1. The most important trigger functions: BeginTurn, BeginXPlayerTurn, EndXPlayerTurn, EndTurn, PlayerUnitDefeated, PlayerAreaOccupied, PlayerDefeated, PlayerWin, UnitMove, LandUnitMove, SeaUnitMove, AirUnitMove, UnitMoveXYField, WonderReadyNextTurn, WonderReady, BuildingReadyNextTurn,BuildingReady, UnitReady, Hunger, LowFund, DiplomaticMessageArrived, DiplomaticMessageSent. If you have new ideas please let me know!
2. We must built-in a control function to check if we need to call a trigger script (it has user code) or not (empty). IMO the best to check it in the start procedure, and store it in a boolean array.
3. We need to declare an interface with the most important variable values. These values are copies of the original values in the game engine. A copy program will copy the real values from the engine to the dummy scripts variables, and copy back (with value control!). We need to provide also a few read only values too.
4. We must implement a flexible MessageBox function too. The game engine and the user script can call this function. IMO we need four different type of them:
(1) normal MessageBox(„Your capital is defeated!”)
(2) radiobuttons MessageBoxR(„Your XY units are too weak! You want to:”, Upgrade them, Disband them, Do nothing) : number
(3) value MessageBoxV(„Which year you want to start the game?”, number) : number
(4) MessageBoxC(„You realy want to disband this unit?”) : boolean
5. I just cannot detect the entire possible user programming problems with the scripts. (I.e. endless cycles, etc.) So the user has a freedom to write perfect scenarios or they can defect the system too.
6. I have a few ideas about the important data values for the users: (map data file, users data file, technology tree, turns, wonders, units, buildings) If you have new ideas please let me know!
Blade Runner
[This message has been edited by Blade Runner (edited March 14, 2000).]
2. We must built-in a control function to check if we need to call a trigger script (it has user code) or not (empty). IMO the best to check it in the start procedure, and store it in a boolean array.
3. We need to declare an interface with the most important variable values. These values are copies of the original values in the game engine. A copy program will copy the real values from the engine to the dummy scripts variables, and copy back (with value control!). We need to provide also a few read only values too.
4. We must implement a flexible MessageBox function too. The game engine and the user script can call this function. IMO we need four different type of them:
(1) normal MessageBox(„Your capital is defeated!”)
(2) radiobuttons MessageBoxR(„Your XY units are too weak! You want to:”, Upgrade them, Disband them, Do nothing) : number
(3) value MessageBoxV(„Which year you want to start the game?”, number) : number
(4) MessageBoxC(„You realy want to disband this unit?”) : boolean
5. I just cannot detect the entire possible user programming problems with the scripts. (I.e. endless cycles, etc.) So the user has a freedom to write perfect scenarios or they can defect the system too.
6. I have a few ideas about the important data values for the users: (map data file, users data file, technology tree, turns, wonders, units, buildings) If you have new ideas please let me know!
Blade Runner
[This message has been edited by Blade Runner (edited March 14, 2000).]