I played a bit more with the map generator.
I realised that the plcament of the initial seeds is very important. Grouping the land seeds together results in better results for instance. This means that land plates and sea plates shouldn't be distributed randomly over the map. Land plates should be grouped together in order to avoid weird lakes or inner seas to be too common.
I also tried to add some vegetation based on wind patterns and humidity (drier after rugged terrain), but my algorithm is not very good, as you may see.
If someone has detailed algorithms to propose, they're welcome.
I realised that the plcament of the initial seeds is very important. Grouping the land seeds together results in better results for instance. This means that land plates and sea plates shouldn't be distributed randomly over the map. Land plates should be grouped together in order to avoid weird lakes or inner seas to be too common.
I also tried to add some vegetation based on wind patterns and humidity (drier after rugged terrain), but my algorithm is not very good, as you may see.
If someone has detailed algorithms to propose, they're welcome.