Originally posted by TechWins
So the score is only going to be determined from FATES of empires and not multiple variables? Also, the DIQ is going to be an average and not a number that is constantly changing with no regard to it's prior value, right? If any of that makes sense.
So the score is only going to be determined from FATES of empires and not multiple variables? Also, the DIQ is going to be an average and not a number that is constantly changing with no regard to it's prior value, right? If any of that makes sense.

Your DIQ for each Empire will be a reasonable expression of how 'well' that Empire does over the course of its history. Now the real question is: What are the criterions for 'success' of an Empire?

Suffice it to say Longevity, Size, Happiness and 'Achievements' will all play a part.