I've coded a lot of things for the ai, and want feedback on that before I go any further, so...
What should I be doing now?
Here's what the polls gave, reordered by priority:
20) demo priorities
a - Savegames. 4 25,0%
d - Technology. 2 12,5%
f - Social model. 2 12,5%
g - Government/Riots models. 2 12,5%
l - Graphics and GUI update. 2 12,5%
b - Map generator. 1 6,3%
e - economics/infrastructure. 1 6,3%
i - Diplomacy. 1 6,3%
k - Military AI. 1 6,3%
The current code status vis a vis the demo:
a - nothing done
d - no extra code done, but Richard could probably do things with the existing code
f - little or nothing done
g - government code exists but sketchy
l - an alternate military units building UI exists
b - There are some map generators, which now include terrain types, but aren't playable
e - don't know what's needed here
i - some infrastructure exists but there is nothing usable
k - some improvements
Here are the options I think of (considering both how important that looks and how much I want to code that particular kind of things):
2)Social model
3)Econ user interface
4)Map generator with random civs placement
6)Infrastructure for Healing units
7)Auto explore and spying
What should I be doing now?
Here's what the polls gave, reordered by priority:
20) demo priorities
a - Savegames. 4 25,0%
d - Technology. 2 12,5%
f - Social model. 2 12,5%
g - Government/Riots models. 2 12,5%
l - Graphics and GUI update. 2 12,5%
b - Map generator. 1 6,3%
e - economics/infrastructure. 1 6,3%
i - Diplomacy. 1 6,3%
k - Military AI. 1 6,3%
The current code status vis a vis the demo:
a - nothing done
d - no extra code done, but Richard could probably do things with the existing code
f - little or nothing done
g - government code exists but sketchy
l - an alternate military units building UI exists
b - There are some map generators, which now include terrain types, but aren't playable
e - don't know what's needed here
i - some infrastructure exists but there is nothing usable
k - some improvements
Here are the options I think of (considering both how important that looks and how much I want to code that particular kind of things):
2)Social model
3)Econ user interface
4)Map generator with random civs placement
6)Infrastructure for Healing units
7)Auto explore and spying