This thread is hereby reserved for discussion of only Demo 8.1, and perhaps 8.2. For that reason the scope should be limited to things that we can probably achieve in the next few weeks to a month. For discussion of longer-term plans including a walk to Demo 9, please use the Demo 9 Overall Approach thread. If those of you who have already made posts on longer-term planning aspects here could transfer them over to the Demo 9 thread, I would greatly appreciate it. If you want to copy over posts that summarize discussion of given topics contributed to by several individuals, that would be even better.
[b]An emerging and tentative demo 8.1 plan[\b]
I am going to sketch out what I perceive of the outlines of a plan so far, so that people can propose additions, deletions, and modifications. I will grab different things freely from different peoples posts, and might forget to attribute them to an individual. This will work out fine if we just remember that all Good ideas are mine, and lesser ideas belong to others.
I won't attempt to prioritize these yet, but simply present them as a list. I would like a target getting this out sometime in January. Laurent especially is overworked in this plan, but I will rely on him to say if it is too much, and what should be cut. Others, do you feel you have the right amount of things to do, too much, too little?
AI (Laurent)
-Checking ai siege and reinforcement code.
-AI for naval units including loading and unloading land units
-AI for exploration
-order to pursue/attack particular enemy TF
-AI knows to attack province capitals
some start on an over all military AI including fronts (demo 8.2?)
-some start on overall planning [The ai would be much better if it had a high level planning that decided whether subplans should be explore and defend, attack and defend, attack explore and defend, and what in what proportion. Add in shifting economic stance from peace time to war time eventually] (demo 8.2?)
Military (Laurent)
-refine city wall availability, cost and effect
-supply level affects movement rate (can be offset by forraging which can damage economy)
Tutorials (alms)
-overall intro (Dawn)
-economy, military, government/social, and technology
Diplomacy (Vovan, Laurent)
Some diplomacy with the ai to handle it. Simple ways to handle war to peace and peace to war transition. adjust depending on what Vovan thinks he can achieve
technology (alms, Mark, Laurent)
more complete ancient Tech tree. As has been pointed out many technologies will need game functions before they are interesting to the player. Integrate technology changes better with economics and social models, and modify military model as needed. Take ten to twenty technologies that currently have no effects and give them game effects
Government and social models (Laurent, Mark, alms)
Enhancing social model code. Give all government social policies meaning in terms of economic productivity, technological development rate, military effectiveness, and in other areas as appropriate.
Economy (Mark)
-outline rudimentary economic AI to handle war to peace transitions, and perhaps several different philosophies of economic development.
-population growth depends on more than food (infrastructure, medicine level, etc.)
-real military supply system, food for troops comes from somewhere identifiable, supplying troops outside of civ becomes expensive (8.2?)
-economic effects of troops and battles, pillaging...
-use return-on-investment criteria to produce a right-sized army with few player orders
Scenario editor (Gary)
progresses as time is available (demo 8.2?)
Miscellaneous (TBD)
City Creation Ability (founding cities at least, but automated creation would be extra gravy). One thing that could be done is to automatically chose cities as capitals of provinces instead of the current system (when a province is lost). Plus relocating capital by the ai.
-show provincial and civ capitals on map (star in civ color or something)
-rivers and lakes (8.2?)
[edit: copy plan from lower in the thread to top]
[b]An emerging and tentative demo 8.1 plan[\b]
I am going to sketch out what I perceive of the outlines of a plan so far, so that people can propose additions, deletions, and modifications. I will grab different things freely from different peoples posts, and might forget to attribute them to an individual. This will work out fine if we just remember that all Good ideas are mine, and lesser ideas belong to others.

AI (Laurent)
-Checking ai siege and reinforcement code.
-AI for naval units including loading and unloading land units
-AI for exploration
-order to pursue/attack particular enemy TF
-AI knows to attack province capitals
some start on an over all military AI including fronts (demo 8.2?)
-some start on overall planning [The ai would be much better if it had a high level planning that decided whether subplans should be explore and defend, attack and defend, attack explore and defend, and what in what proportion. Add in shifting economic stance from peace time to war time eventually] (demo 8.2?)
Military (Laurent)
-refine city wall availability, cost and effect
-supply level affects movement rate (can be offset by forraging which can damage economy)
Tutorials (alms)
-overall intro (Dawn)
-economy, military, government/social, and technology
Diplomacy (Vovan, Laurent)
Some diplomacy with the ai to handle it. Simple ways to handle war to peace and peace to war transition. adjust depending on what Vovan thinks he can achieve
technology (alms, Mark, Laurent)
more complete ancient Tech tree. As has been pointed out many technologies will need game functions before they are interesting to the player. Integrate technology changes better with economics and social models, and modify military model as needed. Take ten to twenty technologies that currently have no effects and give them game effects
Government and social models (Laurent, Mark, alms)
Enhancing social model code. Give all government social policies meaning in terms of economic productivity, technological development rate, military effectiveness, and in other areas as appropriate.
Economy (Mark)
-outline rudimentary economic AI to handle war to peace transitions, and perhaps several different philosophies of economic development.
-population growth depends on more than food (infrastructure, medicine level, etc.)
-real military supply system, food for troops comes from somewhere identifiable, supplying troops outside of civ becomes expensive (8.2?)
-economic effects of troops and battles, pillaging...
-use return-on-investment criteria to produce a right-sized army with few player orders
Scenario editor (Gary)
progresses as time is available (demo 8.2?)
Miscellaneous (TBD)
City Creation Ability (founding cities at least, but automated creation would be extra gravy). One thing that could be done is to automatically chose cities as capitals of provinces instead of the current system (when a province is lost). Plus relocating capital by the ai.
-show provincial and civ capitals on map (star in civ color or something)
-rivers and lakes (8.2?)
[edit: copy plan from lower in the thread to top]