I should have been asking for help via 'Test Cases' all along. My mistake. Maybe this will grease the wheels of develoment.
I'll start simple, small, to see if I'm making sense:
* * * *
Test Case 1: The Coalition Govt Policy System
Raising taxes.
I'll start simple, small, to see if I'm making sense:
* * * *
Test Case 1: The Coalition Govt Policy System
Raising taxes.
- [*]Select 'edit Civilization' from the 'Edit Objects' pulldown menu.
[*]Select 'Hill People' to edit.
[*]Click the 'Edit Ruler Preferences' button.
[*]Tell King Mung to raise taxes by 10%.
[*]Follow the above steps to edit the 'Town People'.
[*]Tell Mayor Kellog he wishes to raise taxes by 1%
[*]Click the 'One Turn' button. Read the turn's events.
[*]Go back and look at Political Structures for each govt, and analyze results.
[*]Now play with changing tax rates up or down as various rulers.[/list]
That is a simplified example of a 'coalition' govt approach. All groups with power vote either yea or nay, depending on
any variables necessary.
For the sake of this demonstration,
- [*]The People always favor tax cuts[*]The People are unhappy about but will not stop small tax increases (below 3%).[*]The People will fight any increases higher than 3% a year.[*]Business *always* fights an increase.[/list]
I thought about making religion always favor a tax increase . . . didn't know.
* * * *
Test Case 2: The 'Negotiated' Policy System
Stop the Hatred
- [*]Select 'edit Civilization' from the 'Edit Objects' pulldown menu.
[*]Select 'Hill People' to edit.
[*]Click the 'Edit Ruler Preferences' button.
[*]Note current ED level is 5.
[*]Tell King Mung to stop the hatred, and cut Ethnic Discrimination to 3.
[*]Click the 'One Turn' button. Read the turn's events.
[*]Go back and look at Political Structurs for each govt, and analyze results. Especially the 'Town People'.[/list]
That is a simplified example of a 'negotiated' govt approach. All groups' desires are 'averaged', weighted according to
their political power.
For the ED determination of each group, the formulae from the Govt Model were used, at least if I got them right:
people's ED choice = (1/(1+(5-(culture.getNationalism()/10)))) + ((100-culture.getEthnicTolerance())/10);
capital ED choice = (1/(1+(5-(culture.getNationalism()/10)))) + ((100-culture.getEthnicTolerance())/10);
religion's ED choice = (1/(1+(5-(state_religion.getNationalism()/10)))) + ((100-state_religion.getEthnicTolerance())/10);
warriors want a hard-coded 5, for the time-being.
* * * *
Please try both methods, and play with them. They will both work, but with very different feels. Should we use both?
Only one? Neither?
I've now built the structure for both, so will almost certainly retain both as options rather than throw it away. I'll finish putting the specific calculations in the rest of the policies tomorrow night, assuming there's no objections.
[This message has been edited by F_Smith (edited August 21, 2000).]