Guide to the current design status of The Clash of Civilizations
Comments and criticism welcome
[Severely edited 5/13/00, since this had gotten Way out of date]
Welcome to the Clash of Civilizations project.
As of now, relatively little of the information for the project is in finalized form. However, we are quite far along in specifying high-level models in areas like: the Military; Economy; Government; Technology... We have also made some progress on the Main Interface; Map, Unit, and other Artwork; Culture; Customization; Diplomacy; and AI. Most of the better-developed areas have HTML documents on the web page that outline the main thrust in that. Some of these docs go down to a fairly detailed level. You'll find links to the threads that hold these docs, and the subsequent discussion about them, on the web page. In addition, the Apolyton forums have excellent search capability. If you'd like to know about some area that's not indicated on the web site, just click on the search link near the upper right of the main Clash forum page.
If you're a visitor, feel free to critique any area of interest you. We need Everyone's brainpower working here on evaluation of these models. Are they too complicated? Too hard to make an interface for? Just plain Boring? Great?... Because we have already locked in the broad nature of the each game element, comments or criticisms are somewhat more valuable at the level of the details within these models. Note that many of the dukes (coordinators in charge of various areas) have had an increasing number of Real Life commitments over the last few months or so. Many of the discussions just stop at that point. However, your suggestions will still be of value when the final summaries are written up. Please put your suggestions for these areas In The Threads Themselves so that we keep some order in the discussion. So, let us have it
What we're looking for out of the demos, is to allow people to test out many of the innovative features in Clash before development gets too far. This should allow us to identify "Turkey" aspects of our current design, and come up with something new to replace them. The latest demo, and a description of the feedback we're looking for on it, can always be found on the web page.
Tell us what you think... And as usual if there's something I need to put up here that I've missed, let me know.
[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited May 14, 2000).]