govt.
"You're right about my concerns of the social model being "timeless," but since you seem to be able to show its not then OK."
I knew it!

About a list of techs, let me name some "advances/applications" I consider social-related that I feel must be managed in the tech system rather than in the social model for better results:
Worshiping Building (temples, etc)
Holy/Spiritual/Religious Warrior
Ideologies (for the govt model)
Code of Law
how do you like those?
For those and for any other you can think of, we have to give them a good definition (so we can know what we're really modeling) and think how Research Points would be generated, based mostly on social and govt variables.
"we should allow more than 1 official religion and the player can atleast ban certain types of religions"
That's something I'd like too. My problem with that when building the model was that, although it's easy for the player choosing what religions are official, what are forbidden, what prosecuted, etc, it's not easy to make classes take those decisions. Since the govt model needs what classes want to define govt policies, your proposal becomes a bigger problem to cope with. I'm not entirely happy either with the way I'm handling religious discrimination. I cannot promise you I'll be able to change it, but I promise you I'll think again about it and see if another solution can be found.
"you didn't answer my point about how GWR will be able to cope in the new era without variable change, espically when doctrine changes and IoR is on the increase as well as decrease (in differn't aspects)."
How GRW will behave in modern times? is that the question? If so, first we have to be clear that it's not religion itself that behaves a certain way, but people who follow it. The people who follow it belongs to two groups. The clergy (Religious Class) and the rest (all other people). Change in behavior is given by IoR. As a general trend, and assuming no catastrophies, IoR goes down and down pushed mostly by scientific advances. So in modern times IoR is low for both groups (clergy and people) because techs are sky high. Being low, people and clergy's mentalities are less influenced by religious attributes and more influenced by other factors, like the environment where they live. Given this, chances are both groups will behave in modern times based mostly on other things than on religion attributes. IoR is also used directly to make people choose secular regimes and be less inclined to things like religious discrimination. So, for a typical western nation in modern times, chances are the church and the people will agree on having a secular state, with freedom of worship and no interest in things like crusades (although the latter must be worked along with the diplo model for the right result).
As you can see, the key is IoR, and since it is mostly dependant on the "overall tech level", the most probable scenario a player would face is churches and people behaving one way before the boom of techs during the industrial revolution and other after it.
[This message has been edited by roquijad (edited July 05, 2000).]